Arthritis is characterized by joint pain and inflammation and it affects quite a large percentage of people. There are varied and different forms of this disease and when left neglected can create much havoc. Among them are physical and mobility limitations, deformity and even debilitation. When one is living with arthritis, it can cause significant inconvenience. Arthritis treatment options are available, either through conventional methods or through the holistic approach to mention the basics. Many well know of conventional means for arthritis treatment. They can be through pharmaceutical drugs or certain procedures or even surgery. These are regarded as mainstream arthritis treatment measures.

But often, they come with side effects which entail other discomforts. Such is why there are those who turn to holistic medicine. The holistic approach for arthritis treatment is becoming quite popular. Holistic medicine offers a lasting relief from arthritic pain and inflammation. This approach to arthritis states that the disease is caused by several factors. Contributing to its different forms are not only physical imbalances but mental and environmental irregularities as well. To treat the disease properly requires an assessment of the factors which caused it. A battery of diagnostic tools are used to create an individual picture of the patient's case.

Among these diagnostic tools are physical exams, emotional evaluations, dietary assessments and tests for the immune and digestive functions. The holistic medicine practitioner takes time in finding the root cause and the patient has an active participation in their treatment. There is a wide range of therapies in the holistic approach for arthritis treatment and even prevention. Chinese herbal medicine, stress reduction, detoxification, proper diet and nutrition are within these means of therapy. Massage and exercises, acupuncture and chiropractic are also resorted to for repair of nerves and muscles. The goal of holistic medicine is to achieve balance and health.

This approach believes that the contrary-ill health and disease- are caused by obstructions which impede the flow of energy in the organs. To restore energy and function to the system, holistic medicine makes use of Chinese herbs. When it comes to arthritic pain and inflammation, diet and nutrition are crucial. All in all, this alternative arthritis treatment aims on catering to the overall health of the patient. It is not only inclined towards providing superficial symptomatic relief. Through thorough tests and evaluations, imbalances are detected until the causes of arthritis are detected. It is then that treatment options are applied, and they are generally natural healing therapies.

Such therapies are geared towards restoring balance and harmony all throughout the system. This is not only in the physical sense, but in all aspects of the person. Natural arthritis treatment also makes use of natural supplements. One such product for natural joint protection is Joint Advance. With Joint Advance, joint health is supported the natural way. Joint Advance has herbal and organic ingredients thus side effects are less likely to occur. Joint Advance has been proven effective and it is guaranteed to offer joint pain relief. One can do away with the limitations of joint pain and healthy living can be enjoyed to the fullest.

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There are many reasons those may cause back neck pain from muscular injuries to arthritis and pinched nerves. Sometimes back neck pain occurs due to other problems which are not related to musculoskeletal system of the body like swelling of diaphragm and heart attack. Neck contain muscles, ligaments, tendons which may get injured or stretched to cause back pain and also swelling to these organs due to infection and other disorders also cause pain during the movement.

Apart from injuries to muscles, ligaments and tendons back neck pain may occur due to arthritis too, osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Degenerative arthritis can pinch the nerves attached to cervical spine to cause severe and chronic pain in the neck. Degeneration of cervical disc also causes back neck pain. Other conditions like fractured collar bone, injury to rotator cuff, bursitis, broken shoulder blade, tendinitis and gallbladder problems can also cause pain in the upper back and neck.

The pain that occurs in the upper back and neck is sharp and sudden but it can be deep dull ache too which may get sharp during movement. The burning sensation or development of tender points is also associated with back neck pain due to serious arthritic condition or cervical spondylosis. Weakness and numbness along with the pain suggests damage to the musculoskeletal system of the upper back and neck which is causing pain. Cool arm or change in the color of the skin at the affected part suggest pinched arteries and veins of the upper back and neck.

Back neck pain is experienced in two ways one, the pain which is confined to one area and does not radiate to shoulder and arms whereas other which radiates to shoulder and arms. The pain which remains confined to one area is normally associated with muscles, ligaments and tendons whereas shooting pain is associated with rather serious conditions like pinched nerves, disc deformation and bone deposits. However this is not a foolproof method to diagnosis the root cause of pain and is based on general evidences.

NSAID and muscle relaxants are recommended for pain relief in allopathic medication which are not considered as suitable for long term use. Herbal treatments are more popular as herbs are natural and treat the problem naturally without any side effects. There are few extremely effective herbs for pain relief and muscle relaxation. Cayenne pepper is widely used for topical application on the aching body parts and joints for immediate relief. Chamomile tea is an excellent muscle relaxant, tea of chamomile is recommended 2-3 times in a day. Massage of warm eucalyptus oil is very beneficial in relieving pain and relaxing muscles. Consumption of winter cherry is very good for overall health and for pain relief as well.

Ginger and garlic are good source of anti-oxidants which promote blood flow in the body to treat all sorts of pain and help the body in removing blockages of arteries and veins. Exercises and therapies also help in alleviating the back neck pain in a short duration along with herbs. Hydrotherapy, light exercises, yoga are some popular ways of controlling back neck pain and reducing the frequency of its occurrence.

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TMJ (short for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) is a disorder concerning the joint that connects the jaw to the skull. This disorder often results in dysfunction in the movements and position of the jaw, which aggravates over time if left untreated. It is estimated that over 11 million Americans may suffer from TMJ at any given time.

People with TMJ have a great amounts of discomfort and pain in the neck and jaw area. They may also experience migraines and may even have fibromyalgia eventually. Some "experts" claim TMJ is caused by continued movement of the jaw beyond its normal limits, such as forward or sideways, which may in turn be caused by excessive gum chewing, nail biting, dental neglect, or trauma (accident).

Yet despite avoiding all its known causes, many individuals still suffer from TMJ. What could be causing this? Could it be due to a new, exciting cause that would make one take a new look at TMJ? Well, not really. Although not many know about these new causes, they should not surprise anyone because these are what causes TMJ in the first place.

Anxiety is the first cause.

You're probably familiar with this. Your muscles tighten, you tremble, and your jaw stiffens when you feel scared, apprehensive, or anxious. When you deal with anxiety on a regular basis, what do you think happens to you? When you experience aches and pains that seem to appear out of nowhere, are you puzzled that these pains seem to have no physical cause at all? Well, now you know what caused them. And when you unconsciously set your jaw whenever you go through your daily dose of stress, it may eventually add up to a TMJ problem.

Wrong body positioning is the next cause.

Your parents probably told you not to slouch when you were a kid. And if you're suffering from back problems now, you're probably wishing you'd have listened. The same goes for TMJ. Sitting the wrong way (or too much) causes our jaw to have the wrong position - it may be too far in or far out.

On the Discovery Channel, when you see these women from developing countries carry heavy loads on top of their heads, have you ever wondered why they don't suffer from shoulder, neck, and jaw problems despite carrying these loads everyday? The simple reason is this-they carry the loads directly over their heads. In this way, the muscles in their neck and shoulders sustain the weight in a way that nature designed them to. The moment they tip their heads forward, the weight would suddenly cause them to tip forward and lose their balance.

See the connection?

Your head is not heavy at all when it is aligned with the body. But when it is not, as when you tip forward, it feels a bit heavier. Your neck and shoulder muscles often cannot support the extra load, so your jaw exerts effort to keep the head level.

Over time, TMJ disorder happens because of the extra strain.

Doctors often just prescribe painkillers to ease the pain caused by TMJ, but these are just temporary solutions. They do nothing to ease TMJ's root causes. My TMJ No More Program does just that. It effectively targets the root causes of TMJ with simple exercises that relax the muscles around the TMJ and restore the jaw's natural position. My program will successfully cure those who suffer from this disorder. Does it work? Apparently, hundreds of my customers who have tried it themselves definitely think so. Check out my TMJ No More program and see what brought the smiles back on their faces.

Warm Regards,
Christian Goodman

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Many of the aches and pains involved with the aging process are due to osteoarthritis or degenerative diseases of the bone. As we age our bones, joints, and the cartilage which holds them together begin to go through changes.

New Chapter know that degenerative arthritis also known as degenerative joint disease is part of a group of related diseases and/or mechanical abnormalities which relate to the degradation of our joints. This is why we feel stiffness, creaking, tenderness, joint pain, and sometimes locking of our joints. Many times this is the result of locally inflamed joints and connective cartilage, known as osteoarthritis (OA).

Many ways to blame the pain

Among the many reasons we are bothered by osteoarthritis are:

• Heredity
• Metabolic causes
• Mechanical causes
• Developmental causes
• Lack of calcium

A loss of cartilage is the result in many instances, creating pain on movement. When this tissue is damaged, it tries to re-grow itself and this often accelerates the damage. Cartilage is made up of a strong protein matrix which lubricates while it cushions our joints. As this breaks down, our joints no longer "glide" in place as when we were younger, and each movement becomes painful.

New Chapter Vitamins, minerals, and supplements have much to offer those who suffer from osteoarthritis through their calcium supplements, which are derived from whole food sources. And when calcium is paired with natural co-factors like magnesium along with other trace minerals, works most effectively to strengthen bones and joints suffering from diseases like osteoarthritis.

New Chapter calcium complex proudly delivers key essential nutrients, derived from whole food (the safest, most active form). Our bodies need this form of nutrient complex, knowing it works much more efficiently than the limestone sources to be found in many other calcium supplements.

Other essential ingredients

Among other essential ingredients found in New Chapter Vitamins, supplements, and minerals are calcium and magnesium supplements, along with other bone enriching nutrients to complete the food complex. Vitamin K has been found to be an essential co-factor useful in calcium absorption as well as calcium retention in our bodies. When human cell proteins don't get enough vitamin K, they do not tend to hold on to the calcium in the body and the results are loss of vital nutrients.

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