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Neck pain or Cervicalgia is a common disorder inflicting two-thirds of the world population. The area affected by pain is the lower neck region and upper back region. This area bears and supports the load of our head. The top three joints of the neck are responsible for maximum and flexible movement of neck and head. The lower joints and those constituting the upper back, collectively form an effective support system for the head. When this support system undergoes an adverse attack by any one of the several reasons, neck pain is generated. The root of the pain lies in the tightening of neck muscles and pinching of spinal nerves.

To understand neck pain, we have to first know about the structure of the neck. The spinal column in the neck is made up of seven vertebrae besetting the spinal cord and canal. Tiny discs occur between vertebrae and through the little opening at the sides of the discs pass the nerves of the neck. In other words neck region is a complex collection of neck muscles, arteries, veins, lymph glands, thyroid and parathyroid glands, wind pipe, food pipe or esophagus and larynx.

Medical conditions affecting any of these neck tissues lead to pain. The pain may be piercing: sharp shooting pain accompanied by tingling sensation and numbness in the neck and upper limbs, or may be in the form of a dull ache. The other symptoms associated with neck pain may be tenderness of neck muscles, difficulty in swallowing, gland swelling, pulsations, dizziness and swishing sounds in the head.

Causes of Back Neck Pain

1. Spondylosis or degenerative arthritis
2. Ankylosing spondylitis
3. Rheumatoid arthritis
4. Thyroid trauma
5. Esophageal trauma
6. Tracheal trauma
7. Torticollis
8. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
9. Rubella
10. Certain cancers
11. Congenital cervical rib
12. Lymphadenitis
13. Spinal stenosis or constriction of the spinal canal
14. Spinal disc hermiation or protruding discs
15. Infections like retropharyngeal abscess etc
16. Carotid artery dissection
17. Referred pain due to acute coronary syndrome
18. Traumatic or minor injuries or falls from car accidents or certain sports
19. Cervical spine fracture
20. Head injury
21. Emotional and physical stresses
22. Muscular strains due to over exertion or over use
23. Poor sleeping and sitting postures

Neck Pain Treatment

Neck braces like soft collar, Philadelphia collar, halo, sterno-occipital device are often given to patients. These braces support the spine, compensate for neck muscle weakness, check the risk of further injury, quicken healing and also keep the neck in a proper position as is required.

Some patients are treated with ultrasound which can also be of help. The common medications for neck pain include analgesics like acetaminophen, carprofen, ketoprofen or Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, muscle relaxants like cyclobenzaprine, massage creams containing counterirritants. Epidural steroid injections also are given to reduce inflammation of nerve roots. They are mainly used to treat spinal stenosis. Surgery may also be required in critical cases.

Herbal pain relief oil such as Rumatone Gold Oil is very effective ayurvedic herbal formula for getting relief from back neck pain. Regular application of this anti-inflammatory massage oil reduces pain and inflammation and provides lasting relief.

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Healthy, natural, pain relief - killing two birds with one stone.

Pain killing drugs may work well (for pain) but they are not good for your health. The most commonly used pain killers are called NSAID's for Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. And drugs like these kill. Prolonged NSAID use is associated with kidney problems, GI bleeding, ulcers, and even heart disease.

Killer NSAID's

The Associated Press reported the results of a research study on over-the-counter pain killers like Aleve, Motrin and Advil. The study found that anyone taking any of these drugs for at least 6 months had "twice the risk of dying of a heart attack, stroke or other heart-related problem".

Tylenol is no better.

Many people, hearing of the dangers of NSAID's turn to acetomenophen (Tylenol). Unfortunately acetomenophen is "the leading cause of acute liver failure in the United States".

A particularly diabolic drug combination is found in Vicodin. Vicodin contains opiates which are addicting combined with acetomenophen which damages the liver. Vicodin is also the most prescribed drug in the United States. In giving Vicodin to a patient a doctor is giving and addictive drug that damages one's liver.

Vicodin referred to by surgeon as "Candy and Poison".

The foregoing information on acetomenophen is found in an article titled The Danger Of Mixing Candy And Poison. It was written by a liver transplant specialist at the University of California. No doubt this doctor is seeing personally the ill effects of Vicodin in his liver transplant patients.

Pain also causes damage.

I would never suggest that anyone suffer pain. Pain is also damaging to the body. One study followed chronic back pain sufferers for one year. MRI scans of the brain were taken at the beginning and end of the twelve month period. These MRI's were compared with MRI's of matched subjects who did not suffer any pain whatsoever. The difference was astounding. Normally as we age, we lose grey matter in our brain. The MRI scans could measure the amount of grey matter in the brain of each test subject at the beginning and end of the one year time period. The brains of the group suffering chronic pain aged the equivalent of 10 years when compared to the pain free group.

Healthy pain relief found with fish oil.

So what's a solution? How about natural pain killing omega-3 fats that relieve pain with no negative side effects, only spectacular health benefits?

By now most everyone has heard of the benefits of taking fish oil, flax oil (oils containing Omega-3 fats). The important component of Omega-3 fats when it comes to pain is EPA. EPA is a building block for a potent anti-inflammatory hormone found naturally in the body. Most Americans are woefully deficient in Omega-3 fats and EPA. When our body doesn't have enough of the building material to make this critical anti-inflammatory substance, it cannot control inflammation. (Chronic pain is often associated with chronic inflammation). EPA is especially concentrated in certain fish oils.

Research studies show the pain relieving effects of fish oil.

The American Association of Neurological Surgeons published a study entitled "High-Dose Omega-3 Oils used to Treat Non-Surgical Neck and Back Pain". This study involved 250 patients who suffered from chronic neck pain and who were taking NSAID's for relief. Researchers gave the patients high doses of fish oil daily. After 75 days nearly 2/3's of the patients (59%) had stopped taking their pain drugs for pain, saying that the oil provided satisfactory relief. 88% of the entire group in the study said that they planned on continuing with the oil after the study.

Many types of pain are relieved by fish oil.

Another study published in The Clinical Journal of Pain was titled "Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Neuropathic Pain: Case Studies". Neuropathic pain is nerve pain. This pain arises directly from the nerve and is different than the pain of arthritis, a strained muscle or a bruised knee. Neuropathic pain is usually harder to treat and is often more severe. The study followed the cases of five patients. Each patient had a different ailment causing pain. They suffered a cervical radiculopathy (a pinched nerve in the neck), thoracic outlet syndrome (nerve compression in the chest/shoulder), fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, and one a burn injury. The patients were given high doses of omega-3 containing fish oil. Here's how each of these patients fared after just taking oil.

Pain from pinched nerve and herniated disc relieved.

Patient #1 was a 53 year old man, had a disc herniation in his neck pinching a nerve, which caused radiating pain into his arm. Previous treatments such as physiotherapy and NSAID drugs did not help. After 2 翻 weeks taking fish oil his pain lessened. After taking 8 months he had improved so much he started playing competitive hockey again. After 19 months he felt he was cured and had no restrictions whatsoever. However, if he stopped taking the oil for more than 4 days, his pain began to return.

Fibromyalgia pain and thoracic outlet syndrome relieved.

Patient #2 was a 48 year old nurse who was injured at work. She was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and thoracic outlet syndrome. (Thoracic outlet syndrome is a compression of nerves as the travel from the neck to the arm through the upper chest and shoulder). Previous treatments with pain drugs and physical therapy had not helped. After 7 months of taking high doses of fish oil she had improved greatly. After 13 months she felt she was cured of both conditions.

Man with disabling pain after an auto accident gets relief with fish oil.

Patient #3 was a 50 year old man who suffered from chronic neck pain and arm pain as a result of being in a car accident. This patient remained disabled even after treatments including chiropractic, massage, physiotherapies and NSAID drugs. After taking large doses of fish oil his pain began to improve. Eventually he was able to resume working out at the gym without pain. He also reported that he was thinking more clearly and had better concentration.

Patient with carpal tunnel syndrome avoids surgery and gets pain relief with fish oil.

Patient #4 was a 47 year old man with carpal tunnel syndrome. After 8 months of taking high doses of fish oil his pain symptoms improved significantly. A nerve conduction test also showed significant improvement in nerve function. He improved so much that he was able to avoid surgery.

Patient with 2nd and 3rd degree burns gets off of morphine and relieves pain with fish oil.

Patient #5 was a 54 year old man who had suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns to 30% of his body. He was hospitalized for over a month and had extensive skin grafts. His pain levels continued at such a high level that he was on morphine. Taking high-dose fish oil alleviated the pain so much that he was able to get off of the morphine.

Fish oil supplementation provides tremendous health benefits. Some of the documented health benefits include relief of inflammatory joint pain and chronic spinal pain, improvements of autoimmune diseases, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, improvements and reduced risk of depression, and relief of pain in fibromyalgia syndrome.

Things to be careful of when taking high doses of fish oil.

  • Fish oil is a blood thinner. If you are taking a prescription blood thinner, you should start at a low dose while monitoring clotting times. If you are going to have dental work, surgery or any other invasive procedure (like a colonoscopy) you should stop taking fish oil two weeks before, because of its blood thinning effect.

  • Before taking high doses of fish oil you should have a blood test that measures the ratio of Omega-6 (AA or Arachidonic Acid) to Omega-3 (EPA or EicosaPentaenoic Acid). An ideal AA/EPA ratio for heart health is 1.5/1 to 3/1.

  • Take only "clean" fish oil. Better products are cleaned of contaminants and toxins commonly found in today's ocean fish (mercury, PCP's, dioxins). The gold standard cleaning process is called molecular distillation.

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The vast majority of gout attacks occur in the big toe. And if you're a gout victim then you know just how painful it is. That's why you need to get immediate treatment. But if you've tried prescription meds, then perhaps you've found that although your symptoms seem to go away (eventually), the gout keeps returning. Here, you'll discover 3 top natural remedies that gout sufferers are using to get fast gout toe pain relief.

Between 70% and 90% of gout victims have gout toe. But it can occur in other joints such as the ankle, knee, elbow and hands. It's caused by urate crystals that form in the joints, e.g. the big toe, because of high uric acid levels in the blood.

You can get drug-based medications such as anti-inflammatory's, pain killers and drugs to reduce uric acid. But, apart from the horrible side effects that they can have, they are also only of use whilst being taken. This means that, unless you do something about the underlying causes of gout, you can continue getting gout attacks after you come off them.

But there are very many natural ways to get gout toe pain relief. And more and more gout sufferers are successfully using these. There are too many to list here, but here are 3 gout pain relief tips to get you going. You can get gout toe pain relief...

1. By Drinking Plenty of Water

This is a must. By drinking water throughout the day you're keeping your body hydrated. This is important because a dehydrated body is an easy target for gout. And water helps your kidneys to flush uric acid out of your body too. Drink at least 3 to 4 litres every day.

2. By Eating Cherries

These have great natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Some experts suggest eating 30 to 40 cherries every 4 hours during an attack. They are also known to help reduce uric acid levels in the body.

3. By Changing to a Low Purine Diet

Purines are chemical compounds in the body and in foods. They help produce uric acid during the body's normal metabolizing process. Some foods are higher in purines than others. Typical foods to avoid are red fatty meat, game, offal, poultry, seafood and some vegetables.

These are effective natural remedies for gout toe pain relief in their own right. But, there are a number of other underlying issues for gout that you need to address to enable effective gout prevention. Because recurring gout attacks can leave you with permanently damaged joints, kidney problems and even hypertension (high blood pressure).

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Scoliosis, or the sideways curvature of the spine, can cause back pain. The medical community has struggled to find an effective treatment for this type of pain, with most doctors believing that surgery is the only way to reduce the curvature. If you are unwilling to have surgery, then, you are left with pain medication to mask your symptoms and leave the causes untreated.

Fortunately, there are conservative treatments that not only ease the pain of scoliosis but actually reduce the curvature as well.

Why It Hurts

While some people with scoliosis experience no symptoms, others may experience back pain, neck pain, headaches, difficulty walking or standing for long periods of time, reproductive dysfunction and difficulty breathing. The symptoms depend largely on the location and degree of curvature, but also on your behaviors. If your head is off-center or one shoulder or hip is higher than the other, you may have scoliosis.

Some are treated in adolescence with bracing and surgery to reduce the spinal curvature, while others go untreated. Adults who experience scoliosis pain may feel it from muscles, spinal discs or both. The muscles of the back try to pull the spine back into alignment so they can return to their normal length and tension. These muscles are constantly overworked, trying to support the upper body without a stable spine to help. The discs of a curved spine also undergo asymmetric loading, which can cause bulging and herniation. These disc problems are often associated with nerve impingement, causing sharp, traveling pain.

Adults may have scoliosis from birth, or may acquire it due to osteoarthritis (if one side of the spine's joints deteriorate faster than those on the other side). Those who acquire it will have added pain due to joint inflammation and friction.

Natural Treatments

If your doctor tells you that your only option is surgery, he or she may be wrong. Scoliosis pain has been shown to decrease with chiropractic care and physical therapy. While many doctors prescribe physical therapy as part of a pain management strategy for scoliosis, combining it with other treatments is not always considered. Contrary to what most seem to think, these treatments have proven their abilities to reduce spinal curvature as well as back pain.

Physical therapy is effective for scoliosis pain when it focuses on the relaxation of chronically-strained muscles and postural retraining. Yoga, for example, may be helpful. Chiropractic care is administered to restore alignment and improve nerve function. You may be given traction treatments as well, which stretch the spine and its surrounding ligaments and muscles and increase disc space. An example of a scoliosis treatment regimen can be seen here: http://www.scoliosis-treatments.com/OurScoliosisTreatment/tabid/58/Default.aspx.

As with many forms of alternative medicine, studies into the non-surgical treatment of scoliotic curvature are few and small. However, the existing studies give us compelling evidence that surgery is not the only answer. A study of 19 individuals showed spinal manipulation, traction and muscular work to significantly reduce spinal curvature after 4-6 weeks. More on this can be found at http://www.scoliosiscorrectioncenter.com/casereport.html.

There are a number of reasons to avoid surgery: cost, recovery time, invasiveness, risk of failure and a curve that gradually returns over the years. Talk to your doctor about a referral to a chiropractor with experience treating people with scoliosis. Talk to a physical therapist about retraining posture and restoring muscle balance. There are natural ways to relieve your pain.

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A person can be afflicted with joint pain in one or more places in the body. In all its forms and causes, is always problematic to those affected by it. For them, home remedies can be a huge help.

Osteoarthritis occurs more frequently in people over the age of forty-five and is the most common cause of joint pain. Vitamin E is mostly used to bolster the effect of vitamin C which is the main nutrient in trying to alleviate pain coming from osteoarthritis joints. The recommended dose is 400 IU a day.

Maintaining a diet rich in fiber also prevents and reduces joint pain brought about by osteoarthritis. Because fiber fills you up on fewer calories, you're less likely to overeat and cause weight gain, which is known to pose difficulties for people with osteoarthritis. Fiber also has anti-inflammatory effects which wards off osteoarthritis pain.

Epsom salts, or magnesium sulfate, can be your best friend in joint pain relief. They help draw out carbon, which is one of the body's waste products, through the skin.

Exercise is an important factor for relief, but if your exercise causes pain that lasts more than half an hour after exercising, you probably overexerted and you may be worsening your osteoarthritis. Reduce the frequency of your exercise and increase it gradually.

Joints that are non-arthritis in nature can be relieved using massage, stretching exercises, warm baths, and other home remedy solutions. Stretching techniques help after an attack of joint pain caused by bursitis, or inflammation of the fluid-filled sacs that cushion bony prominences.

For stiff shoulder joints, use the cat stretch. Doing a cat stretch involves getting down on your hands and knees, and then placing your hands at the front of your head. Keep your elbows stiff as you arch back gently and come down on your heels. Another stretching motion you can do is to stand facing a wall corner and walk your fingers up the wall in the corner. Try to get your armpit in the corner; this is how you know you're doing the exercise right.

Pain due to bursitis may also be treated with a castor oil pack when the pain is not acute anymore. To make this particular remedy, spread castor oil over your afflicted joint then put cotton or wool flannel over it and apply a heating pad. If a joint that has bursitis is hot, you can use ice on it, alternating 10 minutes of ice with 10 minutes of rest, then the ice again and so on.

An alternative remedy that can accelerate joint pain relief in bursitis cases when used with standard treatments is homemade balm made from a paste of water and turmeric powder. The balm can be applied once or twice daily.

Flaxseed oil can be used in bursitis joint pains. The thing that makes it great is that you can use it on salad dressings!

If your joint pain still bothers you for more than three days, home remedies may not be enough. It is therefore best to consult a medical professional.

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Back pain afflicts ninety percent of Americans at some point. The vast majority of back pain, 90%, will resolve within six to twelve weeks regardless of the treatment. What about the other ten percent?

If the back pain is being generated from facet arthritis, also called facet syndrome, the back pain can become chronic and be extremely disabling to patients.. It can wax and wane or remain present like a pebble in a person's shoe. The main issue with arthritis is there is no treatment available which can reverse it. One can only hope to try and contain it with pain relief options that alleviate the symptoms, such as facet injections.

Facet joints allow for spinal movement and connect the bones of the spine, called vertebrae. The lumbar portion of the spine contains 5 vertebrae and is located in the low back.

Each is roughly the size of a thumbnail. Lumbar facet joints are named for the spinal vertebrae they connect and the side they are found on the spine. The right L4-5 joint, for example, joins the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae on the right side.

In the vast majority of cases, pain coming from the facet joint causes back pain and does not radiate into the legs.. Pain emanating from the lumbar facet joints results from injury to either the cartilage inside the joint or to the ligaments surrounding the facet joints.. This can result from degenerative arthritis or post traumatic injury. Pain emanating from an injured joint may range from simple muscle tension to more severe disabling pain. Depending on which of the facet joints is affected, back pain may radiate down to the one's buttocks from the affected joint.

Common tests like x-rays or MRI's may not show if a joint is the cause of your pain.

One of the treatment options for low back pain from facet arthritis is injections, also known as facet blocks. Pain doctors perform the blocks commonly for back pain from facet syndrome. Facet blocks can give pain relief for weeks to months, and are performed as an outpatient procedure..

Facet injections are done with appropriate numbing medication. The blocks can be both therapeutic and diagnostic for neck or back pain. A facet joint injection can denote whether the joints are the source of pain and can help alleviate the pain and inflammation.

Fluoroscopy, a real time x-ray, is typically utilized to ensure accurate needle placement into the facet joint and usually dye in then place to make sure the needle is in the appropriate joint.

Once the needle is appropriately placed, the doctor will inject numbing medicine typically along with a corticosteroid. The numbing medicine wears off within a day, and then the steroid medication begins to work in a few days. The pain may be alleviated for days, weeks, or even months, or it may not work at all. Depending on the location of pain, one or more injections may be administered. Pain relief that occurs after the injection highly suggests that the facet joint (s) injected were the cause of the pain.

Pain relief occurs in three to ten days as the steroid medication reduces inflammation. As many as three injections per year may be given per facet joint.

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Arthritis is caused by an erosion of cartilage in the tendons which often radiates into the tendons and muscles near joints. Arthritis is most common in joints such as the fingers, knees, hips and back vertabrae areas. Arthritis muscle pain usually affects people as the get older, though there are some types of arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis that can effect children.

There are over 100 different types of arthritis, and though it can be a crippling disease, there are a number of treatments that can help you get arthritis muscle pain relief. First, it is important to rest your joints and muscles after an initial flare-up. You might even need to take a couple days off work to rest, especially if you have a physical job. During this time, you can use a joint brace to isolate movement in your particular joint and muscles. This will help prevent further aggravation of the cartilage as well as control tendon and muscle pain. Ice your affected joint during the first 48-72 hours after an arthritis flare-up. Ice will temporarily limit blood flow to the joint, which can minimize inflammation and pain. After the inflammation and pain are under control, use heat to increase blood flow to your affect joint. The blood carries nutrients such as vitamin C as well as oxygen, which are needed for healing. Simultaneously, take ibuprofen or naproxen to relieve your joint and muscle aches. Glucosamine and chondroin can also help your arthritis symptoms. Both are known to help regenerate existing cartilage and lubricate the joints by increasing the amount of synovial fluid.

Massage and exercise can also help alleviate arthritis muscle and joint pain. Massage can help relax nerves as well as eliminate scar tissue, which is a major contributor to recurring injuries, inflammation and pain. Exercise can also help ease muscle and joint pain caused by arthritis. Exercise can strengthen, add stability and relieve pressure on joints.

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Both hot and cold remedies are recommended by doctors when treating arthritis suffering caused by swelling to help take out the stiffness and inflammation and to lessen the pain. Arthritis can be managed with the right balance between both types of therapies.

Wheat bags are the most recommended method for using heat therapy; they can be quickly warmed in a microwave and then ready to use. They can be conformed or moulded to fit the contours of the body. They may also be used for cold therapy simply by freezing them.

Heat and being warm have been linked to relaxing comfort for centuries, and heat therapy does one better by adding healing and pain relief to its benefits in the treating of joint and muscle pain. Relief is almost instantaneous by applying heat to stiff, sore and tight joints and muscles.

Both cold and heat therapies are successful in getting your own body's healing functions spurred into action. You would use heat when you need to reduce pain in your body, and to lessen the stiffness you might have in your joints. Heat is also great for muscle spasms. What happens is the heat will enlarge your blood vessels, so that more blood can flow through them, speeding up the inflammation necessary to heal. These are the after effects of how your body responds to heat therapy.

What happens when you apply heat to any part of your body is that it joins up with the energy in your body in specific, localized regions. Your metabolism gets higher within all of your various cell types. This heat applied in a local region dilates your blood vessels, which causes more blood flow to occur. Muscle spasms are dealt with my relaxing the tension in key muscle areas, and allow the tendons of the muscle to stretch properly because they are relaxed. This happens because the heat lowers the collagen viscosity in these affected muscles. Collagen is a protein, one of the most common in your body. You can find collagen in tendon and ligaments, skin, the covering of your muscles, cartilage and in your bones. By lowering the viscosity in the collagen when you apply heat to an area, the tendons and muscles soften, allowing those muscles to stretch more comfortably and smoothly. Keep the heat on long enough, and your muscles and tendons enter a very relaxed state so that you can move them better and exercise them back into shape. This is what happens also when you use a wheat bag for heat therapy to heal cramps in your muscles, and in countering the painful effects of joint stiffness. Pain is handled well because heat will slow down and reduce the severity and frequency of pain signals sent from the nerves to the brain. So your brain can easily handle the soreness.

On the other side of things, cold has its benefits as well. Setting a cold compress in an area will counter swelling that is a result of enlarged blood vessels. The cold will do the opposite of heat and constrict those vessels. Cold therapy will numb the injured region and lower the effects of swelling and inflammation. Cold therapy is really good for pain in your joints caused by a flare-up of arthritis. Muscle spasms can also benefit by having the cold increase your body's tolerance for pain.

There are some people who like cold rather than heat therapy to treat the pain of their arthritis. Others will recommend both, by alternating treatments. The best thing you can do is to try each one, and go with the type of therapy that you find the greatest relief from using.

For joint and muscle stiffness, you'll want to apply either ice or heat packs to the suffering area two times per day at a minimum, to get the greatest results of relieving your pain. Each session should last from five to ten minutes on the cold compress, but get to it within forty-eight hours of when you first feel the pain, for it to be the most effective in treating it. Heat can be applied during this 48 hour time period also, so that your muscles can be given a chance to relax. Then use heat for any pain and stiffness that goes beyond the initial 48 hours.

A microwave wheat bag is a soothing way to release stress and ease everyday aches and pains. A wheat bag be easily heated in a microwave and then applied to tired joints and aching muscles with the user enjoying the soothing warmth. Wheat bags, heat pads and wheat cushions are a convenient method of applying heat therapy which has been shown to be an effective method for reducing muscle pain and reducing muscle and joint stiffness. They may soothe frozen shoulder and neck pains, give comfort to back or stomach pains, and ease arthritic pain. Wheat bags can also be chilled in a freezer and used as a cold compress as a method of cold therapy to ease sprains, swelling, bruising, headaches and sports injuries.

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Pilates knee pain relief principles can be used for a number of knee injuries such as Anterior Cruciate Ligament issues (ACL), meniscus tear, weak knee, and arthritis. There are six core Pilates principles. For maximum healing and benefit, each of these principles must be present while doing these knee exercises.

1. Centering
- Aligning your body and bringing focus to the centre, between your lower ribs and pubic bone. Active engagement of this centering brings immediate form and improved posture. It is like the foundation of a building. If the foundation is strong, the structure of the building will stand well.

2. Conscious Breathing
- Proper breathing technique helps to stabilize the trunk and releases neck tension. The continuous easy flow of breath makes it easier for the muscles to activate accordingly. When you inhale to prepare, you would exhale to extend or exert depending on the routines. In exhaling, the knee joint stays relaxed, as the muscles around it contract and activate to secure the knee joint. Pilates exercises like Eve's Lunge will be a good example. There is no pressure on the injured knee joint and yet it aids in improvement of strength.

3. Core Alignment
- It is important to understand alignment in relation to the knee. The centre of the knee cap should be kept in line with the fore foot. If you run an imaginary line from the centre of your knee cap, it should end at the spot where the second and third toe is. Exercise like foot positions on the pilates reformer would be highly recommended. Rotation of the knee joint both outward and inward should be discouraged when doing knee tracking work.

4. Control
- Learn how to limit movements by engaging the right muscles to control the movement. Knee extension work with loaded springs should be performed with active thigh muscles involved. It is very easy to straighten the knees and snap / lock. Muscle activation is usually absent when speed is involved. Tissue breakdown, injury, and pain can occur when movements are not limited and alignments are compromised.

5 Concentration
- Intense focus and awareness are critical to proper application. Usually a knee injury can be treated if the wrong movement is corrected. This allows the brain to be re-educated. The body also starts to learn the proper way to perform an exercise correctly. Chronic pain can disappear when your body understand this awareness technique.

6. Coordination
- Your body needs to know how to work in sync to perform each exercise. As your knee muscles and joints moves through a range of motion, with all of the above elements together, then you have achieved true coordination. Coordination is a learned art and cannot be forced.
By performing specific knee exercises that deal with your knee injury, and using Pilates specialized equipment like the Reformer or Wunda chair, pain and swelling can be managed. In time, you will have better control over your body.

When your muscles are weak, they are short and tight. Selected pilates knee exercises should start with stretching and lengthening to improve muscle tone and elasticity. As the muscles gain some length and flexibility is improved, knee strengthening exercises can be gradually introduced. This result is flexible strength.

Pilates for knee pain relief must be performed with healing and wellness as the focus. It is different from a weight loss or a fitness program. Pilates instructors who are well trained in the aspect of rehabilitation, will know how to plan your routines. As the knee improves and knee pain is no longer a factor, other Pilates exercises can be introduced. This helps to achieve a total body conditioning program that fits into a healthy lifestyle. This not only prevents any relapse, it also allows the knee to be strong and healthy.

Keep the principles in mind to prevent unintentional abuse on your body. You will be less likely to do things that are not meant to be, like pushing yourself to the point of pain or exhaustion. To be in tune with your body means listening and being aware of what it is telling you. This is a critical factor in staying healthy and being injury free. Pilates is a natural, non-invasive treatment for knee pain injury and is an effective healing method for the simple reason that it works!

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Full aspects have been covered in this article. Looking forward to your feedback, hopefully it will be of great use to you.

Arthritis affects more than 35 million individuals in America alone, and that includes Arthritis neck pain. Arthritis it is presently ranked number one crippling disease in the whole of United States. If you are among the afflicted, your arthritis signs may be occasional or recurrent, and you may endure from swelling in one or more joints, chronic pain, or tenderness in any joint, early morning stiffness, or an helplessness to move a joint normally.

Whether your arthritis symptoms are mild or severe, they undoubtedly have a direct effect on your daily life. Maybe you have been counseled about "learning to live with arthritis." However, there is far more you can do to ease your pain, increase your range of motion, and both relax and reinforce your muscles. Acupressure massage using your fingertips to ease your aches and pains is a huge option.

Arthritis Neck Pain: Arthritis pain in any part of the body, especially the extremities hands, arms, feet, knees, legs, or hips incredibly often results in tightening of the neck muscles. The effect is pain and a decrease in the range of motion.

Whenever arthritis settles in the neck, the corresponding neck muscles have intricacy supporting the weight of the head, which is regularly fifteen to twenty pounds. Stress creates an added burden on the neck muscles, and? damaging situation is set up where inflamed joints and tension breed more strain and often neck pain.

There are many self-help techniques for relieving the chronic neck tension that often occurs from tensing against arthritic pain, It is found that a combination of Acu-Yoga (Using posture to press the acupressure points for self-treatment), hot compresses, deep breathing, and acupressure are predominantly effective. First, apply the hot compresses to your shoulders and neck until the skin becomes pink, indicating an increase in circulation. Ginger compresses are highly effective for relaxing the muscles in this area.

If the compresses are inconvenient or unavailable, do the Dry Wash Facial Message.

Step 1: Rub your hands together, creating a heat.

Step 2: Right away and systematically massage your face and neck with the palms of your hands.

Therefore, what is the benefit of Dry Wash Facial Massage: A daily dry wash cleans the pores, restoring tone and luster to the skin. This warming massage is helpful for acne and stiff necks.

After doing the Dry Wash Facial massage or applying the hot compresses, rotate your head very slowly five times in one direction and then other. Keep your eyes closed and breathe deeply as you do this exercise. This will help to elongate the neck and naturally reposition the vertebrae in the cervical region.

One of the mainly significant things you can do to assist your Arthritis neck pain is regular exercise, but must be done correctly to a have a good results over time. Sorry to say, numerous people with arthritis think exercise is destructive. Others become discouraged because progress is slow or their exercises are painful. Maintaining a proper balance between rest and exercise, and exercising properly, are keys to a successful arthritis exercise program. Easy-to-follow exercise program will definitely help sufferers of arthritis and related soft tissue rheumatic disorders, and also everyone who feels stiffness or tension in parts of their body.

Using the natural techniques of acupressure, massage and gentle yoga stretches, you will be able to relieve pain, aches and inflammation.

Thanks for reviewing this article, I hope you found the information useful and to of great use

A contented mind is a continual feast.

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If one is suffering from joint pain, over time, it becomes extremely necessary to be able to manage that pain, for ones quality of life and mental well being. This article will look at the ways people use to manage the pain that they feel in the joints.

Heat and cold

If the pain in the joints that you are experiencing as a result of arthritis, the heat and cold therapy may only work for certain types of arthritis, not on all types. Before you adopt this treatment, make sure your doctor signs it off and actually approves before you put it to use. Let your doctor be the one to let you know what kind of temperatures you should be using for the affected area. The heat and cold relief methods are normally used for a period of about 15 minutes at a time, and they can be effective in releasing joint pain. People who have poor blood circulation should avoid using cold packs to relief the pain in their joints.

Joint protection

Sometimes, the joint pain can be such that a brace is needed to alleviate the pain. Again, this will come from your doctor, and he or she will also be able to tell you which brace is the best for the joint pain that you are suffering from.


Massages can be used to alleviate the pain, but are usually for temporary relief. This method involves having the muscles over the joint stroked and this is instrumental in stimulating blood flow towards the affected area. It is best to have someone who is a professional to perform the massage, so that they have some sort of understanding of the disease.


Exercise is extremely important for ones over all health and wellness, and it helps people manage a lot of other diseases not just joint pain. Someone suffering from joint pain needs to engage in low impact exercises like walking, swimming, stretching as well as low impact aerobics. Moving your joints will help alleviate the joint pain and lessen the inflexibility that is in the joints.

Weight Reduction

One of the issues that makes joint pain worse is the excess weight on ones body, which puts extra pressure on the joints. Losing weight for joint pain sufferers will not only help with pain reduction, but it will also aid in controlling the osteoarthritis in ones knees, and can slow the process down significantly.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation makes use of small equipment positioned close to the joint afflicted with arthritis and channelizes small electric sensations to nerve endings inside and surrounding the arthritic joint. It is believed that TENS stops the pain signals delivered to the brain from nerves and changes the body's reception of pain impulses. TENS is said to ease the joint pain that is a result of the arthritis, however, it does not help when it comes to the swelling that comes with the pain.


Surgery is for the most part, the last option for most patients. The surgeon usually operates to severe the synovium from the body, relay the joint, or in worst cases, substitute the affected joint with an artificial one. This kind of surgery where a person goes for joint replacement has allowed people to regain their mobility and enjoy their lives again, as it allows for great pain relief. People who have tried all forms of relief might have surgery as a last option, for a chance to have a normal life again.

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Back pain treatment can include medication, self-care techniques and manual therapies such as chiropractic or physiotherapy. Pain in the back can be acute or long-term, and a variety of treatment options are available for both types.

Acute back pain treatment includes medication and self-care options. Paracetamol is usually prescribed as the first step in most treatments, and if it does not work, non-steroid anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen is the next step. If the milder painkillers do not reduce the pain, mild opiate-based painkillers such as codeine can be prescribed. Morphine is sometimes given for severe pain, but as it is a strong opiate, it is only used for a short time. If the patient also suffers from muscle spasms, muscle relaxant medication is sometimes included.

Today many doctors recommend that a person suffering from acute pain in the back should stay active. If the pain is severe, it may not be possible to go back to work or to do all normal activities, but it is important to try to do at least something, and to return to normal daily activities slowly and step by step. Home care options include cold or hot compression packs that can be bought over the counter from chemists. It can also help to use extra pillows in bed: place a pillow under the knees when you are sleeping.

Painkillers form a part of most chronic back pain treatment programs. Other options include exercise, manual therapy such as chiropractic or massage therapy, and acupuncture. Spinal fusion surgery is generally only recommended if all other treatment options have been tried and nothing else helps. For chronic pain, a mild painkiller such as paracetamol is usually prescribed at first, and if it does not work, stronger pain killing medication is used. Other treatment options include acupuncture, manual therapy and exercise.

Manual therapy back pain treatment means manipulation and mobilization of the spine and can include physiotherapy, osteopathy and chiropractic. Physiotherapy is used for back pain treatment and to recover movement after an injury. Osteopathy and chiropractic are alternative forms of treatment and focus on problems in the bone structure, the joints, the muscles and the nervous system. Massage relaxes the back muscles and can form a part of a back pain treatment program. Acupuncture is also sometimes recommended as an alternative back pain treatment. Acupuncture is based on traditional Chinese medicine and uses thin, fine needles that are placed on different parts of the body to unblock the flow of energy in the body's energy channels, or meridians. Some Western experts believe that the needles actually stimulate the muscles and the nerves and this is why acupuncture can relieve pain in the body.

Many doctors recommend regular exercise as a treatment for chronic pain. Swimming is often recommended as back pain treatment, and today gentle forms of exercise such as yoga or pilates are often thought to be beneficial. Yoga and pilates can also help to improve your posture.

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Over recent years, we've been learning more and more about the benefits of treating human aliments with natural remedies. The same holds true for our companion pets as well. Older dogs and cats suffer from painful arthritis as their joints begin to deteriorate over time. Instead of turning directly to prescription drugs which can be costly and come with nasty side effects, many people are looking for alternative options for arthritis pain relief for canine dogs.

In the past aspirin for dogs with arthritis pain has been a popular treatment. But this type of treatment is quickly losing popularity because dogs are particularly sensitive to the effects that Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin, can have on their gastrointestinal system. Side effects of NSAID's include pain, bleeding and ulceration.

So health conscious pet owners are in search of safer alternatives. One natural component is quickly gaining popularity, specifically because of the clinical studies that have proven its effectiveness. Cetyl myristoleate is a natural component that has been clinically proven for arthritis natural pain relief and thousands of people and pets dealing with the disease are finding great success with CM8. Cetyl myristoleate is the cetyl ester of myristoleic acid. It has multiple biological properties. It acts as a natural anti-inflammatory and a pain reliever, as well as being an immune system modulator.

It is a naturally derived, highly purified, and refined waxy ester prepared to be taken by mouth. Because it is an ester form, highly resistant to oxidation, it has a relatively long life in the body. No harmful short or long term effects have ever been observed in humans or in laboratory animals, even in extremely high doses.

The only natural arthritis pain relief product that uses CM8 is FlexPet. The vitamin supplement for dogs and cats has been proven to correct the problems and eliminate pet joint pain by reducing the inflammation while lubricating the effected joints. This is mainly because of the main ingredient, cetyl myristoleate. In addition to it being an immune system modulator, CM8 delivers special nutrients and herbs to the joints, bones, and surrounding tissue. It alleviates pain, boosts immunity, strengthens the skeletal system, removes harmful toxins and promotes general health and well being.

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Balancing Your Atlas and Axis

Since 2002 I have taught hundreds of Massage Therapists (and one or two Physical Therapists) how to balance other people's atlas and axis. I have written numerous teaching curriculae for Therapists. This article will be the first I have offered to the general public on the atlas and axis. In the past I assumed the ideas were just too complex for everyday people. But things have changed. For one, after teaching the courses so many times I can now explain the concepts in simpler terms than I used to. More importantly, people now embrace deeper and subtler concepts than they used to. In the six years I have been teaching atlas and axis massage, I have found that students "get it" quicker and quicker. I trust that now, everyone who owns a neck is ready to embrace their atlas and axis.

This introductory article provides a home-exercise to balance your atlas and axis. I am not a doctor so I can't diagnose or prognose that you will be cured. But in my experience, increased awareness to the AA joint facilitates

  • healing old whiplash

  • pain relief

  • balance of hearing with being heard

  • better expression and vocalization

  • clearer thought and brain function

  • improved range of motion

  • better athletic and yoga performance

  • more range to look for oncoming traffic while driving

  • neck joints that glide rather than catch

  • releasing the "weight of the world" or "weight off your shoulders"

  • facility to nod, "yes," and shake your head, "no."

  • freer breathing and swallowing

  • head rests more naturally upon the spine

The Home Remedy: Looking Left And Right

First I will describe a home-movement you can do that will begin a friendship with your atlanto-axial, "AA" joint. It is very simple and yet very profound in effect. Then I will give modifications how you could use it in different applications.

The way to balance your atlas upon its axis is to look slowly left and right.

How Far?

Stop at the first hint of resistance, and from that point return toward neutral (looking straight ahead). If you reach 45 ° with no pain or resistance, stop there and return toward neutral. Below I will describe how to gage degrees so you know what is 45°.

How Fast?

Slow! Slower still. Count four seconds to get from neutral to the left. Hang out there for a second or two. Four seconds to return to neutral. Four seconds to go out to the right. Hang out there a second or two. Four seconds to return to neutral. So a cycle requires about twenty seconds. Once you have done this a few times, do a few cycles at half speed.


Slow gradually before you come to a stop. From a stop, speed up very gradually. This way your movement matches a sine wave, like the tides coming in and out twice a day, like the seasons changing twice a year.

How Long?

Even one minute will have an influence. Five minutes is great. As long as you are not pushing past your resistance, transitioning the other direction at the first hint of resistance, there is no upper limit. Twenty minutes would not be too much.

How Often?

Once every other day will have an influence. Several times a day is not too much, as long as you are stopping short and never passing the guarded range.

How Far Is Forty Five Degrees?

Sit in a comfortable position in the middle of a room, facing one corner. Turn your head until your face is flat with one wall, this is 45 degrees. If you feel resistance or pain before you reach 45, do not force it but stop short of that range.

The Measurer

It is not necessary to measure, as long as you are transitioning before you reach the first hint of guarding. But for those who enjoy charting progress and measure things, here is your chance. Have a pencil and pad in your lap. Sit in the corner and close your eyes. Turn left and right a few times until you have a good internal sense of where the first hint of guarding occurs. Then open your eyes and estimate how many degrees you have turned--the corner being zero and flat with the wall being 45. Jot down a measurement for left rotation and one for right rotation. Forty Five degrees is considered normal for people with average flexibility. A man with higher or lower overall ligament and joint flexibility will find his normal AA rotation to be about five degrees more or less than average.

How Often To Measure?

Just as when "losing weight," don't check too often. Recheck once a week or once a month, at the same time of day, so that you are measuring overall trends rather than normal ups and downs.


The Athlete

As you are jogging or hiking outdoors, or doing "cardio" machines indoors, rotate left and right every twenty to forty seconds. For increased body awareness, you can count how many steps or breaths you take for each cycle of rotation.

The Zen Master

Sit in the Seven Gestures or Lotus Position. Close your eyes while rotating left and right.

Adding Eye Therapy

The Atlanto-Axial joint is often guarded in partnership with eye strain. You may add in eye movements left and right. Allow the eyes to lead the neck. With eyes closed, make your eyeballs look left, then allow the head to follow, until you feel the first sign of resistance or pain. From here, turn your eyes to look right, then allow your head to follow.

Speed Racer

Not only is driving a good time to practice your neck movement, but it is safer, because you'll gather more information about the cars around you. While driving, do not time your rotation to twenty seconds but just allow yourself to turn naturally several times per minute as you check mirrors and, if you can, looking over your shoulders for oncoming traffic. Of course, to head-check for oncoming traffic over your shoulders requires you rotate up to 90 degrees, which many people cannot do yet. Ninety degrees requires full function of the AA joint as well as full function of the five facet joints of the neck below. Just turn as far as feels natural without pain, never force it.

Always transition the movement BEFORE the pain, don't pass into the guarded range. Why? For one, you may get a twinge of pain if you pass the boundary. Also, stopping short of the boundary is the key to change. If you try to move past the guarding boundary that your brain has determined as its safety zone, your brain will guard all the more. Our hope is that the brain will feel safe and gradually let the safe zone be greater and greater. For the brain to feel safe, it must know that its boundaries are being respected.

This is the first in a series of articles I will offer about the atlas and axis. Future Ezine Articles will describe the functions of the bones, symbolic significance of the names "Atlas," and "Axis," the jobs of the muscles, how to find and massage your own obliquus capitis inferior and superior muscles. Information that was once only for specialists, now easily flows to whomever wants and needs it.

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As we get older, it doesn't take a lot to put a back out, just a little twist a little wrong move and you could on your back for 2 weeks. Some chronic back problems or joint pains, and the doctor prescribes a period of bed rest, but your old mattress doesn't seem comfortable anymore, it doesn't matter what position you're in all you feel is pain. Getting rest and relief from pain is as good as a mile away. Well it could be time to consider getting a new mattress.

Novaform Memory Foam Mattress

When NASA was looking for something to give a better cushioning effect for the astronauts during lift off, they invented memory foam, it was released to the public in the 1980's and since then has been used in the bedding industry. Possibly the most outstanding feature about memory foam is its ability to conform to the body, giving relief to back pain and joint pain. When memory foam first hit the market it was expensive and not affordable to most people. The good news is that with advances in technology it has now become affordable to for most people.

How does a Memory Foam Mattress Help You?

Memory foam is heat sensitive foam, as you body warms up the surrounding form, your body will start to sink in, and it will naturally conform to your body giving the support and at the same time give the relief from pressure points. This will give more comfort and result in a better rest which will help your body repair itself faster. It's important when you buy a memory foam mattress that you get one with a high foam density getting one with a foam density of 5-6 lbs/cubic foot will give you a mattress that's durable and will last for years. Lighter density foam doesn't have the durability and some have complained that only after 10 months that their mattresses lost the ability to bounce back.

How Many Types of Novaform Mattresses are There?

There are several different types of Novaform mattresses, though the most recent model is the Novaform Pure Comfort mattresses, which can be found in a number of different sizes, King, Queen, Twin, and Normal sizes. These mattresses are twelve inches thick, consisting of a base 9" layer of base foam that is topped with a 3" layer of premium high quality memory foam. The mattress has a cotton-polyester stretch knit cover. You can expect to pay anywhere between $550 - $800

Memory Foam Mattress Toppers are a Good Option

For those who cannot afford the cost of a brand new mattress, or those who have a mattress that is still in good condition and not ready for replacement, buying a memory foam mattress topper is a good option. These are positioned on top of your current mattress. The mattress pads are designed to give you the benefit of a memory foam mattress at a fraction of the cost, giving a much better sleep than you'll otherwise have if you purchased a typical latex mattress topper. Many people buy a latex mattress because of the hypo-allergic and anti-bacterial qualities. However, a Novaform mattress will offer you these same advantages, while at the same time ensuring a good night's sleep.

Added Advantages

Novaform memory foam mattresses are hypoallergenic that means it contains fewer allergens. For people who have problems with dust mite allergies, this is good news. Memory foam is made from non organic matter (dust mites can't eat the mattress), as well as having fewer hollow spaces, means fewer numbers of dust mites to live in.

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Physical therapy, exercises, joint mobilization can ease out the discomfort caused by neck pain. Physical therapy includes manual examination by therapists, measurement of the patient's range of motion and testing of tender points in the neck or palpation tests. Exercises should include gentle stretching exercises that can reduce spasm and muscle tightness and also strengthen neck muscles. Exercise also increases the stability of core muscles and improves muscle coordination. The common exercises that can be done include using a stair stepper, walking on treadmill, swimming laps and using a cross country ski machine.

Self-help, natural and herbal ways to manage neck pain

1. While doing day to day activities, bending, twisting, if neck pain is felt, one must immediately stop and take necessary precautions. Pain must be understood as a warning sign.

2. While sleeping, one must be careful about supporting the neck properly. The mattress used should be appropriate; neither too hard, nor too soft. A soft mattress or a high pillow has adverse impact on spine alignment and may build up tension in the spine.

3. The patient should avoid slouching.

4. For those who spend maximum time on phone, a speaker phone or head set is advisable.

5. Usage of neck traction devices help in controlling neck muscle spasm by stretching the soft tissues. This is one way of treating neck pain.

6. Weight reduction will reduce the excessive pressure on spine.

7. Take food items rich in calcium, vitamin D. They will help to check osteoporosis or bone thinning.

8. One should avoid holding neck or keeping neck bent for a long time. One should change positions frequently even while sitting or lying.

9. Improper lifting techniques can also strain your neck muscles as well as back muscles. While lifting heavy objects, one must bend the knees, hold the spine erect, place the object in between the feet which should be quite apart from each other; for instance shoulder width apart.

10. Take frequent breaks from work, and practice deep breathing and neck mobilizing exercises every half an hour. This reduces stress and also lessens neck tightness.

11. Ice pack or a pack containing frozen peas may be held tightly against neck muscles for at least 15 minutes. This will soothe painful conditions.

12. Swelling of neck muscles can be reduced with the help of jet streams or hot shower hitting the affected muscles.

13. Massage therapy is an effective way of treating neck pain. Massaging soothes the strained muscles and tendons of the neck. Herbal massage oils like natural massage oil, arnica oil, rumatone gold oil, nagachampa ayurvedic oil, lavender body massage oil, sandalwood oil, capsaicin creams etc are best for relieving neck pain.

14. Herbal supplements prepared from herbs like eucalyptus, cayenne and devil's claw are very helpful in minimizing intensity of pain and inflammation of the sore muscles. Intake of herbal supplements such as Rumatone Gold Capsules thus can prove useful.

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Arthritis is one of the biggest problem that has been faced by million of people worldwide. Arthritis is a general term that literally means pain and inflammation in joints. Though previously it was believed that only old people suffers from arthritis but now it has been seen that people of younger age group are also being affected by this disease. Arthritis is not a disease in itself. There is a general condition in which the joint becomes inflamed and causes great pain. Arthritis can be of many types but commonly three types are frequently seen. These are: -

(a) Rheumatoid arthritis

(b) Osteoarthritis

(c) Gout

(a) Rheumatoid arthritis - it is a kind of arthritis that is more associated autoimmune disorder that occurs due to attack of our immune system on the joints. It is also associated with the deformity in the body. It is commonly seen in people who are in their mid forties.

(b) Osteoarthritis - it is another form of arthritis that occurs due to age related changes. In this condition there is formation of osteophytes in the joints. The cartilaginous structure gets ossified and gets converted in the bone. This bone formation in the bone leads to the hindered movements and causes extremes pain whenever the joint is made to move.

(c) Gout - it is concerned with the formation of uric acid crystals in the joint. Due to any kind of deformity there is decreased in the serum uric acid metabolism thereby leads to the accumulation of uric acid in the joints. It is commonly called as the riches disease as it is more commonly seen in people who are well off.


· Ageing

· Over use of joints

· Hereditary factors

· Wrong feeding habits

· Infections

· Metabolic disorder


· Pain in joints

· Swellings in joints

· Restricted movements

· Redness over joint

· Deformity of the joint

· Cracking sound on movements.


Though the anatomical changes are very difficult to be reversed but their have been certain ayurvedic preparations that are extremely helpful in suppressing pain and prevent any further damage to the joint. Belo are few ayurvedic herbs that are very effective in curbing arthritis.

· Ashwagandha (withinia somnifera) - it is one of the best herb that has the potential to suppress pain and inflammation. It has certain properties that are very helpful in reducing the vata dosha in the body that is solely responsible for causing all pains and inflammation in the body. Ashwagandha is a medium sized plant that is easily found in areas having warmer climatic conditions. The roots of Ashwagandha are the plant parts that are being used to make medicines. Generally Ashwagandha is taken in as powder form but it is now available in capsules and syrup forms also.

· Guggul (commiphora mukul) - Guggul is one of the most prestigious herbs that has been very popular among ayurvedic physicians. Guggul is vata suppressant and hence is widely used to treat vata related disorders. Guggul not only reduces pain in the body but is also responsible in suppressing any kind of inflammation and edema that occurs in the body. Various preparations like mahayogaraja Guggul, laxadi Guggul, rasnadi Guggul and gokshuradi Guggul that are being widely used to curb any kind of pain in the body.

· Rasna (pluchea lanceolata) - Rasna is an excellent analgesic and has excellent results in suppressing pain in the body. It is a small plant that can be used in preparing various forms of preparations. It is used as powder, decoction and oils. It has the potential to reduce the vata dosha in the body and is very successful in curbing its effect.

· Arthcare oil - arthcare oil is one of the prestigious ayurvedic preparations that have been found extremely helpful in treating various pain disorders like arthritis, musculoskeletal disorders, backache, joint pains, wounds etc. It has been empowered with the wonders of certain ayurvedic herbs like errand (ricinus communis), Rasna (pluchea lanceolata), devdaru (cedrus deodara), shuddha Guggul (commiphora mukul), rasone (garlic), marich (black pepper), nirgundi (vitex negundo), ajwain (trachyspermum) and til tail (seasum). These all herbs are famous for their activities in suppressing and curbing any kind of pain and inflammation that might occur in the body. The oil is gently massaged on the affected part and then hot fomentation is done. This is the simple procedure that is all you have to do to get relief from the pain and arthritis.

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RA is one of the most common types of arthritis. Arthritis is inflammation of the joint characterized by joint pains and stiffness which get more severe as one gets older.

There are several ways in which to treat arthritis ranging from natural healing techniques to use of biological drugs. Both have shown relative success in treating the symptoms of arthritis.

Nonetheless, it is important for one to understand the habits that influence inflammatory processes that result in arthritis.

It is one of the autoimmune diseases that can occur at any age and is very challenging for the human body system to naturally handle.

The symptoms can sometimes be very debilitating and it important to talk to a qualified medical professional before starting a new treatment plan.

Natural Cures for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis occurs primarily as a result of antibodies within the body attacking the body itself. It is not a simple disease and even when you choose to work with the natural methods it is still important to consult with a specialist on what you need to do.

Combination of hot and cold presses to reduce pain in muscle joint is one of the natural methods that can be used to cure rheumatoid arthritis. Most people with arthritis suffer swallow and pain in muscle joints.

To reduce the pain one can use a combination of cold and hot compresses for about 15 minutes each. Use ice cold water for 15 minutes then hot water for another 15 minutes and the pain will be reduced.

Acupuncture, Exercise and Diet plan

Acupuncture is a great natural choice in curing rheumatoid arthritis. This traditional Chinese method helps in boosting the immune system; with an excellent immune system the body gets the power to fight off the disease.

Doing proper exercises and having a good diet can also help reduce pain associated with RA. It is recommended that you consult your physician on what kind exercises and diet plan can help in improving the condition.

Drugs Used to Cure Rheumatoid Arthritis

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs also known as NSAIDs are used in arthritis treatment strictly for pain relief and to reduce inflammation. Corticosteroids are also used to manage short term flare ups in reducing pain and inflammation.

They also help prevent joint damage. It is a rapid relief drug which is usually given to NSAID patients when NSAID is ineffective.

It is also one of the most effective treatments that were originally designed for illnesses such as cancer, though used in much less amounts to cure arthritis.

Biologics are the emerging new rheumatoid treatment. They are used when all medication cannot deliver relief. It is developed from human gene protein and works by inhibiting immune response to inflammation.

Focus on Body Immunity

In curing rheumatoid arthritis, there is one most important thing to focus on; building body immunity.

If the body immunity is weak then it becomes almost impossible to cure rheumatoid arthritis. It is advisable to build body immunity even as you try other treatments.

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The use of pain relief spray as a form of at home therapy has increased in popularity in the last few years. This article will detail how to select a good product. This type of spray is most often used for muscle and joint issues, such as pain or swelling. One easy thing to look for is that your product does not have any harsh chemicals and is all natural in it's ingredients list. Usually you can choose between a spray or roll on form. The odor and the greasiness of the product are other things to keep in mind.

It is important when looking for the best pain relief spray to view the key ingredients. We will cover 2 main ingredients used for their anti-inflammatory properties and pain relieving abilities. These are Boswellia Serrata which is a herb and Methysulfonlymethane (MSM). A list of the common issues relieved by these sprays will conclude the article.

MSM should certainly be part of the ingredients in your pain relief spray. It is a naturally occurring sulfur compound that assists in forming muscles, hair, nails and skin and builds health cells in the body. What is great about MSM is that it's ability to relieve pain comes without any serious side effects. This is because it is not a drug it is a nutritional supplement. MSM stops pain transmission along nerve pathways resulting in an analgesic effect. It can also lessen inflammation and muscle spasm. Plus it increases blood supply and softens scar tissue.

A common ingredient in pain relief spray is also Boswellia. Boswellia is known for its analgesic and anti arthritis effects. It does this by affecting the cycle of inflammation and therefore results in anti-inflammatory activity. It also does this by COX-2 inhibition and unlike pharmaceutical equivalents does not cause any gastric issues. It can also assist in helping levels of synovial fluid and soothes the joints aiding their movement and rotation. Boswellia is great for pain, musculoskeletal problems, arthritis, backache, stiff joints and joint inflammation.

Problems such as tendon strains or tendinitis, muscular sprains and arthritis tend to respond well to pain relief spray. If the pain in your joints has come on suddenly or you have other associated symptoms be sure to seek proper medical attention. Overuse or not warming up properly can cause muscle problems, as can more serious conditions like arthritis or rheumatism. These are all the types of problems that are well treated with pain relief spray. Niggling injuries that are hampering your golf or tennis hobbies or exercise workouts are also good types to treat.

Pain relief spray can be a helpful treatment for muscular and joint aches and pains. From a sore muscle due to overwork or a bit of tendinitis from a sporting injury. Be sure to look for a natural product that has key pain relieving ingredients. This way you can be sure that it will do the job and you will get the most benefit from it and stop your pain.

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Are you tired of waking up to terrible gout pain? If you are like most gout patients, the majority of your pain is caused by too much uric acid in your system. This acid crystallizes causing painful inflammation of your joints, the most famous being the big toe.

Here are 4 ways you can lower your levels and in the process reduce the likelihood of future attacks and also help your current pain.

1. Potassium

Eating foods rich in potassium such as raisins and bananas are an excellent way to help reduce levels of this acid. Potassium is able to lower uric acid by turning it into a liquid so that your kidneys are able to more efficiently excrete it thereby reducing your numbers. This will help prevent or lessen future attacks. By turning the crystals into a liquid form, this also helps break down the crystals which are causing the damage and inflammation to your joint area. This swelling and damage is what is the chief cause of your pain.

2. Avoid high purine foods

Uric acid is formed when the body processes purines. This is normal for the body to do this, however, the problem arises when you either eat too much of these purines or your body is unable to properly process the uric acid you produce. Therefore reducing the amount of high purine foods can help reduce your levels to a manageable number. Examples of high purine foods would be game meat and peanuts.

3. Vitamin C

Foods high in vitamin C are very helpful in reducing your overall levels. Studies show that this vitamin has the potential to reduce levels by up to 50% when consumed regularly. This fact definitely helps reduce the likelihood of future attacks and also helps to reduce their severity.

4. Eat Plenty of Fruits

Fruits are a great asset to reducing your levels of uric acid as well as providing gout pain relief. That is because most fruits contain the first three things on this list. Many fruits contain potassium, are low in purines, and contain plenty of vitamin C. Not only that, but a variety of fruits have other properties that can help reduce swelling, such as bromelain in pineapples and improve joint damage, such as niacin in avocados. So add plenty of fruits to your diet.

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