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Gout can be an extremely debilitating condition that leaves the sufferers with red, inflamed painful joints, using in the foot and ankle. There are a number of ways to treat gout, but if you want to avoid medication then why not try these gout pain natural remedies.

Firstly, a brief outline of what causes gout. In essence gout is caused by the build up of uric acid crystals in the blood that are then deposited in the joints and soft tissues surrounding the joints. Uric acid naturally occurs in our bodies, the problems start when there is excessive levels present.

Your body can have an excess of uric acid for a number of reasons:

- It's can be down to a hereditary condition whereby your body struggles to process uric acid efficiently.

- Your diet is high in purine-rich foods. Purine, when metabolized, produces uric acid, so if you're eating lots of purine-rich foods the body struggles to expel the resulting high levels of uric acid.

- Some medications can lead to increased levels of uric acid.

- Being obese can also increase uric acid levels

- Impaired kidney function can hinder the process of eliminating uric acid in via the urine.

There are a number of gout pain relief natural remedies that you can use to reduce the swelling and relieve the pain of a gout flare-up.

1. Water

The simplest of the home remedies is water. We all know that we're supposed to drink 6 - 8 eight ounce glasses of water a day, but we don't all do it! However, as a gout sufferer it is vitally important to keep your fluid intake up. Keeping the body hydrated dilutes the uric acid and allows it to be easily processed by the kidneys and eliminated in the urine.

If drinking that much water isn't very appetizing to you then fruit juices and tea are okay alternatives. But try to drink as much pure water as you can.

2. Icing

When you have a gout flare up a great way to reduce the swelling and accompanying pain is to ice the area. Keeping a cold compress pack in the freezer makes this an easy task when gout strikes.

3. Warmth

Conversely, other gout sufferers report experiencing relief when keeping the affected area warm. Try wrapping a warm towel around the joint or applying a warm wheat bag to the area. This can help to alleviate the pain and many gout sufferers say it's a good way to help you get to sleep.

4. Diet

changing your diet is a longer-term remedy. It won't bring you immediate relief, but it will reduce the uric acid in your system over time and help prevent further attacks.

The focus of a gout friendly diet is to avoid food with very high purine levels and replace them with foods which moderate to low purine levels. Here are a few examples of what to eat and what not to eat:

Gout Friendly Foods:

Fruit & fruit juices

Most vegetables


Dairy products


Foods to avoid:

Meat extracts

Shellfish (ie scrimp & mussels)



Dried legumes.

5. Cherry Juice

1950 was the year that cherries were discovered to bring relief from gout symptoms. Furthermore, recent studies on the anti-inflammatory properties of cherries have produced similar positive effects. Cherry juice is not a drug and therefore has not been submitted to the clinical trials that medications have, however, many gout sufferers have found relief from their gout symptoms while drinking
or taking cherry juice or extract.

If you are suffering from painful gout symptoms all of the above 5 gout pain relief natural solutions can be utilized alongside any medication you may be taking. More information about treating gout can be found on our web site where you can sign up for a free newsletter.

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The word Arthritis derived from two Greek words; "Arthron" meaning joints; and "Itis" meaning inflammation. It is the disease of joints. They are like hinges at the end of a bone which join another bone to it. These hinges are covered with padding called cartilage and lubricated by a fluid called "Synovial fluid". Adequate amount of synovial fluid makes the joint move smoothly.

Wear & tear of cartilage is called osteoarthritis and it generally occurs in the older age group. It affects the weight bearing joints mostly such as spine, hip, knees, hands etc.

Another type of arthritis - Rheumatoid- is due to inflammation of the joints due to reduced synovial fluid. It not only affects joints but also the muscles, tendons and other tissues of the body.

Symptoms- The main symptom of arthritis are:-

1- Pain.
2- Stiffness
3- Inflammation
4- Redness, tenderness and swelling

Remedies- It cannot be cured permanently but the symptoms can be controlled or minimized with the help of:

1) Medication: In Allopath, combination of medicines and surgery helps in reducing inflammation, pain, and swelling. There are several Non steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs, Analgesics and creams available. Calcium lactate is also recommended

2) Natural remedies:

Dietary Considerations: - Foods that produce alkalinity should be consumed.
Garlic: - contains anti inflammatory properties and is effective in the treatment of this disease
Copper: - water that is kept overnight in a copper container accumulates traces of copper, and drinking this water helps in strengthening the muscular system.
Oil massage: - Warm coconut oil, mustard oil, or sesame oil massages are helpful
Cod liver oil and Castor Oil: - Intake of either of these oils helps in reducing inflammation.
Cold packs: - Using ice pack on joints can reduces the swelling
Nuts: - walnuts of sesame seeds, bananas, egg plant, peppers should be included in the diet

3) Exercise: - The patient should always consult a therapist to determine the intensity of swelling and pain and seek advice regarding which exercise to do.

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Gout is a very painful health problem that usually effects the big toe. It can, however, effect other joints such as the fingers, knees, etc. It is caused by the build up of crystals of uric acid depositing in the tissues of the body. When the body is unable to break down uric acid it accumulates causing inflammation of the joint(s). Uric acid is also known for causing kidney stones.

Normally, uric acid dissolves in your blood and then passes through your kidneys into your urine. Sometimes your body either produces too much or excretes too little of this acid. When that happens uric acid can build up forming sharp, needle-like crystals (urate) in a joint or surrounding tissue that causes pain, inflammation and swelling. The cause of intense pain is when inflammation occurs in the joint as white blood cells surround the uric acid crystals. This causes intense pain, heat and redness

Gout occurs more often in men than it does in women, but women are more susceptible after menopause.

Here are some things you can do for immediate pain relief:

You can make a charcoal/flaxseed poultice. You mix 1/2 cup activated powdered charcoal and 3 tablespoons finely ground flaxseed. Add warm water until you create a paste. Put the paste directly on the affected area and cover with a cloth or some plastic. Change the dressing every four hours or leave on over night. Be sure to cover the poultice carefully as charcoal can stain your bedding or clothing. You can also take activated charcoal orally to lower uric acid levels. Take 1/2 teaspoon when you first wake up, at mid-morning, at mid-afternoon and again at bedtime.

You can use a Castor oil pack. Soak a piece of white flannel in warm Castor oil, wring out excess and place over the affected area. You then cover it with plastic wrap and apply heat using a heating pad or hot water bottle. Do this twice daily for about one hour.

Reduce pain by alternating hot and cold applications. Soak the joint in hot water for three minutes and then in cold water for a half minute. Do this about three times,

Use an Epsom salt foot bath. Put 2 to 3 tablespoons of Epsom salts in a pan or basin of hot water big enough to put your foot in. Soak your foot for about a 1/2 hour. You can also take a whole body bath in Epsom salts. This is especially helpful if the gout pain is in another part of the body. There are usually instructions on the Epsom salts package but you should use about one or two cups.

Any one of these remedies should work to give you some immediate relief, but in order to eliminate gout for good you will need to do some research on how to lower uric acid levels in your body. You should also support your kidneys using supplements, herbs and foods that improve kidney function.

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You may ask yourself when is the best time to use aspirin for your dogs arthritis, or joint pain? My dog Mary will be 17 this summer, even though she has slowed down she is in remarkably good shape for a dog of her age; especially considering that she is a large breed Lab/Ches mix. Mary seemed to start experiencing some arthritic pain in her early teens it was at that time I started doing some research and made some choices as to how I would treat her pain.

Step one, journal. When does your dog seem to be in pain? Consider time of day, current weather, exercise routine etc. Next, look at your dogs diet. Have you researched what is really in your dogs food? Look for dog food brands that are high in protein, omega fatty oils, fruits, vegetables, good grains, and chelated minerals. I can not emphasize how important it is to read your dog food ingredient labels. Avoid ingredients such as meat byproducts, artificial colors or flavorings, any food that relies on poor quality grain, such as corn gluten meal. Cheap grains will artificially boost the protein rating of your dogs food, without adding any benefit.

Get a complete physical for your dog and discuss the details of how your dog seems to experience pain. Your Veterinarian may prescribe pain relievers such as Rimadyl. Should your vet prescribe pain relievers such as Rimadyl or Carprofen, please research these drugs extensively. Prescription pain relievers for dogs, perform miracles for some, and cause death to others. Use prescription drugs with extreme caution. Keep the fact in mind that drug companies make incredibly huge profits from pushing these drugs however, like I said before these drugs can perform wonders with many dogs.

In Mary's case, we have not gotten to the point of using prescription drugs. For the first few years, I made some additions to Mary's food, using natural plants, herbs and oils that are proven effective in reducing inflammation, thus reducing pain. Some plants, herbs and oils effective against pain are Alfalfa, Yucca, Turmeric and fish oil. Another relatively safe, over the counter, dog pain relief home remedy is baby aspirin for dogs. Baby aspirin does come with possible side effects. Mary takes aspirin only on days that she seems to be experiencing higher levels of pain.

Mary did get some relief from the addition of plants and herbs to her food however, as her age progressed we moved to a natural chewable supplement that has been even more effective. I do still add fish oil to Mary's food and believe that fish oil can benefit dogs and even cats of all ages.

Hopefully, I can write another article in a year and tell you how Mary has progressed. I am just thankful that she has been with me for so long. Should her time come, I will fondly remember all of the great years we had together and would only hope that I will have more companions as beautiful, gentle and loving as her in the future.

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Your feet bear your weight every time you stand, walk or run. Thus, you shouldn't be surprised if you experience chronic foot pain. In addition, there are 26 bones and 33 joints in each foot. It is necessary to get an accurate diagnosis if you want to gain relief from your foot pain.

Reduce Swelling

Injury such as connective tissue wear or muscle strain can cause swelling and pain. Irritation or tearing of the foot's fascia, tendons and ligaments can cause foot pain. Walking and other activities will become difficult. Apply an ice pack on the affected area to reduce pain and swelling. Elevating the feet will also help. Minimize your activities to give the injury time to heal. As the injury gets better, do slow stretches of the foot by rotating the ankle and pointing the toes up and down. Making the connective tissues more flexible will help reduce the risk of future irritation. Anti-inflammatory medicine will also bring relief.

Joint and Bone Pain

Arthritis, fasciitis, arch problems and bone spurs are a major cause of foot pain. Ice baths and massage can help to ease the pain, while heat will improve circulation. Shoe inserts or orthotic devices can reduce and even eliminate the pain in your foot caused by plantar fasciitis and arch problems. Surgery can be taken as a last resort if mobility is compromised. Before considering surgery, however, non-invasive treatment methods should be explored.

Calluses and Other Growths

Growths on your feet, including calluses, corns, warts and bunions can cause foot pain. Topical medications can remove these growths and provide relief. These growths are usually caused by ill-fitting footwear. Your shoes may be too tight or may not provide adequate support and cushion. Get yourself fitted with quality shoes to reduce the problem. If the growths cause too much discomfort, you can have your doctor remove them.

Helpful Tips for Foot Pain Relief

To provide quick relief, soak your feet in warm water. Put 1-2 tablespoons of Epsom salt in a basin of warm and soak your feet. Rinse your feet and dry them.

A good foot massage will make your feet feel great, and you can even do it yourself. Slide your thumb hard along the arch. Use circular motions on other areas of the feet, and don't forget the toes. Massaging your feet will stimulate the circulation and help relax your foot muscles. Use a little mineral oil or baby oil to make your fingers glide easily over your foot.

Wear comfortable shoes that fit well. If you suffer from foot pain, it may be a good idea to wear orthotics or shoe inserts. These devices support your foot arch and provide extra cushioning.

Foot pain can hamper your mobility and interfere with your activities. The tips given above will help bring relief to your feet.

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If you're suffering with chronic pain or an acute pain episode from time to time you may have seen your doctor to try to get some pain relief. You may have found that your doctor was not trained in pain management. Others may have found that their doctors weren't sure about what treatment they could give them that would stop, diminish, control or get rid of their pain.

Your pain may be in your back, lower back, chest, abdomen, leg, shoulder, stomach, knee, hip, foot, head, arm or ribs. It could be nerve, muscle or joint pain or any combination of any of these or another area of pain. It may or may not be part of a disease or condition or due to a traumatic injury.

In any case there are certain approaches for chronic pain that are used among western doctors and traditional medicine and then there are approaches that are used by naturopathic doctors.

In any case you may find your doctor not sure whether or not to give you a prescription for opioids - which are medicines or drugs such as morphine, Percocet and Vicodin. The doctor may have some reluctance to do this and many want to seek more natural and less invasive methods.

But if the pain is severe they may feel obligated to stop it or try to stop it even knowing the possible consequence - the consequence being physical dependence, outright painkiller addiction or adverse reaction and possible side effects. Drugs just mask the symptoms to a degree but don't do any healing, another downside.

If you're seeking a naturopath they may want to try alternative medicine methods for pain such as herbal remedies and acupuncture. Acupuncture is being used much more often these days for acute pain and chronic pain but may require repeated and possibly expensive treatments to stop or control pain if at all.

Most conventional doctors are family practitioners and not able to keep up with current pain management techniques. They come to rely on painkillers and other drugs to stop chronic pain in their patients.

Even some studies that have been done have been stopped midstream, because the patients in the study were experiencing too much pain to continue. Herbal remedies and supplements have not been adequately tested for the long term to determine if they will work. This is ironic because better pain management may be why alternative medicine is often tried.

Unfortunately there is no good answer and it's up to the chronic pain patient to find their best pain management treatment. This may require visiting several doctors and related health professionals, often assembling together a team of acute or chronic pain management professionals. However although doctors are still struggling with the best pain management there are still many natural treatments you can do yourself to get the best chronic pain treatment and relief.

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Key Facts About Arthritis Pain Relief

Anyone who experiences the daily joint pain, stiffness and inflammation that accompanies arthritis needs to know what steps to take to achieve quick and effective arthritis pain relief. Daily choices in self-care and activity can definitely affect the intensity of arthritis symptoms, so arthritis sufferers will be helped by knowing the best choices that lead to arthritis pain relief.

Balance Movement with Rest

Even though it may initially hurt to move and stretch the body, gentle exercises done preferably at the end of the day, can eliminate some of the aches and stiffness of arthritis. Don't stand or sit in the same position for too long a time while doing daily activities. Any activity that gentle increases circulation in the body is beneficial toward relief.

Gentle Self-Care

Topical ointments that contain cayenne pepper have proven very effective when applied to painful joints. Applying ice packs onto painful arms, legs, knees and joints can also provide temporary relief from arthritis. Over the counter remedies that contain anti-inflammatory drugs are also useful when taken daily to relieve the pain that accompanies arthritis.

Proven Joint Pain Relief

Many products may promise relief, but Synotrex has developed an Advanced Joint Formula that is proven to not only eliminate the pain and swelling that accompanies arthritis but also works to repair damaged joints and promote ongoing healthy joint function when taken on a regular basis. Because the Synotrex formula is comprised of such all natural ingredients as COX-2 inhibitors, vitamins and minerals, it is much safer and less expensive to take for relief than dangerous prescription medications that cause numerous unwanted and hazardous side effects. Synotrex is not only safe, it is extremely effective in the fight against arthritis pain relief.

Thousands of arthritis sufferers have discovered quick and easy relief through Synotrex, which extends a risk free offer to try its proven scientific pain relief formula. Our risk free trial guarantees that arthritis sufferers will lose nothing but their pain when using Synotrex as part of an arthritis pain relief program.

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Could MSM be one of the nutrients with the widest number of benefits?

MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is found in almost every plant and every animal. Heating or cooking causes loss of MSM, so fresh fruits and vegetables may retain a higher concentration of MSM. The MSM content in food may be destroyed through any one of the many food processing methods. MSM is often used to enhance the effect of most vitamins and nutrients such as vitamin C, coenzyme Q10, all B-vitamins, selenium and magnesium and may help to improve their cellular uptake. For this reason, it is estimated that a regularly taken MSM supplement may work very effectively.

What can MSM do for skin, hair and nails?

MSM is also used to help form collagen and keratin, the main components of hair and nails. MSM may help to increase the skin's elasticity and is often used successfully for the treatment of acne, burns, fungal diseases and age-related skin changes. MSM may strengthen chipped, weak or broken nails.

MSM is very important in the synthesis of collagen, the main component of connective tissue. Alongside elastin, collagen helps the skin to maintain its elasticity. Collagen is often referred to as the 'beauty mineral' as it is used in many skin, nail and hair products.

MSM is used to give cartilage structure and flexibility in conjunction with sulphur-containing glucosamine and chondroitin. Cellular elasticity allows the easy passage of oxygen and nutrients into the cells and waste products to move easily out of cells.

Help with pain of Osteoarthritis

Natural springs are rich in sulphur, which is why they have been used for centuries to bring relief to arthritic pain and the discomforts of rheumatism. It is estimated that as much as 70% of women, as well as a large number of men, suffer from age-related arthritis of the joints. This form of arthritis begins with the degradation and degeneration of cartilage, resulting in painful inflammation of the affected joints and sometimes even cyst formation. Conventional medicine uses analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs, which often have unpleasant side effects. A comparative study of patients showed that MSM and anti-inflammatory drugs are extremely beneficial.


40% of all people over 65 suffer from some form of rheumatism. MSM may help to reverse the swelling and inflammation associated with rheumatism, thereby alleviating pain and prevent joint stiffness.

Muscle pain

MSM is often used for the alleviation of aching muscles, leg and back cramps, muscle tension and general wound healing. MSM is therefore often used by athletes and in sports medicine. It helps in over-trained muscles and overexertion. The convalescence time could be shorter and injuries could possibly heal faster.


MSM is also used to treat parasitic skin infections be used with great success. It is also used to help remove intestinal worms.

Scar tissue

MSM applied externally (as a cream or gel) can improve the sometimes unattractive scars following surgery, burns or injuries visually. MSM helps to soften tissue and helps to prevent cell degradation. Smaller scars often disappear completely. MSM must be applied as a cream several times a day. One should try to ensure the purity of the MSM in the cream, avoiding products which have added chemical substances.

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Pain is something that we all feel, and everyone of us is looking for effective solutions to relieve all types of pains we have. Some prefer fast and powerful help of synthesized drugs, but some people prefer natural remedies, which include only herbal or other natural ingredients. Eazol Natural Pain Relief is one of such natural formulas, which contains only natural constituents and herbal extracts. It can assist you in relieving pain of any nature, from chronic to acute pains. Eazol Natural Pain Relief is available for everyone and since 2002 it has been working fine for many people who tried and enjoyed the benefits of this miraculous formula.

This innovative formula contains only natural ingredients, that is why it is absolutely suitable and recommended to everyone without exceptions. The main active ingredients of Eazol Natural Pain Relief include extracts of Lobelia (Lobelia inflata), White Willow (Salix species), Boswellia (Boswellia serrata) and other medicinal plants, rich in natural vitamins and minerals. The composition can not only calm down various types of pains, but also has anti-inflammatory properties, ease muscle and nerve tension, and so on. White Willow is known as the best natural aspirin which can calm down aches and pains, as well as have quite lasting action.

Every bottle of this natural remedy has 60 pills, and it is enough to take just one of them a day to relieve any possible type of pains. Primarily, the product is targeted to caml down pains caused by the following diseases and ailments: arthritis, muscle and joint pains, stiff joints, various types of neuralgia, neck and back aches, low back pains, carpal tunnel syndrome and so on. Eazol Natural Pain Relief is one of the most effective natural and 100% safe pain relief solutions available on today's market. It is recommended by many specialists and experts and has already helped thousands people around the world.

Remember that Eazol Natural Pain Relief does not have any harmful and unwanted side effects. This product if 100% natural and contains only natural or naturally derived ingredients which can not visit any harm to our body. Exactly the absence of any chemical or artificial elements in this formula makes it available and recommended to everyone who needs an effective painkiller. You will not get allergic or receive an upset stomach after taking Eazol Natural Pain Relief, but if you are still worried about possible complications, you can consult your health care specialist before taking the pill.

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Patients who suffer from "ankle arthritis" are actually dealing with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis which has settled in the ankle joints. A lot of pressure is put on ankle joints, because they bear the brunt of the entire weight of the body. When you pile all of your weight on sore joints and take a step, there's bound to be pain. What's worse, ankle joints are ball joints which rotate in all directions, so the cartilage will deteriorate even faster than in other joints.

Ankle Pain Stemming from Other Causes

Never just assume that any pain you have in your ankles and feet is being caused by arthritis. These pains can be caused by many different things, including lower back and hip problems. Before just shrugging your shoulders and thinking, "Its only arthritis", make an appointment with your doctor for an exam. Only then will he be able to tell what's causing your infirmity.

The rarer diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis can be made by taking a simple blood test. If you are diagnosed with the more common osteoarthritis, it may mean that you'll be facing a regimen of intensive treatments for the rest of your life.

Sprained ankles are fairly common and cause sufferers a lot of pain, even more so that an actual break. To treat a sprain, doctors will prescribe 'RICE'. No, not the stuff you eat. In this case RICE means:
o Rest - and give your ankle a chance to heal.
o Ice Compression - use cold compresses to reduce inflammation and pain.
o Elevation - keep the leg raised to lessen swelling and pain.

You may be able to tell if you have ankle arthritis by watching for the following symptoms:
o Recurring pains without a reason
o Swelling and stiffness suddenly occurring
o Pain remedies won't stop the pain and stiffness
o A big toe that's very painful and wants to turn to the side
o Bunions that hurt badly even when not being touched

When a person first develops ankle arthritis, simple OTC pain medications will probably be all the treatment needed. The disease is incurable, though, and will progress over time. It may get to a stage where your doctor wants to treat the condition much more aggressively.

If you've tried everything looking for relief from arthritis pain, you may want to do what many others have done, and try some form of home remedy. Doctors and the FDA frown on such practices as herbal medicines and yoga, but there are a lot of people who swear by the treatments claiming they have stopped the progression of the disease and even caused some improvement.

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With today's on-the-go mentality, it is no wonder why knee pain is the most common musculoskeletal complaint people have when they visit their doctor. Depending on the injury or condition, some knee pain can be excruciating. That's why millions of people seek knee pain relief. Knee pain relief will vary from person to person. Some may simply need to rest the leg to find knee pain relief, while others may only find knee pain relief after surgical procedures.

Knee Pain Relief for Severe Knee Injuries

There are many types of injuries that cause severe knee pain. If you are an athlete, you are most likely familiar with knee pain resulting from torn ligaments, cartilage, or muscles. The more active you are, the more likely you are to experience knee pain from a sport-related injury. For a torn ligament, meniscal injury, or a completely ruptured tendon, doctors will usually recommend surgery in order to receive permanent knee pain relief.

Knee Pain Relief for Knee Osteoarthritis

To receive knee pain relief from knee osteoarthritis (degeneration of the cartilage), exercise is necessary. Doctors will prescribe certain exercises and stretches that can greatly increase flexibility of the muscles that support the knee. These exercises will reduce stress on the sensitive knee joint. For instant knee pain relief, some people may take over-the-counter medication, such as Advil or Tylenol, to help with osteoarthritis soreness.

Pain Relief for Overuse Knee Injuries

Sometimes it's the simplest things that can cause damage. Something as simple as overuse of the knees can cause people to seek knee pain relief. Muscle strains and tendonitis can develop as people grow older. Inflammation occurs, therefore leading to pain. Stains and tears must be treated with care and allowed to heal over time. Some people use ice or heating pads for knee pain relief. Others take over-the-counter medications

Pain and Inflammation

In treating many types of knee pain, inflammation is the first thing you must bring under control. When you have an injury, substances that cause inflammation invade your knee, causing further injury, which leads to further inflammation, and etc. leading to continuation of your knee pain. So, the substances that cause inflammation must be brought under control to limit further injury to the tissue.

Some common care techniques to control inflammation:

1. Knee padding.

2. Rest the knee.

3. Ice on the knee 3X a day for 20 to 30 minutes.

4. Knee brace or wrap when you are on your feet.

5. Prop the knee up higher than your waist whenever you can.

6. Use Ibuprofen as an anti-inflammatory agent. NO aspirin.

7. Do all the above. If still pain after three days...see your doctor.

So, is your knee pain a slight annoyance or severe problem? Well, it all depends on what is causing your pain. If you feel a small amount of knee pain resulting from minor injury, you may be able to use self-help methods to find knee pain relief. However, if you experience a large amount of unbearable pain, or a nagging discomfort exists for a few of days, speak with your doctor to determine the correct knee pain relief plan for you.

For more information on knee pain relief, check out The Centre for Pain Relief. Educating yourself about knee injuries and condition.

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Flexcin joint pain relief herbal treatment has been celebrated by those who have used it all over the globe. Many have determined Flexcin to be their best solution in a never ending pursuit of natural pain relief for sports injuries, arthritis, joint aches and other chronic pain in knees, hips, shoulders and hands.

Flexcin Ingredients

The main ingredient that distinguishes Flexcin from its lesser competitors on the market is the inclusion of its patented cetyl myristoleate or CM8 formula. This is in addition to the traditional glucosamine and msm that is normally found in these types of treatments. CM8 simply makes them work harder and more effectively.

Flexcin is the only joint pain health supplement that contains CM8 which as been determined by researchers to inhibit inflammation and reduce friction between the joints. It works by essentially lubricating the joints, thus facilitating easy and pain-free movement. It also elevates your immune system to battle auto immune disorders. All of these factors combined make it an effective remedy for numerous joint pain conditions like gout, bursitis and fibromyalgia.

Is Flexcin a Scam?

Some people are worried that Flexcin is a scam. The manufacturer has endeavored to put those fears to rest. As featured on the official Flexcin website, the pain reliever is glowingly endorsed by doctors across the US. Specifically Dr. Bob Martin commends the effects of the product on his nationally syndicated health related radio show. Additionally, Dr. Stephen Hayman provides his support with the following quote: "I am 100 percent pleased with Flexcin and feel very confident dispensing it to my patients. I take Flexcin myself, not because I have joint arthritis, but because it provides excellent nutritional support for my joints. I feel this nutritional approach for healthy joints could possibly ward off arthritic changes for many years."

Flexcin Customer Reviews

The testimonials don't stop there. One only has to visit the Flexcin product page on Amazon.com to see that actual customer reviews have collectively rated the product four and a half stars out of five, with thirteen of seventeen reviewers giving it a full five stars.

Does Flexcin Really Work?

Of course, like all natural health treatments, it will not work for everyone. To account for this and to assure that you only pay for the product if you are completely satisfied with the results, the makers of Flexcin with CM8 give you a generous three month unconditional guarantee. Most people begin to see results in three to six weeks, so this lengthy trial period will allow you to adequately gage the pain reliever's level of effectiveness for you personally.

Flexcin Trial

If you are suffering from joint pain and have not had success with traditional treatments, you should seriously consider giving Flexcin a try. It has worked wonders for countless others, including physicians and their patients. With their unconditional guarantee you can even try it for three months and still get your money back if you are not completely satisfied with the results. You simply have nothing to lose, but your joint pain.

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Joint pain can originate from different causes. When the condition is not inflammatory, the term used by medical practitioners is arthralgia while arthritis is the appropriate term when the condition is inflammatory. Although joint pain can be caused by a number of factors, common origins such as osteoarthritis brought about by aging are easier to address. There are many autoimmune factors which can bring about joint pain and usually, these are serious cases which need the proper diagnosis and treatment. These, medical practitioners can provide.

If the joint pain is deemed to be not life threatening and you would like to experience joint pain relief, you can opt for alternative medications which can give you good results ranging from short term to long term effects.

One of the most popular pain relief treatments is probably acupuncture. Before, acupuncture has been ignored by many physicians, but now, there are many studies to prove the efficacy of this oriental treatment. As a result, you can now find doctors in hospitals which are properly trained to perform acupuncture treatment. The reason why acupuncture can help in giving relief to painful joints has something to do with the release of chemical compounds in the body which are induced by the needles used in the therapy. Accordingly, there are certain points in the body which, when targeted, can shut down pain and trick the body into believing that it is not in pain.

Another natural way of alleviating joint pain is through the use of herbal medicines. Some of the herbs used in managing the pain of the joints include licorice, Indian ginseng, ginger, menthol and camphor. If you are familiar with the herb peperomia, it has been used by many Asian households to manage joint pain. The stalks and leaves of this herb are edible. When harvested, clean the herb in running water and you can eat it raw or as a salad. You can as well boil the 1 cup of the leaves or the stalks in 2 cups of water and drink it in the morning and the afternoon. If you are under a certain medication, consult first with your physician because taking herbals with other medications can bring forth chemical reactions that are can be harmful to your health.

In addition, you can avoid pain and give joint pain relief as well by avoiding certain foods that can give you pain. Some of the foods to avoid include dairy products, fatty foods, processed foods, meat, sugar, coffee, nuts, alcohol and leguminous foods. On the other hand, you might as well try fruits and green leafy vegetables rich in vitamin c. One example of vitamin c rich foods is berries. Berries can protect your joints from wear and tear and vitamin c is essential in formation of connective tissues.

You can get joint pain relief through many means, but it is also important that you understand the mechanism behind pain and how this pain can protect your body. The pain tells you that something is wrong so that you can act fast and do something to address what is wrong with your body. Also, preventive measures are important for your joints to be healthy and for them not to give you any pains.

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These are just a few of the arthritis home remedies and treatments that arthritis sufferers have sworn worked for them. Most have an anti-inflammatory effect. There are many ways to achieve arthritis pain relief. Before you take any supplements, you may want to check with your doctor. I found that the best arthritis pain relief is a permanent radical change in the diet to all living foods. Eating a raw food diet will eliminate all osteoarthritis pain. This is the best and fastest short-term and long term approach to get rid of arthritis pain.

Remember that supplements contain isolated chemicals that are not working in conjunction with other chemicals and nutrients as they are in their natural state. So the degree of absorption, if any is questionable and different supplements from different manufacturers may have varying degrees of absorbability.

But here are the tips that others have reported working for them with my comments.

1. MSM (Methyl-sulfonyl-methane), take 1,000 mg. twice a day to reduce the inflammation which causes the pain some report.

2. Fish oil or cod liver oil which contains the omega 3's. Use a good brand that contains no mercury - 1,000 mg. one to three times per day is supposed to help lubricate the joints and thus relieve the pain.

3. Many people report that glucosamine sulfate is good for supporting the joints, 500 mg. twice a day. However there are many different brands with many different absorbability reports. And many people have reported it not working for them. There also may be an elevation of blood pressure some reports say.

4. Drink one quarter cup of black cherry juice a day or take one tablespoon of concentrate in water have had excellent report say many. The best juice would be raw not pasteurized but that is difficult to get. This may take awhile to work but good for the health. Some report that it irritates their stomachs so take with plenty of water and perhaps with food. Make sure the cherry juice is unsweetened. Some people eat dried unsweetened tart Montmorency cherries and achieve the same effect.

5. To reduce arthritis pain, make sure to get plenty of minerals in the diet naturally. Eat plenty of fruits and raw veggies, several servings of day. Make huge green salads, with good greens, not iceberg lettuce.

6. Eat coconut anything. Of course, opening a fresh raw coconut you can get from the Asian groceries is the best. Put the coconut meat in a smoothie and drink the coconut water. Second best is eating coconut anything. Coconut in any form when heated will not destroy the good nutrients. It is from a tropical climate and made to endure hot temperatures.

7. Some say to drink radish juice.

8. Helpful foods that have been reported include avocados, bananas, cherries, greens, and raw nuts soaked overnight to remove the enzyme inhibitors, such as walnuts and pecans, however all living foods, not cooked foods will help. All cooked foods are acidic and inflammatory and can aggravate the joints. Most all, living or raw foods are alkaline and anti-inflammatory.

9. Some swear by apple cider vinegar. The vinegar should only be a RAW apple cider vinegar like Bragg's. And be careful using apple cider vinegar as it is an irritant to some stomachs.

10. A fad arthritis home remedy is the gin-soaked raisins method. Soak the raisins in gin for a week. Eat six raisins at bed time. Maybe the alcohol is absorbed into the air by then. Alcohol is a neurotoxin and is inflammatory and should not be ingested.

11. Some say the old remedy of Edgar Cayce's works for them - rubbing the affected joint with castor oil each morning and at bedtime. Make take a few days to work.

12. Keep moving. Moderate exercise will reduce stiffness.

13. Some report they take burdock and yucca for inflammation and swelling.

14. Some report lobelia extract, halibut oil, or cayenne extract (cayenne cream) can help alleviate pain and speed healing when applied to the affected area. Be careful about any supplement or cream you don't fully understand.

15. For severe pains in joints some have reported they have used garlic externally - warm up the affected area with a hot towel and then rub the juice of the garlic very slowly on the area. The juice of the garlic can be extracted in a clean coffee grinder or other kitchen appliance.

These are just a few of the many osteoarthritis and arthritis home remedies and arthritis treatments and arthritis diet suggestions floating around the Internet. Use your best judgment before trying any, that may be harmful, for arthritis pain relief, and get the advice of your doctor or naturopathic doctor.

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Arthritis swelling is just one of the symptoms of this chronic disease. It's also one of the ways to find out if you really have arthritis or a related disease. Pain and swelling also result in less range of motion for the limbs affected.

There are several ways to combat this condition:

1. Exercise:
Although exercise can often mean more pain at the beginning, it's really important because only through exercise can you increase the range of motion of the limbs and joints affected. Otherwise, you will find that you are becoming less and less flexible. If you're concerned that regular exercise is too painful, then try yoga for starters. This gentle exercise routine is excellent in improving flexibility. Afterwards you can move onto include regular exercise.

2. Warmth (possibly cold too):
Arthritis is a disease that affects people differently. Usually applying a warm pack to the affected area brings relief. However, if this doesn't work, try an ice pack and see what effect that has. If you have any problems with your circulation, then an ice pack isn't for you. It's trial and error but either warm or cold, this could definitely help reduce swelling and pain.

3. Ultrasound:
This produces gentle waves that penetrate deeply into your sore tissues and gives them warmth. It has been known to reduce pain and swelling as it increases blood flow, thus giving your body more oxygen.

4. Diet:
If you are overweight, make an effort to reduce those extra pounds. The more you weigh, the more pressure is put on your joints, so it makes perfect sense to relieve that pressure by reducing your weight. Also have a good look at the foods you eat in relation to your arthritis swelling and pain. Often zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant and even coffee produce more symptoms and pain. Just be more aware of what you eat and drink and how it affects your body and then reduce or eliminate the intake of that particular food or drink item.

5. Get Another Treatment Option - Drugs Or Natural Remedies
Visiting your doctor is always a good idea. He may prescribe a different medication for you to try. You can also visit your health food store and ask them if they can advise any supplements you can take to help with your pain and inflammation.

As you can see, you don't just have to put up with arthritis swelling and pain, there are often simple ways you can help yourself.

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Pain can be experienced as a result of old age, physical illness, extensive exercise, overwork, heavy lifting, strained muscles or broken bones. Pain triggers a region of the brain known as the lateral occipital complex, reducing a person's ability to concentrate and accurately recognize images, i.e. our ability to think and perceive properly. Pain also interferes with our ability to cope with life emotionally, e.g. sadness, irritation and perhaps depression and hopelessness. Supermarkets and pharmacies have aisles and aisles of pills, powders and bandages to help with pain relief. Some common pain relief medication can cause mild side effects like drowsiness or nausea. Other pain relief medications are prescribed and can have even more serious side effects. Drugs like vicodin and percocet are prescription, heavy duty narcotic pain relief pills that are addictive and dangerous if not taken carefully. New studies suggest those drugs that block pain could also be stimulating receptors that cause pain as well.

A safer option for society's pain relief is the variety of all natural products. These all natural products aid in pain relief for muscle and joint pain, as well as relax the body for a general improvement of the body and soul. Some examples of natural pain relief products are vitamins, supplements, herbs, ointments, creams and even bath formulas to reduce inflammation

Both glucosamine and chondroiton are a nutritional approach to maintaining the fluids needed to lubricate joints and cartilage. . Glucosamine is an amino found in the body that stimulates growth of new cartilage and can also help to reduce joint pain. People using glucosamine experienced as much pain relief as those taking over-the-counter medications. Antioxidants such as glutathione can help tissue recover from inflammation. The antioxidant acetyl-cystine, a precursor to glutathione, can reduce pain from nerve damage. There are widely known natural and herbal remedies for pain relief. These include varying amounts and combinations of "Devil's Claw", Willow Bark, Boswellia, Camomile, Bromelain, Oil of Oregano, Cayenne Pepper, Nettle leaf, St. John's Wort, arnica gel, celadrin, hyaluronic acid, collagen, msm and natural pain relief formulas to reduce neuropathic pain.

Bromelain is particularly useful for reducing muscle and tissue inflammation and as a digestive aid. Supplements are made from enzymes found in the pineapple stem. Bromelain is believed to be an effective blood thinner and anti-inflammatory that works by breaking down fibrin, a blood-clotting protein that can interfere with good circulation and stop tissues from releasing used material and toxins properly. Bromelain also blocks the production of compounds that can cause swelling and pain. When inflammation is reduced, blood can move more easily to a traumatized area, Bomelain can help reduce muscle and joint pain, reduce swelling, bruising, redness and drain excess fluid from the injured area.

Sleep disturbance is one of the most common experiences for people with chronic pain. It may not always be that the pain itself prevents a good night's sleep. Some studies suggest that poor sleep makes the pain worse. In fact, one study in healthy men found they grew more sensitive to painful stimuli when deprived of sleep. There are many natural sleep aids available to facilitate a good night's sleep that do not carry the risk of morning after drowsiness, dependence, or impaired thinking or physical ability.

As mentioned earlier, pain can also interfere with one's ability to cope emotionally, concentrate, and perceive properly. Pain may arouse fear, sadness, irritation, moderate depression and decrease one's ability to give and hold attention. There are a wide variety of natural supplements and formulas to help increase oxygen and serotonin to our brain to help us remain calm and alert. These natural supplements include may also be pain relieving as well as mood enhancing at the same time e.g. St. John's Wort, acytl-cystine, and other antioxidants and amino acids that improve general circulation and promote healing as well as enhancing brain function.

Hydrotherapy, i.e. the use of water for relieving stress, tension, and muscle aches, is an ancient and widely used form of natural pain relief. There are natural elements that can be added to our warm, soaking baths to increase water's natural ability to relieve pain. There are also many aromatherapy bath products, e.g. sea salts, minerals, and oils, that not only help with pain relief but also provide therapeutic aromas that help soothe our emotional well being and emotional ability to cope with pain.

There are many topical and ingestion natural supplements and formulas available to help us relieve and cope with pain. These natural substances do not present a risk of harmful or unwanted side effects e.g. dependence, drowsiness, pain increase, etc., as do some prescription synthetic drugs. Natural pain relief supplements can actually help eliminate the source and cause of pain, i.e. aid healing, as well as reducing the feeling and experience of pain. Often natural pain relief supplements provide additional benefits, beyond pain relief, for improving our overall health in general.

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If you are a sufferer of osteoarthritis I don't need to tell you that the major complaint is - the achy stiffness, discomfort, pain and eventual inflammation. As the symptoms progress and cartilage erodes, the pain gets increasingly worse to the point that in many cases pain relief is required to simply function on a daily basis. This is what drives most people to have the offending joint or joints replaced with artificial ones. However, this option is only open to those with hip or knee problems and does nothing for those suffering from osteoarthritis of the hands or spine.. Even for those who choose to attempt to heal their condition through lifestyle changes, nutritional re-balancing, and re-mineralization will have to continue to deal with the discomfort until their body has had time to return to balance. Depending on the progression of the condition the healing process can take some time. So at the end of the day, whether one is awaiting surgery, dealing with the condition in an area of the body without a surgical solution, or is taking the time and effort to heal their condition, dealing with pain is the common primary concern for those with osteoarthritis.

The standard allopathic response to this issue is naturally a pharmaceutical one. Unfortunately the types of drugs commonly prescribed in these situations are associated with many adverse drug reactions (ADRs), especially after long term use. The group of drugs to which I am referring are among the most widely used in the developed world. They are called NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). These are drugs with analgesic (pain-reducing) and antipyretic (fever-reducing) properties. One report published in Clinical Cornerstone stated that NSAIDs account for 70 million prescriptions and $30 billion in over-the-counter sales in the United States alone. Whether or not these numbers are accurate, the market is obviously huge. Some common names that you may be familiar with in this category of drugs are ibuprofen (Advil and Motrin), naproxen sodium (Aleve), ketoprofen (Orudis KT) and even good old aspirin, to name a few.

The main ADRs associated with prolonged or over-use of NSAIDs are well documented and on the increase. One of the immediate effects is on the gastrointestinal system. The molecular nature of NSAIDs is acidic, which causes irritation of the gastric mucosa. This in turn leads to digestive problems including nausea, gastric ulceration and intestinal bleeding, and even diarrhoea. Another area of concern with overuse of NSAIDs is that of renal interference. They impair the synthesis of prostaglandins, which are vasodilators. This in turn leads to the restriction of blood flow to the kidneys, which can cause fluid retention, sodium-potassium imbalance, as well as potential hypertension (high blood pressure). Of particular interest to OA sufferers are the studies going back as far as the late 70s that also indicated an acceleration of cartilage breakdown. Yes, that's right. When you take these pain medications to relieve headaches, migraines, menstrual pain, postoperative pain, arthritis pain, or any kind of pain, you may be actually accelerating the breakdown of your cartilage. If you are currently using one of these drugs to treat your osteoarthritis, you might want to consider potential alternatives for pain control, especially in the case of long term use.

In this area there are a few options that can be used individually or combined that have been shown to be effective in various studies. Given our acquired metabolic strengths and weaknesses, some experimentation may be required to find out which product or combination of products works best for you. In my experience the efficacy of a supplement is often determined by quality, sourcing, and processing, which will speak to issues of bio-availability. In this regard you usually get what you pay for, so caveat emptor.

One of the oldest and most overlooked treatments for joint pain is sulphur, which tends to occur naturally in many hot springs and is probably why people with arthritis find relief after bathing in them. Elemental sulphur used to be present in our drinking water but has been long lost to our diets through municipal filtration. In supplemental form it is usually found as a compound called methylsulphonylmethane (MSM). To my knowledge the clinical trials are scant and inconclusive; however, the ones I have looked at that show marginal success are dealing with pretty low dose ranges. Dr. Al Sears in a recent newsletter was recommending a daily dose of 850 mg for the treatment of joint pain. What MSM appears to do is to improve the permeability or flow-through of your cellular membranes. If this flow-through is impaired, toxins can build up in the cells, contributing to cellular pressure, inflammation and discomfort. When the flow-through is improved toxins are released, pressure is relieved, and inflammation decreases. This form of sulphur also appears to function as an effective anti-oxidant, which is always a good thing.

I suppose glucosamine sulfate needs to mentioned given that it is the most common non-vitamin, non-mineral supplement purchased by American adults. In the case of glucosamine, clinical studies appear to be all over the map with some showing improvement of symptoms while others show it to be no more effective than a placebo. Anecdotally it would appear that some people do experience significant relief of symptoms but only after many weeks or months of use. This probably has to do with the absorbability of glucosamine, which some studies have indicated may be as low as 15-20% of dose. This would indicate that glucosamine is not likely to be of use in the short term for control of pain.

Omega 3 oils have been shown to be a worthwhile investment for their many benefits to health in general. Their anti-inflammatory properties as well as the general metabolic need for omega 3s have been well documented and there are now numerous studies showing improved joint mobility. The turning of our collective diets away from saturated fats to seed and corn oils has led to an over abundance of omega 6s and 9s and fewer omega 3s than would have been present in a more traditional or evolved diet. Over abundance of omega 6s and 9s actually contribute to the potential for increased inflammation. When it comes to supplementing with omega 3s, source and processing will I believe determine effectiveness to a large degree. Although fish oil has been popular in the past, they can easily become rancid through oxidation, thereby losing any anti-oxidant effect they would have in the body. Another more contemporary issue with fish oil is the potential for bio-accumulated toxins like mercury and PCBs. This problem will obviously increase the further up the food chain you go for sourcing. For my personal use I have found the best bang for the buck is with a good quality Krill product. Krill is one of the largest biomasses on the planet; in fact, some large species of whales feed on it exclusively. Since it is harvested from relatively cleaner Antarctic waters, as well as being at the bottom of the food chain, bio-accumulated toxins become a relative non issue. Krill also contains the highest levels of a 'super' anti-oxidant called astaxanthin, which protects the omega 3 oils from becoming rancid and improves bio-availability and activity immensely.

From Ayurvedic Eastern traditions we know that turmeric has long been used as another potent anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory. The most active component of turmeric is curcumin, which is what gives turmeric the intense yellow colour. There are now a growing number of studies as well as anecdotal evidence indicating a significant decrease in discomfort and increase of mobility for osteoarthritis sufferers, described by some as equivalent to the effect of NSAID's. Turmeric appears to be another one of those 'super' anti-oxidants that have many beneficial effects throughout the metabolism and seems particularly adept at helping the body deal with chronic low-grade inflammation. I have been using turmeric myself for some time now and can personally attest to its benefits. The turmeric powder which is used in food and medicinally is ground from the root of the plant. As with any supplement, sourcing is everything and you're probably best to find an organic source raised and harvested in the Ayurveda tradition. After all, they've been at it for 5000 years so they should know what they're doing by now.

One last potential alternative I would like to make mention of is something called Pycnoginol, which is a registered trade mark. I came upon this product quite recently while attending a webinar so I'm still in the process of investigation myself. However, given what I've read so far in the research, this product certainly warrants further investigation. Pycnoginol is an extract made from the bark of a maritime pine tree which only grows on the southwest coast of France. The claims of the manufacturer are backed by 280 published scientific studies and reviews as well as data collected from 7000 patients in 98 clinical studies. I'll leave this one simply as a heads up to provide further options in the pursuit of pain relief.

Given the problems inherent with the long term use of NSAID's, I hope this information, if nothing else, has at least provided options that can be used safely and in the end possibly do more to correct your osteoarthritis rather than contributing to its progression.

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Topical remedies tackle mild arthritis pain.

If your arthritis pain is mild and you don't take oral pain medication every day, rubbing a topical pain reliever on the bothersome area can be a good alternative. Following are the most widely used topicals.

Counterirritants mask arthritis pain by stimulating the nerves to produce a slightly uncomfortable warm or cool sensation. That distractts you from the more intense joint pain. These products may contain menthol, camphor, eucalyptus oil, or oil of winter green. Brand names include Icy Hot Chill Stick, Ben Gay, and ArthriCare. These products cause a temporary redness of the skin and work best on joints near the surface, such as fingers, elbows, and knees.

Topical NSAID's contain salicylates, chemical cousins of aspirin, and relieve pain the same way oral NSAID's do. Their effects, however are restricted to the surface and avoid some of the problems associated with oral NSAIDs. Topical NSAIDs include Aspercreme, Sportscreme, and Myoflex. People who are allergic to aspirin or who take medications that interact adversely with aspirin shouldn't use a topical NSAID because a bit of it is absorbed into the bloodstream.

Capsaicin. The topical pain relievers Zostrix and Capzacin-P contain capsaicin, the chemical that gives hot peppers their bite. Capsaicin lowers levels of substance P, which relays pain impulses to the brain and is involved in inflammation. Capsaicin-based products must be applied three or four times a day for up to several weeks before their benefits are noticeable. Burning, stinging, and redness often occur in the first days of treatment, but then subside.

Do's and don'ts of topicals: Be sure to wash your hands after applying any topical pain reliever. Avoid contact with broken or irritated skin and the eyes, nose, and mouth. If severe irritation develops, stop using the product immediately. Some products warn users not to apply a bandage or heat to the treated area. Don't use a topical medication just before a workout, as perspiration can cause the skin to absorb too much of it.

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What you eat every day has a direct effect on your health. Since we have millions of choices when it comes to food, what we eat decides how healthy we are, or unhealthy. Of course this choice can make us live in pain if we don't know what to choose.

There are some specific types of food which can help you in the long run in the struggle against arthritis pain relief. If you eat healthy food, your joints will be healthy. I will list three best foods which will help you get rid of that nasty back pain.


It has a very long history in combating arthritis pain. Every person has a small amount of glucosamine in the body. As we get older, the body produces less glucosamine and this leads to born spurs and cartilage hardening.

This natural compound made by our body uses a combination of glutamine and sugar making an amino acid. If your body is getting old, you have 2 choices in order to have more glucosamine in your body: you eat food rich in glucosamine or you take some supplement with this amino acid in it. It can be found in shrimps, lobsters and crabs.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 acids can be found in sea food, especially fishes (sardines, salmon) but as well in borage oil, walnuts and in flax seeds. They reduce the tendency of cartilage cells to have inflammations and is a good guard against cartilages progressive deterioration.

Studies have revealed that people who took omega 3 supplements compared to people who didn't take have less arthritis pain. So our advice is to eat as many walnuts, sea food as you can in order to protect you from arthritis pain.

Tart Cherries

Who would have thought that the compound which gives the red color to tart cherries is very effective against arthritis pain? Now everybody can benefit from this red cherries in their struggle with arthritis pain.

This compound also helps slow the pace of the natural deterioration of the body which isn't bad at all for a small bright cherry. You can eat tart cherries in all the forms you may encounter: canned ones, tablets, frozen, concentrates or freeze dried.

I recommend you stick with the natural food in your fight with the arthritis pain for at least 6 months in order to see some major improvements. If you consider that these 3 types of foods are rather cheap to buy, it's a very good diet that will improve your health.

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Arthritis pain relief is felt the most when aromatherapy is used in conjunction with other forms of therapy, including massage and occupational therapy. An advantage with using aromatherapy for arthritis pain relief is that unlike drug medications, aromatherapy is generally safe, all-natural, and produces very little or no side effects.

If you have arthritis, the pain from achy joints, swollen muscles, and overall stiffness can get you down. This is especially so that you find the pain so bad that even simple tasks such as dressing yourself up is not easy to accomplish on your own.

Aromatherapy uses plant and flower derived scents for treatment of health ailments. As a therapy that induces relaxation and overall well-being, it should not be scoffed at for the purposes of pain management. In fact, aromatherapy for arthritis pain relief has been shown to provide substantial therapeutic benefits for those that have tried it.

Aromatherapy can also be easily down from the home. You can now find specially blended aromatherapy oils specifically to treat the symptoms of arthritis, including for rheumatoid arthritis.

Most of these specially blended aromatherapy products are combined into a topical vegetable oil, cream, or lotion that can be applied to the skin. Essential oils are very powerful. They must always be blended into some kind of base before they are used. Most aromatherapy blends contain roughly 3 per cent essential oils in a 97 per cent base. Any more than this ratio can cause irritation. When you need to have some arthritis pain relief, simply apply the oil, cream or lotion onto the affected region.

Some of the best essential oils for treating the symptoms of arthritis are eucalyptus, camphor, thyme, lavender, rosemary, ginger, lemon, and angelica root. Try to find aromatherapy blends that contain one or more of these essential oils.

You can also find aromatherapy blends that are for steam inhalation, applied as compresses, or added to bath water for a relaxing and comforting hot bath. When used in hot compress treatment, you can help reduce feelings of inflammation, joint stiffness, and overall muscle tension.

Arthritis pain relief with aromatherapy is an option that you should really consider. Get these specially blended oils at your local health food store or order them through the web. There are several stores and sites that you can obtain your supplies from.

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