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Gout pain is well known as the worst pain of life. The killing part of this torturing pain is that it can drag on for days without any signs of reduction even after taking the gout medicines. Most of the gout drugs given by the doctor can only help to numb the pain for a few hours without actually dealing with the root of the problem. This is why millions of gout victims around the world constantly looking for a magic pill that can instantly take away the excruciating gout pain once and for all.

If you are one of them, I am sorry to tell you there is no magic pill available that can get rid of your painful gout within a short period of time. Those pills or injections such as NSAID's and corticosteroids are purely for the purpose of temporarily cheating your immune system to slow down the gouty inflammation. As soon as the effects of those drugs subside, you will get another round of gout attack, usually it is more painful than before.

Stop Sweeping Dirt Under The Carpet

Almost all conventional medical approaches towards gout are like sweeping dirt under the carpet. That practice will only make the situation becoming worse over time. Eventually, what you will have is not as simple as gout alone. The side effects of those invasive drugs and injections you have been taking over the years will start to show up. These side effects will blend in with the symptoms of gout and produce a complicated condition that no drug is able to solve it.

Gout started with a simple cause which is elevated uric acid levels in the body. Actually, the problem could be easily solved without the use of any drug. But because you wanted an instant pain relief for gout, and doctors gave you what you wanted.

Simplify It, Not Complicate It

Over the years, those gout drugs your have been taking are like adding more unknown variables to the problem. Eventually, your gout pain evolves from a simple joint pain to a combination of complex health complications such as hypertension, heart diseases, renal failure, erectile dysfunction, obesity, etc.

I am not a medical professional, so this article should not be treated as any form of medical advice. I am just telling simple logical science here, which I think makes a lot more sense than those bombastic drugs. The whole medical industry has become a lucrative cash cow for some companies out there.

What you really need now is not more drugs or whatever gout remedies. All you need now is to gain a better understanding of actual root of gout. With clarity comes certainty of solution. It is a choice, you don't have to be sick.

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Using herbs for arthritis pain is not the conventional way to treat arthritis but can be effective. Arthritis sufferers sometimes endure terrible pain. When the joints become inflamed, even the slightest movement of them is painful. Many of these sufferers take pain medications that come with less desirable side effects. If you want arthritis pain relief without all the side effects, here are some useful herbs that will relieve arthritis.

Arnica is an herb that works well for pain. It can be used as a topical application for the pain in the joints caused by arthritis. Black cohosh is another extremely potent remedy for inflammation as well. You can find sources for these by looking online or visiting a health food center.

Some herbs for arthritis pain like Alfalfa and Hops are great remedies for joint pain as well. Ginger tea is great as well. Ginger also works well when comprised into a compress for topical use. Using these natural ingredients will help to lessen the pain without side effects.

North American ginseng has been sold for years as a pain relieving herb. When made into a tea, it has been found to settle down many ailments including the inflammation associated with arthritis. Ginseng can be found at most health food centers.

You may have a couple of the best herbs for arthritis pain right in your kitchen. Turmeric is a yellow curry spice that works great as an anti inflammatory. Including this tasty spice into many of your foods can help. Pineapple is another food that has pain relieving properties that remedy arthritis and has the ingredient bromelain that reduces swelling and the onset of inflammation.

One other herb that works at preventing the onset of osteoarthritis is stinging nettle. This herb and turmeric work well together for extreme pain relief. White Willow is the derivative of aspirin and when used in herb form, can be a strong pain reliever for arthritis.

Using herbs for arthritis pain is an effective way to get arthritis relief. Remember arthritis did not happen overnight so consider which herbs may be right for you and incorporate them into your daily routine.

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Arthritis means inflammation in the joints. Inflammation gives rise to pain, swelling, redness and increase in the temperature of the local area. This is of several types.

Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Gouty arthritis, Juvenile Rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), Arthritis after Rheumatic fever- to name a few.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is by far the most common arthritic disorder involving human being. By default, arthritis is referred to Osteoarthritis.

Knee or hip arthritis has affected more than 100,000 persons in the United States leading to so disablement that they are unable to move across the rooms. Even they are not capable to go to toilet. The basic reason behind OA is destruction of the articular cartilage of the joint spaces (the cartilaginous material that covers two ends of the bones forming a joint).

Rheumatoid arthritis occurs after bodily response to certain types of infection. It is a host-infection type reaction. RA (Rheumatoid arthritis ) factor gets increased in the body. The joints are mostly affected giving rise to pain and deformity.

There is deposition of Uric acid crystals in the joint spaces in Gout.

All the types of arthritis cause pain in the joint. And to get relief from arthritis pain, the following procedures are followed by the doctors. In the infants and adolescents, the specific type of arthritis occurs what is called JRA. JRA is genetically determined. Rheumatic fever also causes some specific types of joint deformity.

Reduction of weight- Osteoarthritis causes destruction of the articular cartilages. And if the person suffering is overweight, there will be more loss of cartilaginous tissues.

So the first and foremost criterion in virtually any kind of arthritis is reduction in the load of the joint. Weight reduction by various methods is very much helpful to achieve this. Only 24% of the patients suffering from the report that they are involved in some kind of physical activity. But sedentary lifestyle also increases the risk of other diseases like Diabetes, Hypertension, and Coronary Artery Disease etc.

For this reason, doctors prescribe some form of free hand exercise initially to reduce weight in the patients suffering from Arthritis. Gradually, the amount and the magnitude are increased.

Pain relief from arthritis [http://www.arthritissymptoms.org/arthritis-pain-relief.htm] with Thermal modalities- hot fomentation is one of the commonest and age old treatment modalities. Various forms of hot fomentation techniques are available in the market. Hot water bath is the best method in regard to patient compliance.

Patient education- for effective pain control among the patients suffering from Arthritis, reassurance, encouragement, proper guidance towards useful pain relief and recommendations regarding actions to unload the arthritic joint may become fruitful in a comprehensive pain relief from it.

Medication- first line drug for any type of pain in the body is NSAIDs (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drug). Drug therapy for arthritis is only palliative. Arrays of NSAIDs are available in the market. Still the first generations Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, Diclofenac or the combination of these are prescribed by the doctors.

Modern Selective COX-2 selective inhibitors have proved their efficacy for successful pain control. Intra-articular injection of steroids is helpful to suppress the arthritic pain for a prolonged period of time although this is an invasive procedure.

Intra-articular injection of Hyaluroran is beneficial to relieve Osteoarthritis.

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When you purchase and start taking a joint supplement for problems with pain, stiffness, and a lack of flexibility, it is important to know what you are getting. There are two major problems people run into when dealing with joint supplement products. The first is that many products on the market are designed for pets and not humans. This can make it difficult to find an appropriate product when conducting an online search. One easy way to make sure you are only getting search results appropriate to what you are looking for is to add the word "human" to the beginning of your search query. This should give you a set of results that eliminates supplements designed for pets.

The second and most common problem is that many people confuse joint health supplements with pain relief products that provide temporary reduction in discomfort. It is a common myth that joint supplements don't work very well because they do not provide immediate relief from joint pain. The truth is; these supplements are designed to provide your body with the proper nutrition it needs to support healthy joint function over a long period of time. As the overall health of your joints improves, you are likely to experience less discomfort and greater mobility but one should not expect a joint supplement to provide instant pain relief like an over-the-counter pain reliever would. By the same token, those instant painkiller products will provide temporary relief of symptoms but do not contain any ingredients that would help to promote any progressive improvement in the condition of the joints. If you have severe joint pain, there is nothing wrong with using a combination of both types of products to help maintain your active lifestyle in comfort. Depending on which joint supplement you choose, they will provide your body with the nutrients it needs to function properly.

Some of the most popular supplements in recent years have been glucosamine and chondroitin although recent studies have called into question just how much benefit they can provide. The current trend in human joint supplements is to take a broad approach and provide ingredients that contain high levels of antioxidants to assist your body in neutralizing free radicals that can damage healthy tissue. One of the most popular products is a natural joint supplement capsule made by Greek Island Labs. It is made up of over three dozen fruit and vegetable ingredients to help support healthy joints. Remember to evaluate the performance of the supplements you take based on their intended use. This will help to ensure you get the most benefit from your supplements of choice and make good decisions about which products you should continue to take as part of your daily health routine.

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Knee Pain is one of the most common kinds of pain, experienced by most people. In order to have the right treatment, a careful diagnosis must be initiated to determine where the problem is.

Causes of Knee Pain

A number of factors contribute to pain in the knees. It could be a trauma suffered during sports, a pain that comes and goes and eventually became chronic. Poor alignment or form is another very common reason that could easily lead to muscle imbalances. Improper walking or running gait creates stress and tension or overuse injuries like runner's knee, a result of continuous long distance running over time.

What Happens During Knee Pain?

Knee pain can be identified particularly by patello-femoral syndrome or pain experienced around the kneecap or patella. Bad positioning and sudden movements by the kneecap can lead to pain in the thigh bone during knee flexion or extension. This particular movement may lead to injury in the cartilage and tissues that surrounds and hold the kneecap.

It is not unusual that the patella is sitting in groove and facing forward between the condoyle of the thigh bone. During a patello-femoral condition, the knee cap is pulled side way from the normal groove, causing tension over the thigh bone and supporting structures, resulting in pain.

When the knee cap is pulled too far, it may lead to dislocation. Problems in the positioning and abnormal movements of the knee cap are usually caused by genetically determined leg structural alignment and imbalances in muscle development.

Pilates Remedy To Knee Pain Relief

Pilates knee pain relief exercises is highly recommended by medical doctors and physical therapists in treating various knee-related injuries including torn meniscus and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), a common injury for athletes.

Specific knee pilates exercises teaches you how to align your knee during gait, when seated, running or standing. It improves the knee's range of motion, leading to improve flexibility, balance, and strength in the knees. These exercise routines allows for a gradual improvement over time, challenging the knee from its de-conditioned position to a stronger joint that is confident of being able to handle load with good form and posture.

Pilates Knee Pain Exercises

Check out the following Pilates Knee Pain Exercises.

1. Knee Cap Pull

- On a mat with the both legs extended.

- Slowly, draw up one knee cap.

- Do this without pressing the back of leg into the floor.

- Feel the muscles hug the knee joint.

- Tighten the muscles around the knee cap slowly.

- Do each side for 8-10 times.

- Repeat the other leg.

- Finally, repeat with both legs together.

2. Leg Lift (Point & Flex)

- Do as above.

- Draw up knee cap and tighten the muscles around the knee joint.

- Keep the muscles engaged and pull toes towards knee.

- Back of heel should be lifted up at this point.

- Pull toes towards knee and point away slowly. Flex and point toes.

- Do these, without dropping back of heel into the floor.

- Keep back of knees softly floating with some space.

- Do not flatten knees all the way back.

- Do each side for 8-10 times.

- Repeat the other leg.

- Finally, repeat with both legs together.

3. Leg Lift (Ankle Circle)

- As above.

- Keep knees engaged, thighs working.

- Keep breath free, breathing in and out.

- Circle ankle without moving knee cap.

- If knee cap starts to move, slow down the movement.

- Re-engage the thighs before starting ankle circle again.

- Circle clock wise 5 times.

- Repeat anti-clockwise.

- Repeat the other leg.

- Finally, repeat with both legs together.

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It is no longer a myth or hearsay that having a hot bath will help to remove the sores and aches from the body muscles. Those who practice this as a matter of course will tell you that it works perfectly for them but those who have never tried it will disregard this idea. So what is the truth; let us find out more.

The knots and aches that are fond of recurring are due to muscle pains that are caused by lack of good flow of blood in the body. Well, blood needs to flow and transport oxygen to all the parts of the body. If it cannot do this effectively then definitely there would be a problem because the acids and other toxic substances will begin to accumulate and therefore causing the aches and pains in there.

Having a hot bath will cause the blood to flow freely and silkily to give you some relief.

Flashing hot water over the muscles will give you very good relief. The hot bath massage on the muscle area will allow the blood to flow swiftly and smoothly.

Hot water bath will move the blood in the veins faster so preventing the toxins to stagnate in one place and causing pain. Quick relief is by alternating the hot and cold in quick successions which will bring a soothing effect and calmness you need to experience. It gets rid of the muscle pains.

The idea is to do this hot and cold alternating many times which means the temperature of the body will also experience the hot and cold that makes the blood flow with good speed. The accumulated acids are quickly scattered to sooth your body aches.

You could add some Epson salt to the water to make the acid particles and other toxins to go away from the blood system. They are the ones responsible for your pains.

So those who know this secret will tell you that it works all the time without fail, removing pains and aches that are unnecessary.

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In addition to a healthy diet, adding these 5 ingredients to your diet can help inflammation and swelling caused by injuries, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, gouty arthritis(gout), and back pain. Use these ingredients for any symptoms that you would take non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (N.S.A.I.D. i.e: Ibuprofen, Motrin, Celebrex) for to reduce the pain.

The following five ingredients have been clinically found to reduce or replace the need for N.S.A.I.D.:

Glucosamine Hydrochloride: The introduction of this form of Glucosamine is documented to be the most effective if you are interested in having the most efficient absorption possible. Glucosamine is manufactured by our bodies - but as we grow older, as with other compounds, we need some help.

The compound helps with your body's natural mechanism of joint lubrication. Glucosamine Hydrochloride vs. Sulfate is recommended because studies show that the Glucosamine sulfate is stabilized with sodium chloride (salt).  Many People have dietary restrictions limiting salt intake.

Manganese: Manganese is a co-factor,(a helper) required for Glucosamine to be converted to its active form and ultimately, adequately absorbed. It is important to make sure the Glucosamine supplement contains manganese.

Gotu Cola(Pennywort): Gotu Kola, also known as Pennywort, is a well known natural remedy to assist pain relief and proper circulation of blood.

Ginger: Ginger has been used for centuries for pain relief in musculoskeletal conditions. It is an excellent antioxidant and is known for its analgesic activity.

Celery: Celery increases elimination of urates from the kidneys, assisting your body to fight Gout - an arthritic disease caused by an accumulation of urate crystals at the joints. Celery  also reduces inflammation around the joint.

We have found that you can readily find these products at supplement stores but only one offers all of them in one dosage taken twice a day. "Ruflex" is the only one that has all the above ingredients in one pill. "Ruflex", an Australian product from Sunsnatural L.L.C. is available on line, (see below). Australian supplements are desirable, because Australia requires that all supplements be approved by their Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and proven to work as promised, clinically proven with double blind studies.

As always; before taking any supplements your Doctor should be consulted. If you are on blood thinners or scheduled for surgery you should consult your physician before taking any of these supplements. Certain elements included in these vastly improve circulation.

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People have invented several ways to counter the pain associated with arthritis and other joint disorders. Indeed, sufferers do not need to live with the painful joints. Hence, the market now has wide variety of joint pain relief options, ranging from medicine, cream and believe it or not, drink. It seems to be a very convenient way of easing arthritic joint pains away. However, it would be expected that it would contain additives, which may not work with the body or may interfere with the pain-relieving ability of its key ingredients.

Joint Pain Relief Drink Could be an Impractical Option

Options of any form should be taken regularly for joint sufferers to continually experience relief. It is normal for sufferers to take medicine or supplement for an extended period of time to allow the ingredients enough time to facilitate the healing process and restoration of the damaged joints. If one considers a joint relief drink as an option, then one has to take it regularly or on a daily basis. While it appears to be more convenient than other pain relievers, one may grow tired of the habit and may eventually neglect it. If this happens, the healing process which could have been started would be halted and thus it may revert.

In addition, it is likely that it is just analgesics added with other ingredients to make it appealing to taste. The additives, however, may also encourage occurrence of adverse effects on health. High amount of sugar could be one of the additives to mask the bitter taste of analgesics. Hence, it is likely that sufferers who take it regularly may experience imbalance in sugar levels. In addition, unhealthy food flavors could be present. With the amount of additives necessary to a certain drink tasty, the pain-reliving substances could be greatly reduced rendering it less effective.

Say No to Joint Pain Relief Drink

Joint pain relief drink could be just a wise marketing strategy to attract millions of sufferers and making them believe that it is the best way to deal with joint pains. Joint pain relief drink could not equate the effectiveness and the relief one gets from taking supplements. Synotrex is most notable for its all-natural ingredients including all-natural COX-2 inhibitors. The all-natural composition of Synotrex assures the sufferers that there are no adverse side effects associated with its use. Aside from relieving pain and swelling, Synotrex also facilitates healing and restoration of the damaged joint by providing the joints the essential vitamins and minerals.

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Psoriatic arthritis is a strange form of arthritis and people who develop it have often suffered from psoriasis of the skin during their life.

It is also a somewhat hereditary disease where 1 in 20 people who suffer from psoriasis have a stronger chance of catching this disease, but in only a few cases will it flare up to the extent that it poses a serious health risk.

So there is no definitive cause but genes are argued to play a role.

Early Signs

Ascertaining whether you have psoriatic arthritis is difficult in the early stages as the symptoms can represent a number of ailments, but the most common are inflammation of one or two joints, feeling slightly fragile and psoriasis of the skin, but more like in patches rather than a rash along with the pitting of the nails.

Advanced Symptoms

About a year after your diagnosis, depending on which non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - or NSAID's - you've been prescribed, these may help reduce the pain or not, as each individual will undergo various cocktail measures so as to find the right balance to combat the pain.

The problem with NSAID's is that while they can reduce the pain and the swelling, they effectively cover up the true extent of the disease and play no part in the remission process.

The joints, toes and the end of the fingers are most commonly effected with psoriatic arthritis, but occasionally the spine is affected and the symptoms here include a burning sensation, stiffness and sometimes jolts of pain in the sacrum and lower back.

Treatment for Swelling and Joint Pain

As mentioned, in the West NSAID's are most commonly prescribed to null the pain and reduce the swelling, and when these don't work, disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs or DMARD's may be prescribed.

Again, both NSAID's and DMARD's can effect your liver, kidneys, heart and cause additional rashes so for the short term they will provide some relief.

For the long term though you should focus on getting the disease into remission.

Do you want to suffer from psoriatic arthritis all your life?

Treatment for Remission

Acupuncture is still frowned upon by most medical practitioners in the West, but don't be scared to explore this alternative, it may not help so much with remission but is argued by many to be the most natural, safest, and fastest way to reduce swelling and pain around the joint.

Diet and exercise also play a huge role in combating certain types of arthritis and this is one such type where you should focus on both these forms of treatment.


Depending on the seriousness of it, exercise may include just walking in lukewarm water for up to an hour if it's the feet that are the problem, or daily stretching for the spine and swimming which is wonderful for you all-round, plus yoga and other low impact sports.


Diet should be a high alkaline diet, not high acid as this diet will depend on the calcium in the bones (if calcium levels are low in the body) to buffer the high acid content through digestion, therefore depleting them of much needed calcium and minerals.

However magnesium is more effective for rebuilding bone structure so try and eat as much food that contains this element along with additional supplements.

Also, and it can't go overlooked but omega 3, 6 and 9 proteins should be consumed regularly along with supplements rich in anti-inflammatory compounds such as spores extracted from reishi, the mushroom used for centuries in the East to help with swelling, joint pain and remission.

Additional natural substances which should be part of your everyday diet are Vitamin D - at least 800mg a day, Vitamin C, Ginger, White Willow Bark, Chondroitin Sulfate and MSM.

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Feeling some pain in your joint could be very agonizing. Although it is not the kind of pain that tells a person he or she is going to die, it's the kind of pain that many sufferers say they'd rather die than experience a second time. The statement may be quite an exaggeration, but if you were the one suffering from such severe pain in your bones, you would probably be able to say just the same.

Joint pains may be caused by several factors, therefore a uniform joint pain relief may not be applicable to all of them. Arthritis is the most usual reason for joint pains though. Many people who experience this kind of pain for the first time tend to blame aging and think they are already suffering from arthritis. This may be true to some, but definitely not to everyone.

Aside from arthritis, a certain joint pain may also be caused by some injuries or medical conditions. It may also be due to bursitis. It is the inflammation of the bursae - the fluid-filled sacs that pad and cushion bony parts. They allow free movement of the tendons and muscles over the bone. When these sacs swell, the joints feel the pain.

There are medications you can buy from the drugstore or ask your doctor to administer to you to alleviate pains in the joints. However, there are home remedies too that can offer joint pain relief. They are not only cheap, they are effective as well. Some of them are even more effective than commercial drugs. Below is a list of home treatments for painful joints:

* Warm Bath - Warm water is highly soothing to painful joints. It also helps the muscles to relax and facilitates good blood flow.

* Oil - Any oil may help in giving an instant joint pain relief. Apply some on the affected area and massage it lightly. This will bring relief to your aching bones. However, if you are experiencing joint pains due to gout, massaging is not a good option. People who have gout arthritis say that massaging the affected area makes the pain worse. Just to play safe, simply put some oil on it and leave it as that.

* Garlic-- Eat garlic cloves that were fried in butter.

* Turmeric powder - Take half a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Mix it with warm water and apply it three times a day.

* Bananas - Among all fruits, bananas are known to be the best for your joints because they provide them strength. They say that bananas even grease them.

* Exercise -- When you exercise, you also increase the flexibility of your joints and your bones. When experiencing joint pains, water exercise may be a great remedy. It can reduce the pain and improve your flexibility without needing to exert too much effort since the water helps you carry your body weight.

* Camphor rub - Mix one teaspoon of camphor oil to one teaspoon of sunflower oil. Massage the affected area. This will provide you with calming warmth that helps in lessening your pain.

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Pains in the legs could be due to joint pains or due to muscle cramps. Joint pains are generally observed in arthritis, a condition which sets in as the person's advances in age. In arthritis, the articulation of the bones gradually wears out over time, leading to pains whenever they function. This is called as Aama Vata in Ayurvedic language.

Muscle cramps usually affect the muscles of the leg. It is known as Khalli Vata in Ayurveda. There is a special term for the muscle cramps that affect only the calf muscles, and that is Pindikoveshtana. From an Ayurvedic point of view, almost all pains are caused due to vitiation of the vata dosha. Specifically in leg pains due to muscle cramps, the Vyana vata is vitiated. This is a sub-dosha of the vata which controls the involuntary muscles of the body.

Pains occur when there is an ama buildup in the body. Ama is the name given to the toxic materials caused due to improper digestion that cannot be expelled from the body. Such ama causes several problems, including leg pains. Ama is built up due to high agni, i.e. digestive fire, which is governed by the pitta dosha. Hence there is also a pitta relation with the leg pains.

(1) Useful Herbs in the Treatment of Leg Pains

1. Clove (Syzygium aromaticum)

Clove oil is applied on the affected leg muscle as a poultice. It provides immediate relief from pains, especially if they are due to muscle cramps.

2. Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Ginger has wonderful painkilling properties. It must be included in the daily diet if muscular pains in the legs are a chronic problem.

3. Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

Licorice is very effective in relieving muscle aches. An infusion of its roots must be prepared in water and kept overnight. This helps in almost all kinds of muscle problems.

4. Madhuca (Madhuca indica)

Madhuca has positive effects on leg pains, especially if they are due to rheumatism. Its oil is applied locally over the affected regions.

5. Pepper (Piper nigrum)

Pepper helps in dilating the superficial blood vessels, thus helping in proper blood circulation. It also has analgesic properties and can be used as a liniment in muscular problems.

(2) Dietary Treatments for Leg Pains

Since improper digestion can cause leg pains, care must be taken not to eat anything that can cause digestive problems. Do not consume constipating foods; keep your diet simple. Consume plenty of green vegetables and leafy vegetables that contain fiber. Vitamin C obtained from amalaki, oranges and tomatoes is also good for digestion. After each meal, make it a habit to eat a plantain instead of some calorie-rich dessert like ice-cream. A plantain is a food that is extremely rich in minerals of potassium, magnesium and calcium. Hence it is extremely beneficial for proper metabolism within the leg region. Avoid coffee and chocolate if you have persistent leg pain problems.

The importance of adequate amount of fluids cannot be stressed enough. Dehydration is a leading cause of leg pains. Keep drinking one glass of water every waking hour to prevent dehydratiom.

(3) Ayurvedic Treatments for Leg Pains

There are good oils in Ayurveda that are used for external application over the affected legs. If the muscle pains have occurred suddenly, then most likely they are cramps. In such cases, Mahanarayana tailam or Praharini tailam are applied to get relief. Warming the oils a bit and then applying has better effects.

For internal administration, Sinhanaada Guggulu is prescribed. This drug is also a mild laxative. So it will also correct whatever digestive problems may be there with the system. Other commonly prescribed medicines are Laxmivilasa rasa and Pratapa Lankeshwara rasa.

(4) Home Remedies for Leg Pains

1 If you have regular complains of pains in the legs, then there are some simple exercises you can do in order to get relief from them. Some of them are described:-

a) Lie on your back on a firm bed. Wear some loose clothing over the legs, such as shorts or pajamas. Raise your legs gradually in the air, as far as they can go. The heels should point skywards. Hold the legs in this stretched position for about ten seconds and then bring them down again. Do this five times per session, and repeat the exercise thrice a day.

b) Alternatively you can stand facing a wall at an arm's length distance from it. Stretch out your arms and touch the wall with your open palms. Then slowly pull yourself forward (towards the wall). Feel the stretching pressure building up in your legs. Hold yourself in this stretched position for about ten seconds and then let go. Do this five times per session, and repeat the exercise thrice a day.

c) Even Yoga has several leg stretching exercises that can be used with great positive effects. These exercises are Uttanpadasana, Janusandhi and Gomukhasana.

2 If the cramps occur when performing an exercise workout or some physical activity, then have a glass of lemon water with a pinch of salt in it.

3 If you have leg pains in the joints due to arthritis, then crush two to three cloves of garlic and add them to a glass of diluted milk. Boil it to quarter its amount and drink it just before bedtime.

4 Applying a hot pack or fomenting the leg with steam helps to improve circulation in the leg and eases the pain. Even applying cold packs helps. This will reduce the blood flow into the leg region and help the muscle to relax.

5 Put one part of camphor in twenty parts of mustard oil. Keep this in the sun till the time the camphor properly dissolves in the oil. Use this oil to massage the leg on a daily basis.

6 If you get a sudden sprain in the leg, then prepare a paste of turmeric with lime and salt and apply it on the affected part.

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Bursitis is a medical condition involving inflammation of the bursa, which is a small, fluid-filled sac responsible for lubricating and cushioning pressure points between the bones, tendons, and the muscles near the joints. These bursae serve the function of helping joints move easily. Bursitis is a condition quite common in occurrence but not usually known to lay people. Common symptoms of this condition include a dull pain or stiffness near the affected elbow, knee, shoulder, big toe, or other joints; pain with movement or pressure; and swelling, warmth and redness in the area of the affected bursa. Physical overuse, stress on the joints, and direct trauma are common causes of bursitis. Infection, arthritis, or gout may also cause this condition.

In the majority of individuals affected with bursitis, symptoms usually resolve within a few weeks with adequate treatment and rest; however, symptoms persist in a few individuals due to various aggravating factors such as faulty posture, prolonged and repetitive tasks, vigorous physical activity and sports, and prolonged sitting at jobs. Individuals who have bursitis along with concurrent symptoms of others diseases such as arthritis usually opt for Ayurvedic treatment when they do not get satisfactory relief from conservative management and medication.

It is important to address the issues which may have a direct aggravating effect on bursitis and counsel the affected individual to take steps to remove aggravating factors or reduce their effects. Infection, inflammation, joint swelling and damage need to be treated well along with direct treatment for the bursitis. Ayurvedic medication can promptly reduce symptoms such as pain, stiffness and swelling and bring about considerable relief to the affected individual. Local application of medicated oils and ointments also helps to supplement oral medication and bring about faster relief from the symptoms. Hot fomentation on the affected joint after local application also brings about faster relief from the symptoms.

Affected individuals may need to be advised rest for a few days or a few weeks, if the affected bursa is prone to damage or exposed to repeated irritation as an occupational hazard. This can help to bring about faster remission and an early cure from the condition. Ayurvedic medicines may need to be continued for long periods in order to bring about a complete remission of symptoms and help prevent recurrence, especially in individuals prone to repeated trauma or stress on joints. Graded physical exercise, Yogasanas, and relaxation techniques too can help to bring about earlier relief from symptoms and also assist in preventing recurrence of the condition.

Individuals prone to chronic arthritis and bursitis can also be given Ayurvedic medicines on a long-term basis to improve the strength and tone of joints as well as muscles and tendons. Such treatments help in preventing recurrence of these conditions and can improve physical conditioning as well as physical performance for graded activities. Concurrent treatment with immunomodulatory herbs can also help to improve the overall immune status and stamina of affected individuals. Ayurvedic herbal treatment thus has a definite role to play in the management and treatment of chronic and recurrent bursitis.

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Shoulder pain is a common complaint among many people these days. Indeed, your shoulder joints are prone to injuries and pain as it is one of the most used joints in the body especially when it comes to lifting heavy objects or pushing heavy loads. However, shoulder pain can also result from the lack of activity on your shoulders.

Pain in your shoulders can be a result of many conditions and causes. It can be due to a general wear and tear as you grow old, or constant use of your shoulders in activities and sports such as playing volleyball, baseball pitching as well as lifting heavy weights. Injuries are also culprits of pain even years after the injury happened.

Pain in the shoulders can also be brought about by other conditions such as arthritis, frozen shoulder syndrome, bursitis, and inflammation of the tendons as well as dislocation of your shoulders.

As there are many causes and reasons for pain on the shoulders, it is important that you consult your doctor if the pain is unbearable or constantly bothering you. Of course, you know the intensity of the pain, and you would know too when to call help. If you are constantly bugged by shoulder pain, you can also find shoulder pain remedies that you can readily use and apply to help alleviate or get rid of the pain.

If you are one of the many who complain on pain on the shoulders, here are a few ways that can help you find relief the natural way.


Exercise is one of the most effective ways and shoulder pain remedies that you can do to get rid of the pain. Among these are the simple exercises that allow you to move your shoulder joints and alleviate the pain. The range of motion for example is a good exercise for pain in the shoulders. This is done by moving your dangling arms in circle while you lean on a table.

You can also make use of simple equipment like rubber tubing for some other simple exercises such as those rotator cuff strengthening exercises. Aerobic exercises are also good to help you improve your blood circulation and reduce soreness of the tendons in your shoulder that can also be a cause of pain. However, it is important that you also not overdo it as it can also worsen your condition.

Home Remedies

Aside from simple exercises that you can do to alleviate the pain on your shoulders, you can also do some simple shoulder pain remedies at home that can also help you overcome the pain. Treating the affected area with ice for about fifteen minutes can be another helpful remedy. Depending on the cause of your shoulder pain, you can also make use of heat therapy for your pain.

If you are experiencing more unbearable pain or consistent pain in your shoulders, it is important as well to seek advice from your doctor. Of course, fractures, injuries and other serious causes of pain should be seen by a doctor right away for proper diagnosis.

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Arthritis is characterized by joint pain and inflammation and it affects quite a large percentage of people. There are varied and different forms of this disease and when left neglected can create much havoc. Among them are physical and mobility limitations, deformity and even debilitation. When one is living with arthritis, it can cause significant inconvenience. Arthritis treatment options are available, either through conventional methods or through the holistic approach to mention the basics. Many well know of conventional means for arthritis treatment. They can be through pharmaceutical drugs or certain procedures or even surgery. These are regarded as mainstream arthritis treatment measures.

But often, they come with side effects which entail other discomforts. Such is why there are those who turn to holistic medicine. The holistic approach for arthritis treatment is becoming quite popular. Holistic medicine offers a lasting relief from arthritic pain and inflammation. This approach to arthritis states that the disease is caused by several factors. Contributing to its different forms are not only physical imbalances but mental and environmental irregularities as well. To treat the disease properly requires an assessment of the factors which caused it. A battery of diagnostic tools are used to create an individual picture of the patient's case.

Among these diagnostic tools are physical exams, emotional evaluations, dietary assessments and tests for the immune and digestive functions. The holistic medicine practitioner takes time in finding the root cause and the patient has an active participation in their treatment. There is a wide range of therapies in the holistic approach for arthritis treatment and even prevention. Chinese herbal medicine, stress reduction, detoxification, proper diet and nutrition are within these means of therapy. Massage and exercises, acupuncture and chiropractic are also resorted to for repair of nerves and muscles. The goal of holistic medicine is to achieve balance and health.

This approach believes that the contrary-ill health and disease- are caused by obstructions which impede the flow of energy in the organs. To restore energy and function to the system, holistic medicine makes use of Chinese herbs. When it comes to arthritic pain and inflammation, diet and nutrition are crucial. All in all, this alternative arthritis treatment aims on catering to the overall health of the patient. It is not only inclined towards providing superficial symptomatic relief. Through thorough tests and evaluations, imbalances are detected until the causes of arthritis are detected. It is then that treatment options are applied, and they are generally natural healing therapies.

Such therapies are geared towards restoring balance and harmony all throughout the system. This is not only in the physical sense, but in all aspects of the person. Natural arthritis treatment also makes use of natural supplements. One such product for natural joint protection is Joint Advance. With Joint Advance, joint health is supported the natural way. Joint Advance has herbal and organic ingredients thus side effects are less likely to occur. Joint Advance has been proven effective and it is guaranteed to offer joint pain relief. One can do away with the limitations of joint pain and healthy living can be enjoyed to the fullest.

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There are many reasons those may cause back neck pain from muscular injuries to arthritis and pinched nerves. Sometimes back neck pain occurs due to other problems which are not related to musculoskeletal system of the body like swelling of diaphragm and heart attack. Neck contain muscles, ligaments, tendons which may get injured or stretched to cause back pain and also swelling to these organs due to infection and other disorders also cause pain during the movement.

Apart from injuries to muscles, ligaments and tendons back neck pain may occur due to arthritis too, osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Degenerative arthritis can pinch the nerves attached to cervical spine to cause severe and chronic pain in the neck. Degeneration of cervical disc also causes back neck pain. Other conditions like fractured collar bone, injury to rotator cuff, bursitis, broken shoulder blade, tendinitis and gallbladder problems can also cause pain in the upper back and neck.

The pain that occurs in the upper back and neck is sharp and sudden but it can be deep dull ache too which may get sharp during movement. The burning sensation or development of tender points is also associated with back neck pain due to serious arthritic condition or cervical spondylosis. Weakness and numbness along with the pain suggests damage to the musculoskeletal system of the upper back and neck which is causing pain. Cool arm or change in the color of the skin at the affected part suggest pinched arteries and veins of the upper back and neck.

Back neck pain is experienced in two ways one, the pain which is confined to one area and does not radiate to shoulder and arms whereas other which radiates to shoulder and arms. The pain which remains confined to one area is normally associated with muscles, ligaments and tendons whereas shooting pain is associated with rather serious conditions like pinched nerves, disc deformation and bone deposits. However this is not a foolproof method to diagnosis the root cause of pain and is based on general evidences.

NSAID and muscle relaxants are recommended for pain relief in allopathic medication which are not considered as suitable for long term use. Herbal treatments are more popular as herbs are natural and treat the problem naturally without any side effects. There are few extremely effective herbs for pain relief and muscle relaxation. Cayenne pepper is widely used for topical application on the aching body parts and joints for immediate relief. Chamomile tea is an excellent muscle relaxant, tea of chamomile is recommended 2-3 times in a day. Massage of warm eucalyptus oil is very beneficial in relieving pain and relaxing muscles. Consumption of winter cherry is very good for overall health and for pain relief as well.

Ginger and garlic are good source of anti-oxidants which promote blood flow in the body to treat all sorts of pain and help the body in removing blockages of arteries and veins. Exercises and therapies also help in alleviating the back neck pain in a short duration along with herbs. Hydrotherapy, light exercises, yoga are some popular ways of controlling back neck pain and reducing the frequency of its occurrence.

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