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When it comes to pain, there are always 2 ways to help relief the pain, ice bag or warm tower. Somehow, the cold treatment is a more commonly used solution to numb the nerves so that the signals of the pain cannot reach the brain, temporarily.

In the case of gout pain, because the infected area (usually big toe) is like burning on fire, most patients will soak the whole foot into a bucket full of freezing cold ices. That will immediately numb all the nerves in the foot, he cannot even feel the existence of the feet, not to mention the grueling pain at the swollen toe.

This may sound like a good fix for the intense pain, but the fact is that cold treatment will only make the condition worse in the long run. This is a method that kills the symptoms but worsen the root cause of gout.

Gout is a direct result of accumulation of too much uric acid in the body and the population of gout patients is growing worldwide at alarming rate. This is because of our modern stressful lifestyle that is full of acidic diet and habits. Smoking, soft drinks, instant food, synthetic food additives, fast food, are all acidifying agents that actively pump acids into the bloodstream.

Bear in mind that our blood pH must always maintain at mild alkalinity which is at the pH value between 7.3 and 7.4. All those acidic food is turning our blood into an acid dumping site. In order to counter the acidity and return the alkalinity of the blood, those acids will be forced out from the bloodstream and enter the interstitial fluids and a portion of it will seep into the synovial fluids in the joints.

When the concentration of uric acid in the synovial goes beyond the saturation level, they will crystallize and forms urate crystals that triggers the immune reaction which result in inflammation, burning sensation and pain, intense pain! Gout attack!

Still remember salt crystal formation experiment during high school science? One of the variables that we need to find out is the rate of crystallization at different temperatures. The answer is that crystallization happens faster and larger crystal stones are formed at lower temperature. On the contrary, the formed salt crystals will slowly dilute away as the temperature goes up.

If you want more urate crystals form in your joints or interstitial fluid of muscles, then continue on with your favorite cold ice soaking. But if you want to speed up the excretion of urate crystals, then soak your feet in the warm water as often as you can, even at times when you are not suffering from gout attack. Warm water will increase the blood circulation and excretion of toxins through the moving blood.

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When you have guidelines and pointers as to how to make something happen, virtually any task becomes easier. And when you have help like this, you are much more likely to succeed with that task.

Many people consider the number 7 to be a lucky number -- a number that brings good fortune. Now with the lucky number 7 foremost in mind, I give you my top 7 tips for immediate gout pain relief...

1. Drink Plenty of Water - At Least 3 Litres per Day.

This is very important because water can help your kidneys flush excess uric acid out of your system. Plus, water helps to prevent the formation of urate crystals which cause your gout pain.

Not doing this could mean that you are continually dehydrated, and a dehydrated body is more prone to gout. So drink lots of water for fast pain relief.

2. Eat Lots of Cherries.

This too is important because cherries have natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. They are known to be able to reduce inflammation, and, lower uric acid levels in your body.

Eat between 30 and 40 every 4 hours or so during a gout attack.

3. Change to a Low-Purine Diet.

This is a critical element because purines are chemical compounds in your body and food that, when they break down, produce uric acid which produces the urate crystals that cause your gout.

So you need to avoid high-purine food like meats, seafood, poultry, legumes and some vegetables like cauliflower, mushrooms and asparagus. And avoid alcohol, especially beer.

4. Use Herbal Remedies.

Another significant point is to utilise the natural healing powers of herbs like, alfalfa, bilberry, black cohosh, burdoch, buchu, etc. These can reduce inflammation, lower uric acid and help to dissolve urate crystals.

Talk to your local herbalist for information more appropriate to your case.

5. Drink Baking Soda in Water.

Pay particular attention to this step: because it can be a very fast way to relieve gout pain and symptoms. Baking soda can dissolve crystals, and, help your body excrete uric acid better.

Mix a 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in a large glass of water (8 oz) and drink 1 glass before bed, 1 in the morning, then 1 every 2 to 4 hours during the day. Repeat until your symptoms have abated.

Note: Baking soda is very high in sodium, so if you suffer from high blood pressure talk to your doctor before using this tip. In any case, all users need to change to a salt-free diet while taking it.

6. Take Supplements.

Another important element is this one of not having enough of the important vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are missing from many present day diets, especially when on a low-purine diet.

Think about vitamin B complex, bromelain, fish oil, vitamin C, vitamin E, etc. Check with your doctor of course.

7. Drink Celery Seed Tea / Infusion.

The reason why this is important is that celery seeds contain many different types of anti-inflammatory properties.

To make the tea just boil 1 tablespoon of the seeds in 2 cups of water until soft. Strain, then drink a 1/2 cup, 4 times a day until your symptoms have gone.

Note: Because celery seeds are a diuretic, don't use this remedy if you're pregnant or have any kidney dysfunction.

Follow these tips for immediate gout pain relief and you can expect success, with all its benefits. In the event you omit or ignore any one of these, you risk getting poorer results than you may otherwise expect. Others have succeeded with these 7 tips for immediate gout pain relief and so can you!

Now whilst these are 7 great tips for fast pain relief, you also have to consider what happens between attacks; what you need to do to prevent future attacks...

And this is very important because frequently recurring gout attacks can leave you with permanently damaged joints and kidney problems such as excruciating kidney stones, down the line. Plus, once having had a gout attack, you're now far more likely to have more.

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Isn't it difficult when we experience excruciating pain and we do not know what to do? Can you imagine how difficult it is for your pet, who cannot even properly express what he is feeling, much less go his own way to relieve himself of this extreme discomfort. Therefore it is very important that you know when your pet is feeling pain and what we can do to ease their suffering.

Canines in pain exhibit similar symptoms, whatever the root cause of the pain might be. They usually whimper/whine, refuse food and drink, trembling, depression and lessened physical activity. When you see these signs manifesting, you need to see with the vet right away to properly diagnose why your dog is in pain.

Fortunately, there are many dog pain relievers in the market today that will help you in solving this problem. The vet will probably prescribe a safe non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drug specific to his condition to help in lessening the pain. However, if you are not able to get to a vet right away, or if the diagnosis take a long time coming-here are some simple remedies for dog pain relief at home.

The quickest way to help your pet is to immediately regulate his movements so that he is not subject to any more activity that may aggravate his condition. Settle him in a large, comfortable area and bring his dog dish and water bowl close by. While regular and light exercise is good-for now avoid superfluous movements and limit exercise to trips to the bathroom.

If you see swelling, you can apply an ice pack or a cold compress on it for 15 minutes. This reduces the swelling that is the cause of pain. Do this every other hour for the next two days or until you see an improvement to the area of swelling. Do not apply hot compress for any type of swelling. Hot compresses can provide soothing relief for aching muscles and tense canines.

Never give over the counter prescription medications like Aspirin, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Aceteminophen and Advil as dog pain relievers. They contain substances that are very toxic to dogs and may lead to serious health complications. Aspirin can cause ulcers and furthermore, thins out blood-this is dangerous especially when the canine is undergoing surgery or any operation.

A gentle massage is also an effective dog pain relief at home strategy. It calms the stressed dog and this reduces his level of pain. Moreover, massage stimulates blood flow that alleviates muscle tension-also commonly associated with dog pain. Make sure you keep your dog's ideal weight; and is well-fed with healthy food, rich in essential vitamins and minerals.

Sure, it's frustrating and very hard for us to see our pet in pain; but we can do our part by bringing them to regular check-ups and being vigilant of any physical and behavioral changes. Do whatever you can to give your dog a healthy and happy life-and the rest will work itself out. Enjoy!

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What do you use for pain relief? Most of us reach for a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) like aspirin and Advil or acetaminophen (Tylenol) when in pain.

With over 13 million regular NSAID users in the US and at least 30 billion over-the-counter tablets sold each year, you might say we're "sold" on NSAIDs and acetaminophen for pain relief.

Yet, these drugs aren't as friendly as their advertisements suggest. They help relieve pain, but their side effects can kill!

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reports that NSAID-induced disease causes at least 103,000 hospitalizations per year and every year 16,500 arthritis patients die from NSAID-related gastrointestinal damage.

These drugs increase the chance of a heart attack and stroke. They cause ulcers and bleeding in the stomach and intestines. Worse yet, these side effects can happen suddenly without warning symptoms and may cause sudden death.

Acetaminophen, another potential killer, likely lurks in your medicine cabinet too. This common over-the-counter (OTC) drug found in Tylenol, cold medicines, and prescription drugs like Vicodin and Percocet is widely used for pain relief and fever.

Though generally considered safe when used according to the directions on its labeling, acetaminophen can cause liver damage and even death according to a FDA 2009 consumer update. Unfortunately, overdosing is easy as many drugs use acetaminophen in combination with other drugs in their formulas.

Fortunately, you can avoid these risks by using simple and effective natural pain relief methods like these:

Ice. Ice is a well-know pain reliever especially in the early phase of injury. "Try to ice the area as soon as possible after the injury and continue to ice it for 10 to 15 minutes four times a day for 48 hours. If you use ice, be careful not to use it too long, as this could cause tissue damage," reports Mayo Clinic staff on their website. After 48 hours, try heat.

Heat. Heat promotes pain relief and it increases blood flow to the area bringing nutrients and specialized cells to speed healing.

Fish Oil. An April 2006 study in Surgical Neurology found that after seventy-five days on fish oil, 59% of patients who were taking NSAIDs for chronic spinal pain and who had degenerative spine disease were able to discontinue their prescription NSAIDs. Eighty percent stated they were satisfied with their improvement, and 88% stated they would continue to take the fish oil.

Zyflamend. This preparation contains a synergistic blend of 10 specially processed herbs including ginger, rosemary, turmeric, holy basil, green tea, Hu Zhang, Chinese goldthread, barberry, oregano, and skullcap. Laboratory cell studies found it inhibits the COX-2 enzyme that triggers inflammation.

If you're already taking NSAIDs for your pain, "Take Zyflamend at half the recommended dose along with your prescribed medication; after 1 month, cut your NSAID dose in half and increase Zyflamend to full dosage; a month later, drop your NSAID and see if your symptoms are controlled. If your pain returns, you may need to resume taking your NSAID again," recommends natural health expert, Andrew Weil, MD in Prevention magazine.

Proteolytic Enzymes. These enzymes including papain, chymopapaine, bromelain, and pancreatic preparations can "fast forward" the healing process, support the removal of damaged tissue, and reduce swelling, report natural health experts Ross A. Hauser MD and Payson Flattery, NP, DC, in The Cure for Chronic Pain: End the Pain of Arthritis, Sports Injury and Other Joint Problems.

Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). An analysis of the 2002 National Health Interview published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine found that a majority (60 percent) of survey respondents who used CAM therapies for back pain perceived "a great deal" of benefit and they reported improved health status. Here are the most commonly used therapies with their percentage of usage:

  • Chiropractic (66 percent)

  • Massage (56 percent)

  • Yoga/Tai Chi/Qi Gong (56 percent)

  • Acupuncture (42 percent)

  • Herbal Therapies (32 percent)

  • Relaxation Techniques (28 percent)

These CAM therapies count as side effects potential improvement in all aspects of your life: body, mind, and spirit.

This is only a partial list; there are many other natural pain relief methods like physical therapy, meditation, and more. Ask your health provider about natural pain relief.

Before you decide to take drugs like NSAIDs and acetaminophen, try natural pain relief methods. You can use them in place of these drugs or along with them, in order to decrease the amount you need to take.

Natural pain relief methods can work and without the nasty side effects of drugs!

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There have been a few natural arthritis pain relief supplements which are known to assist in relieving sometimes excruciating pain in the hip or knees, but often men and women in the West still prefer to opt for prescription NSAID's which have now been exposed through concrete medical evidence to damage your liver, kidneys, pose heart risks even heart arrhythmia - where your heart skips a beat and dramatically raises your chances of a heart attack.

Hence Vioxx and Celebrex have now been removed from the market and currently there is a shortage of respectable prescription arthritis drugs which is why the trend is veering towards all-natural alternatives.

There's also a shift in the way people are treating joint pain today as the new medical biological arthritis injections are proving much more successful at instructing remission as opposed to the NSAID's, which just dampen the pain while the disease continues to spread.

Additionally, NSAID's cannot be used in combination with these new injections due to the unpredictable nature of their side effects, which is why more refined and concentrated natural supplements are being sought after.

Of these Provailen is one such supplement.

In short this product contains 3 main ingredients, Reishi, Capsaicin and Tongkat Ali.

Reishi, which is well-known for its anti-inflammatory benefits is now extracted in FDA approved pharmaceutical labs, which takes approximately 60 hours to produce an active ingredient 70 times its natural anti-inflammatory strength.

This is now achieved through piercing the Chitin which coats the fungi's spores which prove almost impenetrable when digested.

To help increase the absorption of Reishi, which will help reduce the swelling and the pain, while contributing to the remission of the cartilage is Capsaicin.

Capsaicin can also assist in blocking pain signals being transmitted from the injured joint to the brain so it works two fronts.

Finally Tongkat Ali can help speed up the blood flow and is often a preferred natural metabolism booster to caffeine due to its minimal side effects, plus more importantly it works on strengthening muscles and adding density to bone cartilage.

Muscle atrophy is common amongst people with joint pain and arthritis, so by helping to rebuild the muscle through consuming this active muscle building compound, in combination ideally with exercise, preferably swimming, this will help relieve the stress on the joints almost overnight.

Additional natural pain relief supplements on the market, which contain active botanicals to treat joint pain include Eazol, an FDA registered homeopathic pain reliever, Jointkote and JointAdvance.

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Quite often people associate fish oil to relief from joint pain and more often than not they will go and use cod liver oil thinking that this is going to help ease their joint pain. Unfortunately this is not really the case as the fish oil has to be high in omega 3 and cod liver oil is not. The best sources for omega 3 joint relief are oily fish such as salmon, tuna and hoki.

The reason why the omega 3's from these kind of fish are so helpful is because they have essential fats in them that help fight inflammation, and inflammation is the main cause behind joint pain. The way they help fight inflammation is through the DHA fat contained in the omega 3 which inside the body turns into nitric oxide and it is the presence of this substance that reduces the amount of inflammation and therefore brings joint relief.

However as well as the omega 3 joint relief benefits, you will actually be doing a great deal of good to your body by reducing inflammation. The reason for this is that it is now known that as well as causing joint pain, inflammation is behind more serious conditions such as causing aneurisms, strokes and unexpected fatal heart attacks; therefore by reducing the inflammation in your body you will be decreasing the likelihood of suffering from these conditions.

To get the right level of omega 3 for joint relief will however require you eating a portion of oily fish on a daily basis. However, for most people this is not practical due to cost and also the fact it would be quite a boring diet to eat fish every day. On top of that oily fish are also known to have high levels of contaminants such as mercury, which if consumed in the kind of quantities we have mentioned, can lead to adverse health conditions.

The best way to get the right levels of omega 3 is to supplement, however one thing that you will still have to watch out for is the pollution in the oil. The reason for this is because there is no real regulatory body in this kind of industry which means that manufacturers can produce supplements to the standards that suite them, and because removing the pollutants is an expensive process many choose not to do it. The process that is most effective at removing these pollutants is called molecular distillation, and although you will pay a little more for these kind of supplements it is definitely worth it.

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If you've been suffering from arthritis pain for quite some time and don't seem to get any relief from over the counter creams and medications it may be time for you to try something else. Of course, when you're in pain you want instant relief, however sometimes the relief is not in the form of a pill or cream. Many people today are more in tune with their bodies and as a result want to try to treat their bodies with natural remedies that are simple to do and inexpensive to purchase. Getting treatment for your pain using only natural ingredients is a very good idea for your body. Though there are lots of home remedies out there, you want to try sticking with options that are best suited for you personally.

Exercising Is Great For Relief

You might be wondering why if you're suffering from pain every time you move would you consider the idea of getting up and exercising. However, contrary to popular belief exercising will help with the symptoms of pain and stiffness. Through exercising methods such as Pilates and Yoga you can help your joints immensely through a series of stretching. The more you stretch, the easier it is for your joints to maintain their motion range even while affected with arthritis. This does not mean that you're limited to stretch based exercises only as you can get the same joint stimulation from classes such as walking, jogging, and even swimming. You should try to create a routine of at least 30 minutes three times per week to feel the effects of this remedy.

Watch What You Eat

Another natural remedy for arthritis would be to change your eating habits. If you have been diagnosed with arthritis then you should try to refrain from foods like caffeine, salt, sugar, and red meat as this could complicate your symptoms. However, there are foods that you should try to increase in your diet. There are lots of foods that previous patients have stated to be a symptom reliever. Those foods consist of omega 3 fatty acids, organic fruits and veggies, and even some fish like tuna. By taking in more of these types of foods on the regular basis you should begin to notice a difference in the joint pain that you feel.

Other Remedies

There are more remedies that you can try if you are in need of locating a fast solution the natural way. There are other treatments options available that have great results. Things such as natural oils, Epsom salt, vitamin C, zinc, calcium, and avoiding cold atmospheres are great solutions to coping with your symptoms.

Before deciding to try any remedies it is very important that you go over your options with a trained medical professional to be sure that what you are doing is safe. Just as people are different so are their reactions to even natural remedies and therefore talking this over with your doctor will ensure you that you are doing the right thing. They will give you professional advice that will benefit your overall health.

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Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic illness that leaves patients suffering from never ending painful conditions and symptoms. According to medical studies and researchers, there is no specific medication that can cure this health condition. Don't lose heart! There are several diet options you can depend upon in order to get relief from pain. Here are some diet suggestion coming straight from medical expert to plan a pain-free diet in order to reduce inflammation and pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis.

a) Tea

Tea has been introduced to the list of healing foods by the experts. Green tea consists of polyphenols, widely known as epigallocatechin - 3 gallate or EGCG. This works towards inhibiting the expression of the interleukin - 8 gene. This gene works for arthritis inflammatory response. Researchers have also proved that black tea can reduce the pain. Sip in tea and you will be relieved from pain. There are certain special compounds found in tea such as phytoestrogens, flavonoids and fluoride. These are a group of antioxidants that work together for healing pain in the body.

b) Grapes

Grapes are rich in resveratrol. It is a phyto-estrogen, nonsteronoidal compound. The studies in the past few years have indicated that resveratrol tends to block inflammation of cells. The inflammation of cells is directly associated with arthritis or several other diseases related to joints. Resveratrol is the first major natural compound that has been identified to undertake two major tasks. The first task is to block the Cox-2 gene from being activated. The second function is to inactivate the enzyme created by that gene. Experts believe that trans-resveratrol can work towards improving aspirin properties to fight diseases related to COX-2 like arthritis. So, snacking on grapes let you get a lot of healing nutrients to the body.

c) Vegetables

Diet consisting of a major portion of vegetables is said to reduce inflammation in most people. This diet helps in producing prostaglandins and leukotrienes. These functions help in reducing inflammatory conditions.

d) Broccoli

Broccoli is rich in glutathione. Glutathione is a potent antioxidant and detoxifying agent. Most of the antioxidants such as Vitamin C & E are unable to function without the help of glutathione. Experts also believe that people with less glutathione in their body can have greater risk of arthritis as compared to those with higher amounts of this antioxidant. You can also snack on some other glutathione rich foods such as avocados, grape fruit, peaches, watermelon and oranges.

e) Fish

According to several studies conducted on health, it has been proved that Omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish can help in reducing inflammation. You should also include fish oils to your diet in order to stay away from the rheumatoid arthritis. Fish high in Omega-3 include anchovies, bluefish, capeline, dogfish, herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines, shad, sturgeon, Tuna and white fish.

f) Pineapple

Pineapple has been widely used to heal sports injuries. The fruit contains bromelain helps in reducing inflammation. The ingredient helps in reducing pain occurring due to arthritis.

g) Olive oil

Eating Olive oil in large quantities can cut down the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. It is high in unsaturated fatty acids. It also contains Oleic acid that helps in decreasing inflammation.

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During my long nursing career I was never able to find relief from my own arthritis pain until I turned to natural or alternative medicine. Many people have found there was a way to relieve themselves from the crippling pain of arthritis, especially osteoarthritis, although many people with rheumatoid arthritis have reported that a major diet change has made their rheumatoid arthritis symptoms disappear and they continue on their own rheumatoid arthritis treatment relieved of pain.

The arthritic joints usually appear to be even larger, are stiff and painful, and usually feel worse the more they are used as the day goes on. Hurtful arthritis pain is usually experienced whenever a stiff or swollen joint is used even for the easiest tasks. Unlike other types of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing spondilytis, osteoarthritis is not systemic in basis in other words it can't be detected by using blood tests for diagnosis because it appears to be localized.

The cartilage is made up of chondrocytes, water, proteoglycans and collagen. The chondrocytes are basic cartilage cells and are essential for our balance and function. Collagen is the main protein found in all the connective tissues in the human body, including muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Proteoglycans are the very large molecules that help to make up cartilage. They bond to water, which ensures there will be high-fluid content in the cartilage.

In general, the possible causes and the factors leading to the deterioration of cartilage in arthritis and specifically osteoarthritis are still not known. And injuries can sometimes be the start of a long-term arthritic disease process. Arthritis, or rather osteoarthritis, can develop many years later after a single traumatic injury to a joint or even near a joint. And one possible cause of arthritis is the inflammatory response due to the over-reaction of the immune system to an injury or other assault in the body, such as an infection, even if minor.

Some people report that glucosamine, with or without chondroitin, helps and others say they tried them and they didn't help them at all. To see if it might be allergy related - or helps, you can try avoiding the eight most allergic foods, one at a time. They are wheat, which is the most allergenic of all, corn, eggs, milk, nuts, peanuts, fish and shellfish. Keep in mind that if you take a joint supplement it should help to do three things - build up your cartilage, provide pain relief for your joints and enhance your flexibility and movement.

One successful natural treatment method involves avoiding all inflammatory foods. Another is to try massaging your fingers or other affected joints with virgin coconut oil once or twice a day. The supplements that may help any disease or arthritic ailment include sublingual methylcobalamin, vitamin B12, not cyanocobalamin. It dissolve slowly under the tongue, not be chewed and vitamin D3 gel capsules, especially if you can't get a daily dose of 15 to 20 minutes or so of the sun on your arms and legs so you can make your own vitamin D3.

An acidic diet, which is made up of foods that are not alive, is considered to be inflammatory to the joints and other body processes. I started eating a diet of living foods (fruits, raw veggies, raw nuts and raw seeds), years ago, which caused my osteoarthritis to disappear and therefore relieve me of the crippling arthritis pain I had for years. If you attempt this diet it's best to try it for at least 30 days, thereby eliminating any foods that might be the culprits.

If you really do want to get rid of your arthritis pain permanently it may take a major change in your diet and an ongoing commitment to it. Exercise is usually good for any joint affected by osteoarthritis, but check with your arthritis doctor first. And did I mention how important it is to make sure to keep moving, moving, and moving? Now if you have pain and swelling in your fingers, you can try squeezing a wad of Thera-putty which is made for this purpose, or exercising them with two of the Chinese chime balls which you can get cheaply from several sources. There are many exercises that can be used as a therapy or treatment for arthritis regardless of how much restriction of movement there is.

For arthritic fingers, a good exercise for many people is to put the finger tips together and press hard and release then repeat several times. Make sure to fight arthritis through plenty of movement and exercise. Keep a basket of arthritis treatment aids for arthritic hands, such as the Thera-putty, hand grips, and the Taiji Chinese chime balls to be used at bedtime or while you're watching television.

Once you become completely knowledgeable about arthritis whether its osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, gouty arthritis, juvenile arthritis, or ankylosing spondylitis, you'll be able to plan your own arthritis treatment program, natural or conventional or a combination of both. Conventional arthritis doctors may suggest their standard protocol for your joint pain and may tell you to take over-the-counter NSAIDS or prescribe COX-2 inhibitors which all have some serious side effects. Make sure you do your research before you take any arthritis drugs, medicines or medications. Naturopathic doctors may have other suggestions not listed here. They may have herb recommendations but do research on the herbs also.

A useful tip: if you're going to take any arthritis drugs or prescription medications, make sure to ask your pharmacist for the drug inserts so you can read up on the drugs and understand any side effects or adverse reactions that they have, before you start taking them. Make sure to let your pharmacist know what other drugs, herbs and over the counter medications you're taking too.

Knowing more about symptoms and treatments for arthritis, osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis and how they work will ultimately help contribute to your arthritis pain relief. Once you understand the facts and warnings about arthritis, the symptoms, possible causes and the treatment approaches you can take, you'll be on your way to recovery and hopefully your pain will disappear. Perhaps following some these tips and suggestions, with the approval of your arthritis doctor may help you get back in the swing of things fast and allow you to spend your days enjoying life free of pain once more.

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The Glucosamine arthritis craze has been one of the contentious issues on arthritis treatment. Glucosamine, sometimes taken in combination with chondroitin, has been widely promoted as a dietary supplement for osteoarthritis.

Since the launch of the book "The Arthritis Cure" in 1997, physicians, pharmacists, and sufferers of arthritis have all been asked about glucosamine.

We have heard varying testimonials and opinions about the efficacy of glucosamine as an alternative treatment for the disease. The word 'cure' in the title of the book has even raised a lot of debate on the real effects of glucosamine.

Glucosamine Arthritis Treatment Claims

Glucosamine is naturally found in high concentrations in our joints. Medical experts have theorized that glucosamine stimulates the formation of cartilage and is essential for joint repair.

In an experiment done on animals, oral glucosamine had beneficial effects on inflammation, mechanical arthritis, and immunological-reactive arthritis.

Glucosamine arthritis alternative treatment is usually a combination with chondroitin. The latter is also found in the cartilage. There are numerous claims that it promotes the formation of substances in the cartilage that are lost due to osteoarthritis.

Glucosamine for Arthritis

The curative characteristics of glucosamine are different from NSAIDs or COX-2 drugs as it is natural. It promotes and maintains healthy cartilage, tendons and other connective tissues in the body.
This is done by glucosamine by acting as building block for these materials. Glucosamine also inhibits the production of enzymes that destroy the cartilage.

A depleted level of glucosamine and chondroitin induces the development of arthritis, particularly osteoarthritis. This debilitating disease is characterized by a breakdown in the "shock absorbers" of the joints. This is particularly pronounced in the weight bearing joints in the hips and knee.

Most medical experts believe that glucosamine is not a cure for arthritis. They, however, agree that it will do wonders for arthritis and joint pain. Glucosamine heals the joints and not merely relieve the pain of arthritis patients.

These curative characteristics of glucosamine give relief and beneficial effects to patients that last longer than NSAIDs and COX-2 drugs. Further, glucosamine continues to provide relief by protecting the joints by preventing further damage to the cartilage, tendons and other connective tissues.

In contrast, there were studies conducted that indicated that NSAIDs and COX-2 drugs can actually have harmful side effects. Prolonged use of these drugs was found to have harmful effects of breaking down the joints. This results to a more painful and worse case of arthritis.

Who Should Not Take Glucosamine

Persons who are considering glucosamine arthritis treatment should take note of these recommendations. Since glucosamine is an amino sugar, it should be taken with caution by individual with diabetes as it might contribute to insulin resistance.

People who are allergic to seafood should first consult their doctors before taking glucosamine sulphate as it is made from crustacean shells.

Taking this supplement may also lead to gastrointestinal problems, sleepiness, headaches and skin reactions.

Medical Expert Recommendation

It is a general consensus among health experts that arthritis treatment with glucosamine may lessen pain in some patients. Doctors now are open to the option of glucosamine as a supplement to regular treatment of arthritis. They, however, advise patients to buy only high quality glucosamine supplement from reputable sources if they opt to try the glucosamine arthritis treatment.

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Did you know that according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, over four million Americans seek shoulder pain relief from shoulder problems each year?
This number may sound alarming to you, but the fact of the matter is the shoulder is one of the most movable joints in the body, therefore making it one of the most potentially unstable.

The correct shoulder pain relief plan can be determined depending upon what kind of injury or condition you experience. Only your doctor can decide which shoulder pain relief plan is best for you. Most shoulder pain problems are attributed to two things:

1). Injuries and/or Overuse

2). Degeneration of the tendons, joints and tissues

Shoulder Pain Relief for Injuries & Overuse

Many people who injure their shoulders need immediate shoulder pain relief. Injuries, such as a dislocated shoulder and a shoulder separation can be extremely painful.

o Dislocated Shoulder. When the arm is pulled backward and overwhelms the muscles, dislocation and pain can occur. If you dislocate your shoulder, in addition to the pain, you will notice a lot of swelling and bruising. Your shoulder might feel numb and weak, as well. To receive shoulder pain relief from a dislocated shoulder, a doctor must push the ball of the humerus back into the socket of your shoulder joint. Then, you must wear a sling to rest your shoulder to heal and mitigate your pain.

o Shoulder Separation. Shoulder separation occurs when the ligaments that hold the collarbone to the shoulder blade are completely torn. Shoulder pain relief from a separation is simple: your arm among other prescribed treatments must remain in a sling until it heals.

People who suffer from either one of the aforementioned injuries can find immediate shoulder pain relief by applying ice to the wounded shoulder for up to 20 minutes three times a day. Your doctor will more than likely prescribe painkillers in order to receive even more shoulder pain relief. Physical therapy in many cases will also be recommended. One word of advice, keep moving your shoulder ever so slightly or you run the risk of frozen shoulder which is a whole different scenario to deal with.

Shoulder Pain Relief for Degeneration of the Tendons, Joints & Tissues

Many times, people seek shoulder pain relief due to the wear and tear of the tendons, joints and tissues. Tendonitis, arthritis and bursitis are common problems that cause inflammation and great amounts of pain. Most of the time, folks can find shoulder pain relief by taking Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen (Advil).

The first step to receive shoulder pain relief is to visit your doctor. Your doctor will lead you in the right direction toward the shoulder pain relief you need.

Click on and Visit the web sites below for more information about shoulder pain relief. And remember, everyday living should not involve shoulder pain or any other pain for that matter.

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Like the Tin Man, there are millions of people out and about that are suffering from stiff joints. Along with the joint stiffness too often comes aching, sore, and painfulness in the joints. From elbows, fingers, and ankles, to the larger knees and hips, all of our joints are subject to use and abuse. This means that any of them could become painful problems in our day to day lives.

There are several tried and true regimens available that are considered a more natural choice compared to medications prescribed at a doctor's office. One of the newest and most promising products is composed of CFAs, or cetylated fatty acids. By working to lubricate the joint, CFAs have shown remarkable promise and have taken big steps forward in the quest for freedom from joint pain. Along with the use of glucosamine and chondroitin, CFAs are making a big difference for joint pain victims.

Celadrin, one product made of CFAs, has been able to give relief to some patients who have not been able to find adequate relief with glucosamine alone. These people have been able to reach higher levels of relief that improve with continued use. In other words, if a noticeable difference is reached after 30 days of use, an even greater difference is likely to be noticeable after 60 days. The use of any or all of these options seems to be something that needs to be looked at on an individual basis. A trial and error period is necessary for a person to figure out what works best for them. Remember, it is always a good idea to discuss these ideas and choices with your current primary care physician.

Many wonder what makes these fatty acids different from the others out on the market. CFAs appear to be able to loosen up and lubricate joints and would probably even have been able to help that Tin Man find respite. There have been several studies released touting the advantages of CFA usage. Throughout all of the studies that have been completed there have been no reported side effects, no contraindications with other medications. According to Robert Hesslink Jr., Sc.D., who led the research into the use of cetylated fatty acids, "The mix of fatty acids in Celadrin seems to function on several different levels throughout the body to reduce inflammation-by controlling the body's cells as well as the immune system. People don't get these fatty acids in their diets these days."

Researchers have found a big market among those suffering from joint pain. The baby boomers are one generation that is known for innovation and a thirst for life. That desire to live life to its fullest has brought an astounding number of aching joints to markets everywhere. The extra focus and attention also has been instrumental in getting more funding for research. Thankfully, the time, effort, and energy put forth in this area is paying off. The future is looking better for those suffering from joint pain... and definitely for those up and coming busy-bodies!

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Finding relief from musculoskeletal issues is something anyone can do by making a few lifestyle changes. Changing your diet and exercise schedule are just two ways that you can improve your health. There are supplements made that focus on joint pain relief. Taking natural supplements is a safe way to improve joint health.

There are many symptoms to look out for with joint pains caused by osteoarthritis. Common symptoms are stiffness, swelling, and pain. You may hear a cracking sound (also called crepitation) when moving your joints or you may notice swelling that makes the bones appear to be larger. Osteoarthritis also limits people's range of movement and makes even normal daily movements painful. You will also notice tenderness if you press on your joint. Although osteoarthritis (also known as OA) cannot be cured, there are supplements that can relieve the symptoms. Poor elbow joint health can cause people to not be able to fully extend their arm, bend it in all the way, pick up and carry objects, or flex their muscles. Joints may be inflamed and elbows may hurt when you are resting or at night time.

Glucosamine sulfate is an ingredient in supplements used to help support healthy joint function. It is an amino acid that can be derived from shell fish if your body is not producing it on its own. This ingredient is ultimately beneficial to your cartilage and connective tissues. Glucosamine sulfate is characterized by its ability to strengthen proteoglycans because it is what makes up most of the substances that surround your joints. Proteoglycans are what help provide cushion and absorption around your joints to make for pain free and flexible movement.

Chondroitin sulfate is another ingredient that you should look for in a supplement to help your joints. It is often paired with glucosamine sulfate. Together they work as a team to stop enzymes that threaten the cartilage break down process. This helps slow down the break down of cartilage and helps to reverse the whole process of losing cartilage. This ingredient is backed by The Arthritis Foundation.

Other supplement ingredients to look out for are calcium L-threonate, boswellia serrata, bromelain, vitamin D3 and ginger.

Supplements can help you find relieve in all your joints. Whether your elbows, knees, hands, feet, or other joints are bothering you, you can find relief by taking supplements. They can give your body the nurturing it needs to support healthy cartilage and slow down the break down process. Supplements can also be paired with a healthy diet and exercise if you are looking for ultimate results and relief.

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Joint pain conditions are triggered or caused by two main factors which are; physical trauma and health conditions or diseases. Some of the most common diseases that cause this condition are arthritis and rheumatism. Many pain relief methods are advised by a qualified doctor. However, there are people who prefer to self medicate.

Self medication for joint pain is highly discouraged especially when the pain seems to be very severe. This is because you can make the problem even worse when you do not establish the root cause of the problem. Therefore, before joint pain relief is prescribed by a doctor, they must run tests which will reveal the actual cause of the pain.

When you are looking for joint pain relief for a sprain, there are several things you can do at home. Ice will also go a long way in numbing the area so that you do not experience severe pain. When you consult a doctor, they will prescribe anti anti inflammatory drugs. This drugs will prevent inflammation.

When you suffer from physical trauma, you can actually choose not to use any joint pain relief. This is because the body is able to naturally replenish and heal itself. This is the reason why relaxation and rest is always considered a good relief. Drugs will only speed up the recovery process.

However, when the cause of the problem is a chronic disease, the problem of pain can only be managed. Therefore, anti inflammatory drugs will not be the ultimate solution for the problem. You need to find ways of curing or managing the disease.

There are so many other alternative treatments like acupuncture and pressure puncture. This is where a specialist taps into the natural body energy to activate healing in the most natural way. This traditional joint pain relief involves the use of fingers and needles to target all the specific body points.

You need to be aware that there are certain side effects that you will experience as a result of using anti inflammatory drugs as relief. Such effects can be diarrhea, bloating, vomiting and so many others. Do not choose a relief just because it worked for somebody else. Follow the advise of your health professional and know which relief is the best for you.

Sometimes, we can use relief that we are not sure of. Testing whether various drugs will work, is one of the ways we get to know whether they can really work for us. While doing this, go for more safe methods to avoid major side effects.

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There are times that the body produces large amount of uric acid depending on the food we take in and discharge a little amount of it. This acid usually suspends in the blood. However, if these acids are not suspended and will shape into crystals that appear like needle and sharp in joints, it would cause so much pain.

This will trigger inflammation of the joints, which happens commonly in the big toe and other parts of the body such as knees or fingers. This is referred to as gout, which produces intolerable pain and gives the victim so much trouble in moving. Hence, it would be helpful to know some immediate gout pain relief and learn what to do during its attack.

Swapping applications of hot and cold water to the affected area will really help lessen the unbearable pain brought by gout. With hot water, bathe the joint for about three minutes and bathe it again for half minute using cold water. Repeat this process thrice to see better results.

You may also combine 3 tablespoons flaxseed, finely ground, 1/2cup of activated charcoal completely pulverized and warm water to form a paste. Rub down the paste on the affected area, and then wrap it using a plastic or cloth to let it stay. Do this before going to bed at night so that you may leave it over night or for a few hours.

Cover the cataplasm cautiously to ensure that the paste won't leave any stain on the bed cover. Activated charcoal is known to decrease the level of uric acid in the body so it is also possible to take 1/ 2 teaspoon of it when you get up in the morning, mid-morning, mid-afternoon and before going to bed. This procedure is known to be effective as an immediate gout pain relief.

Epsom salt includes magnesium that is known to be good at lowering blood pressure or making blood circulation better. Get the right size basin for your foot; fill it with hot water and place 2 or 3 tablespoons of Epsom salt. Bathe your affected foot for half an hour to ease the pain of your gout. If in case gout has also attacked the other parts of your body, it is advised to soak the whole body in a bath tub full of water and two cups dissolved Epsom salt.

Also, try getting one piece of white flannel and immerse it in warm Castor oil. To avoid any stain or wasted amount of it, squeeze out the spare amount and set it on top of the affected part. Envelope it using plastic and apply heat over the affected area with a hot water bottle or heating pad. So if you wish for an immediate gout pain relief, repeat this method two times every day in an hour.

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Searching for immediate gout pain alleviation? Then you have arrived at the best place. Right here, you will find exactly how baking soda is able to bring nearly instant relief from gout symptoms without all the different medicines and their notorious side effects.

Baking soda can bring you pretty much immediate gout pain alleviation. Who would have thought that something which many of us have laying in a kitchen cabinet might be such a powerful tool in the battle to get quick gout pain alleviation?

Taken alone it's an efficient natural fix for gout pain, however, baking soda may also assist the usefulness of the pain relievers that your physician generally prescribes to alleviate the pain of the gout symptoms.

However even without medicines you will get nearly immediate, certainly fast, pain alleviation using baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) due to the several advantages such as:

-- a rise in body liquids which help your kidneys to purge uric acid from your system

-- enhanced uric acid solubility for simpler removal from the body

-- dissolution of uric acid deposits to help reduce the pain

You have to add 1/2 a tsp of it to ten ounces of water in a big cup. Consume the glass instantly before going to bed, and also the very first thing upon getting out of bed. Consume an additional cup every two to four hours in between foods. If necessary, comply with this program every day until your symptoms vanish.

Take care not to consumer over four teaspoons of baking soda in a 24 hour time period. And, simply because baking soda is extremely high in sodium you have to go on to a very low salt diet, or even better, cut-out sodium from your diet plan entirely.

Additionally, if you suffer from high blood pressure speak to your physician before using this treatment. It's a wise decision to speak to your physician relating to this therapy in any case.

Numerous gout pain victims have observed extremely fast gout symptoms alleviation with this particular technique. However, there are a variety of other things you need to consider in terms of eliminating your gout pain. For instance, your weight, diet plan, way of life, family history, and so on.

If you still suffer frequently recurring gout pain, there's a threat of long term joint harm and kidney issues over time. Plus, obviously, as soon as having suffered a gout pain attack, you are now much more likely to have more.

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Fibromyalgia pain relief is necessary for patients who suffer from debilitating aches, joint stiffness, muscle spasms, headaches, extreme fatigue, Fibro problems, and a vast assortment of other musculoskeletal problems. The condition can be further exacerbated by communal illnesses such as irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue, which can greatly increase a sufferer's pain.

The causes of Fibromyalgia are unclear, and the cures differ from person to person. This creates difficulty in providing comprehensive fibromyalgia pain relief for everyone. Each case of the illness varies from patient to patient which includes the areas, degrees and stimuli of painful discomfort. In order to design an effective plan for pain relief, an accurate diagnosis of the illness must be performed.

Fibromyalgia can be difficult to detect because there are not any solid tests that can diagnose the condition. A diagnosis is usually assigned after all other possible illnesses have been ruled out. Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, osteoarthritis, and chronic fatigue also exhibit many of the same symptoms as fibromyalgia, and doctors normally want to eliminate other conditions before beginning to treat a patient for fibromyalgia pain.

After an accurate diagnosis, a person's health and lifestyle are evaluated to determine the best possible fibromyalgia treatment plan for a patient. The first fibromyalgia symptom that most doctors will attempt to treat is chronic pain, as this is the most discomforting condition for fibromyalgia patients.

Pain relief is normally treated using traditional medicine as well as alternative treatments. The common tools that doctors use are various types of physical therapy, antidepressants, sleeping pills and muscle relaxants. Physical therapy, which can take the form of hydro exercise, stretching, and walking may help reduce fatigue and muscular discomfort. The chronic pain of Fibromyalgia can cause doctors to prescribe antidepressants in patients who have been struggling with years of chronic health problems.

Issues like dietary changes and lifestyle changes can greatly aid in relief for many patients. Creating a nutritious diet that eliminates caffeine and sugar, which can cause stress on the body, is very important. In addition, certain supplements like bromelaincan and magnesium can help to reduce fibromyalgia pain in the shoulders, back, and neck.

Magnesium has recently become a popular treatment option for fibromyalgia, and has been shown to relax and provide lower back natural pain reliever in fibromyalgia patients. Bromelain, which is derived from pineapple, has anti-inflammatory properties. These help to minimize tenderness and join pain. Vitamin C can also provide relief to joint tenderness and swollen tissues.

There are many techniques of massage therapy that can be used for types of fibromyalgia pain, and one of the most useful is trigger point therapy. Trigger point therapy focuses on specific points of the body that are more susceptible to muscular tension and spasms. Applying pressure and massaging can release knotted muscles and provide fibromyalgia pain reduction in many patients.

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Gout can bring about a number of unpleasant side effects, but the most common complaint is joint pain. This pain can be mild at times, but for many, a flare up means they can't walk, and moving in any position is painful. This means the most common thing gout sufferers want to know is how they can manage their gout joint symptom and pain that comes their way.

Prevention is key, but there are times when preventative measures won't work. In those cases, there has to be something that can be done to get rid of or at least lessen the pain.

Gout pain is a direct result of high levels of uric acid in the body leading to deposits of uric acid crystals in the joints. The kidneys process uric acid but they can not always keep up especially when there is just too much of it.

Someone who is a heavy drinker or eats foods rich in purine, for example, is going to have a bigger problem with uric acid build up and are therefore more likely to suffer from gout. The kidneys will focus on clearing out the alcohol, and the uric acid secondly or they become overwhelmed by the amount of uric acid. That means levels will build up dramatically. When that happens, the uric acid has to find somewhere to go.

Excess uric acid forms crystals, and those crystals have a special place they like to go. The most common spot is in the toe joint but deposits can occur in other joints of the body.

This causes pain, tenderness, and inflammation. If you think about your joints, you know they are normally cushioned with fluids that allow them to move freely without much friction. Imagine sharp crystals forming there instead - this gives you a good idea why gout is so painful and why the sufferer often seeks immediate relief.

When the first gout joint symptom appears, most want to do something right away. Left untreated a normal bout of gout will least from a week to ten days. You can take a NSAID right away. This is a pain reliever that will also help with inflammation and swelling, allowing some flexibility in the joint. Make sure you chose a pain reliever that also tackles inflammation, like ibuprofen, as painrelievers like aspirin can actually make gout symptoms worse by inhibiting uric acid excretion.

When the attack is severe, there are other options for immediate relief. Some doctors will give an injection of corticosteroid. This is a steroid and will work almost immediately. However, this is not something that can be used too often as it can weaken the joint tissues and surrounding bones and can lead to other problems in the future.

There are other steps that can be taken by the patient when they are experiencing pain. Trying to relax the area and keeping the joint elevated is always a good idea. If the muscles around the joint are relaxed, there won't be as much tension on the area, and thus less pain.

If you can stand the pain of weight on your joint, try applying some crushed ice wrapped in a towel. Keep on the joint for 10 minutes and repeat as necessary. This should help to soothe the pain as it has numbing effect.

Alternatively try a charcoal poultice. Mix together 1/2 cup of powdered activated charcoal and 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed and add hot water (not boiling) to form a paste. Gently apply to the swollen joint and cover it so it stays in place. You can either leave this on overnight or change about every 4 hours during the day. Beware, charcoal stains anything it touches so use old bedsheets or wear old clothes and take care with furniture and carpets.

Drinking plenty of water or herbal tea helps to dilute uric acid levels in the blood and aids the kidneys in flushing out the excess amounts.

Staying off the effected joint can also help, though this is not always something someone can to do. Learning to manage lifestyle is important to lessen the times when a gout joint symptom will occur. Take time to learn to modify diet and lifestyle so the attacks are fewer and further apart is the best way to deal with them is to prevent them in the first place.

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To understand the pain relief mechanism, we need to know how the pain is generated. Once, we get familiar with the path and the constituents involved, it becomes rather easy to get acquainted with this system and how it can be prevented.


Pain is all about nerves that run through out our body. The mechanism is not very complex but the system of neurons (basic unit of nerves) and their transaction sometimes gets confusing. Anyhow, to get it simple, let's see what it's all about.

Planted throughout our body tissues are pain receptors. When we experience any injury that could be from burning, cutting, tearing, fracturing, freezing or crushing, these receptors are stimulated which in turn send pain signals to the brain through nerves via cervical spine and spinal chord. When it reaches to the brain, the signal is passed on to other nerve cells that carry it over to the Cerebrum and Limbic system of the brain.


The path is very much obvious now, but throughout the path we have several structures which play their part to pass the information of injury to the central nervous system (the brain, spinal chord).

On the way right form the pain receptors, pain nerves carrying the information mix up with position sense nerves, temperature sense nerves, vibratory sense nerves and muscle control nerves to get larger when entering into the spinal chord.

Before entering into the spinal chord it naturally forms two roots. They are the frontal or back root (dorsal root). The Dorsal root is responsible for the pain signal to be carried through.

Right into the spinal chord, the dorsal root forms a relatively short nerve called the Interneuron. From here, right out of the spinal chord there is a nerve tract called Spinothalamic Tract which runs to the brain.

When in brain, the pain information is distributed to several regions, including the medulla, cerebellum, pons, limbic system and somatosensory cortex.

Simultaneously, as a natural counter mechanism, brain modulates the incoming pain signals by sending it down to the spinal chord to stop the pain signal being generated there. This special path is called the modifier pathway. Hence the pain is naturally nullified.

But what happens if this natural process doesn't work well. Definitely, a person experiences acute pain or chronic pain. It becomes even worse if the inflammatory pain is also triggered. The inflammatory response is a complicated local reaction, involving numerous body chemicals, blood vessels changes, temporary or permanent tissue damage. It can be either chronic or acute in the end because it inflames all the structures at the injury site.


There are different ways to get a relief from the pain. As we have just discussed that the pain's hub is in the spinal chord having NMDA receptors from where the pain is generated and passes on to the brain. So we need to stop the efferent nerves entering into the spinal chord before it could produce pain. The natural modifier pathway does the same. But sometimes it is beyond the scope of the natural mechanism to counter pain that usually forms a wind-up nerve to aggravate the pain in the due course.

In spine related pain the zygapophyseal joints are responsible for an acute pain. The nerves from these joints are again lead to the medal branches of the dorsal nerve root in the spinal chord. But here we could block the joints by a surgery to stop the pain element going through. A good block of these joints in turn, actually blocks the medial branches of the dorsal nerve root and pain is averted.

For an inflammatory pain which could be associated simple by an injury or other joint diseases or inflammation that affect the organs, a different mechanism may be involved. For the relief mechanism of a simple injury related inflammation, a localized medication which could heal up the wound is beneficial because it helps the accumulation of white blood cells to get normal and stop sending the pain signals to the spinal chord. For other joint related diseases that are associated with the pain even surgeries of those particular organs are done to relief the patients from the pain. It may include myocarditis, colitis, nephritis etc.

Different drugs are used to prevent pain and all of them have their own mode of action and mechanism. Among them, the commonly used drugs are NSAID's (non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs). But other drugs like anti-depressants, anxiolytics, anticonvulants, cardioconvulsants, cardiovascular agents, local anesthetics and general anesthetics and opiods are also used to address the pain..

They act on different areas of the pain path.

Opiods and NSAID's act on C- fibre pain receptors.

Membrane stabilizers (anticonvulsants, topicals, transdermal) act on AB-fibre touch receptors where usually the inflammatory pain is triggered.

NMDA receptors or opoids act on the NMDA receptors in the spinal chord.

Tricyclics (alpha-1 and alpha-2 blockers) act on the descending pathway (pain modifier)

and Antidepressants, anxiolytics, anticonvulsants, sleeping agents act centrally in the brain. These drugs play a defining role in reducing the pain.

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Arthritis is medically defined as inflammation of the joints. Arthritis can occur in any joint of the body, including most commonly the fingers and knees, which are typically hard-used joints. Inflammation is the primary feature of arthritis, which is the body's natural reaction of joint tissues that have endured some sort of damage or injury, either through overuse due to physical abuse or excessive weight gain or in some cases hormonal or environmental factors.

Nutritional factors, including dangerously low levels of calcium, magnesium and essential fatty acids can also cause temporary arthritis, but these are probably the most easily solved once they are identified as the culprits.

What are some of the best natural remedies for arthritis pain?
Along with a host of prescription medications and medical options, those suffering form the arthritis neck pain who want to avoid potential side effects of over-the-counter medicines as well as prescription anti-inflammatory drugs have a variety of natural remedies that have proven quite effective.

One of the most commonly recommended home remedies for arthritis pain is to wrap the painful joint in heat. Heat causes the muscles around the joint to relax, which in turn releases the pressure and strain on the joint and eases the arthritic pain. In general cold-water treatments should be avoided by the patient suffering arthritis as this causes additional tension and can inflame the joints again.

Additional natural remedies for arthritis neck pain depend on the cause of the patient's arthritis, including a careful and structured loss of weight to ease the strain on the joints. In many cases, arthritic pain caused by weight gain can be completely eliminated when patients lose the extra weight and incorporate joint-healthy exercise into their daily lives.
Arthritis neck pain can also be eased and even eliminated through therapeutic massage. Massage therapy has been shown to ease arthritic pain at any age and with regular massage therapy, many arthritis sufferers can return to pain-free, normal functioning again.

What are the best natural supplements to relieve arthritis?
Some of the natural remedies for arthritis include dietary supplements and some of the most effective supplements are as follows:

Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate - in a recent National Institute of Health (NIH) study, glucosamine combined with chondroitin sulfate provided statistically significant pain relief compared with placebo. Approximately 79 percent of those studied had a 20 percent or greater reduction in pain versus about 54 percent for those taking the placebo.

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) - which is a naturally occurring source of sulfur in the health food industry that has proven to have anti-inflammatory effects on the human body. Some of those suffering osteoarthritis have experience significant reduction in their daily pain and improved physical function without major side effects.

Manganese - which is a trace mineral that participates in many enzyme processes within the human body has been shown to be helpful in the utilization of key nutrients, such as thiamine and abscorbic acid. While not specifically used to treat arthritis symptoms, manganese has been shown effective in helping the human body properly absorb and distribute nutrients that can be effective at easing arthritis symptoms. In that regard, manganese is more properly defined as a helper remedy.

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