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Tophi gout is that painful stage in gout where horrible-looking 'lumps' appear at the joints. And if left untreated they can cause some serious issues. Luckily, there are drugs that can help, but they can have side effects, and, they need to be taken regularly. But, there are natural treatment alternatives for tophi gout you should discuss with your doctor.

Tophi (tophaceous) gout is caused by the build-up of uric acid salts (monosodium urate crystals) in and around the joints affected by gout. This usually happens as a result of prolonged, frequent, and repetitive gout attacks arising from elevated uric acid levels in the bloodstream.

They are normally seen as chalky-colored, bulging lumps under the skin at the joint(s) affected. And although by far the most common joint for gout is the big toe, tophi can appear in almost any joint. They can also be seen at the ear ridges.

Apart from the fact that they are horrible and unsightly, untreated tophi can eventually lead to serious complications such as permanently damage to joints and surrounding tissue. They can also become ulcerated and septic, so septicemia is a possibility that would need urgent medical attention.

Since tophi is caused by continuously elevated uric acid levels, the key is to reduce those levels and keep them at a level that prevents tophi forming. Of course, this also means that recurring gout attacks are prevented.

There are various drugs available (such as allopurinol) that can help to lower and maintain uric acid at healthier levels. And they seem to work pretty well. But, they are only effective whilst being taken. Once they are stopped there is nothing to prevent uric acid levels rising again. Which is why many sufferers end up taking them for years on end. And, unfortunately, they do have some nasty side effects for many people.

Which is why more and more people are turning to more natural alternatives to get rid of tophi gout. There are many natural remedies that can help to neutralize and lower uric acid levels. There are also remedies that have natural anti-inflammatory properties. Typical are herbs such as alfalfa, burdoch and buchu. Also things like natural kidney cleanses.

But underpinning the whole natural approach is your diet. Since uric acid is actually produced by the breakdown of purines in our bodies and food, gout sufferers, and especially those with tophi gout, need to go on a low-purine diet. Otherwise you are just producing more and more uric acid which your kidneys can't process and excrete efficiently enough.

Dietary information is too detailed to go into here but, generally speaking, gout victims need to avoid high-purine foods within the following groups; red meats, gravy, meat extracts, poultry, fish, shellfish, vegetables, etc. plus, yeast products and alcohol.

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Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and affects more than 20 million Americans.

There are two different types of cartilage within the knee. Hard hyaline articular cartilage is the tough gristle that caps the ends of long bones within the joint. Also located on either side are two semicircular pieces of fibrocartilage, a somewhat softer form of cartilage, called menisci.

OA is primarily a disease of the hyaline cartilage. Hyaline cartilage is made up of a matrix consisting of a combination of proteoglycans (complexes of proteins and sugars) and chondrocytes. Chondrocytes are located within the matrix... picture a gelatin mold with grapes. The gelatin is the matrix and the grapes are the chondrocytes. Chondrocytes are cartilage cells that manufacture matrix under normal healthy circumstances. They are responsible for nourishing the matrix as well.

However, when OA develops, a change in the metabolism of hyaline cartilage occurs. Chondrocytes begin to elaborate destructive enzymes causing cracks and fissures in the cartilage. These are called "fibrillations."

What has been a perplexing question is, "What causes pain in OA of the knee?" Cartilage has no blood vessels nor does it have nerves. So the topic of pain mechanism in osteoarthritis has been the subject of intense interest.

There are a number of potential suspects. For example, when osteophytes (bone spurs) develop, they can lift the periosteum (the thin top layer of the bone). Periosteum is rich in nerve fibers and certainly can be a source of pain.

It has been noted that blood vessels in bone underlying osteoarthritic cartilage can become engorged and this may elevate the pressure inside the bone which could also, theoretically, cause pain.

The lining of the joint (synovium) becomes inflamed in OA. Pain fibers are located within the joint capsule and these inflammatory processes could irritate them.

The joint capsule can contract or shrink leading to irritation of nerve fibers located within the capsule.

By the same token, if fluid builds up within the joint, it can stretch the joint capsule again leading to stimulation of pain fibers.

As mentioned earlier, there are two small pieces of fibrocartilage located within the knee. These pieces of fibrocartilage (menisci) have a rich blood and nerve supply where they attach to the joint capsule. OA often leads to tearing of these menisci. This can cause damage to the capsular attachment leading to pain.

Spasm of the muscles surrounding the knee can also lead to pain.

Finally, there is increasing interest in the role of the central nervous system- the brain- in causing the pain of knee OA. Recent studies showing the effectiveness of drugs like Cymbalta, a drug originally prescribed for depression, but also showing beneficial effects on pain relief in patients with OA, led to FDA approval for this indication in 2011.

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Arthritis is America's number one cause of chronic disability, affecting 40 million Americans. The foods you eat can play a big part in helping you deal with the pain of arthritis, especially osteoarthritis. It is a degenerative condition that causes pain and stiffness in the joints. It can worsen with age, and is aggravated by being overweight. Proper nutrition can actually help prevent the disease, and a good diet can provide relief from arthritis symptoms.

Unfortunately, the typical American diet is nearly the opposite of what is needed to bring relief for an arthritis sufferer. Grabbing a hamburger and fries might be convenient, but as you can see from the list below, you would be better off planning your meals in advance and preparing them at home.

Best foods for arthritis relief

1. Get your fiber from fresh vegetables, fruit, fish, nuts, seeds and whole grains.

2. Cold water fish, such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, trout, herring and halibut, will help in reducing joint pain. In addition, oily fish can help, such as tuna, salmon, sardines, and cod liver oil supplements.

3. Drink six to eight glasses of water daily to flush toxins from your body.

4. Good vegetables to eat include carrots, celery, kale, okra, watercress and parsley.

5. Unsalted pecans and almonds provide necessary nutrients.

6. Whole grains, such as wheat, barley, brown rice, millet and oats are important.

7. It is essential to get Vitamin C, but avoid fruits that are highly acidic, like oranges and lemons.

Worst foods for arthritis sufferers:

1. Avoid foods that make the internal environment of the body more acidic. Acid promotes inflammation in the joints, which causes pain and worses the disease. Foods that increase acid include saturated fats, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils, rich fatty foods, fried foods, and refined sugar.

2. Other foods high in acid content, and therefore to be avoided, include cranberries, rhubarb, chard, spinach and plums.

3. Avoid fatty meats, chicken, dairy products, eggs, margarine, excess salt, shortening, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, and sugars. If cutting them out completely is out of the question, cut back on them as much as possible, to get relief from arthritis symptoms.

4. Solanines, or nightshade plants, cause problems in about 33% of arthritis sufferers. Solanines include potatoes, peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, and tobacco.

By adjusting your diet, you will experience a reduction of the pain and inflammation from arthritis. Find out more about arthritis pain relief

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Gout symptoms can appear in the ankle or any other joint, including the big toe. Gout in the ankle can be particularly painful. And because your ankle takes much of your weight when standing and walking, gout ankle symptoms can severely limit your ability to get around.

Gout symptoms in the ankle, toe, knee, etc., are things like swelling, redness, stiffness, inflammation and intense pain.

So what causes painful gout symptoms in the ankle and elsewhere? The symptoms of gout are actually the result of having needle-like crystals in your joints and surrounding tissue. These microscopic crystals form in your joints as a result of high uric acid levels in your blood. This condition occurs when your kidneys are unable to excrete excess uric acid from your body.

Uric acid is produced in your body as a result of it's normal metabolizing process. And normally your kidneys process and flush excess uric acid from your body via urine. But if your body is making too much for your kidneys to handle, or, your kidneys aren't working to their usual efficiency, then you can be left with high uric acid (hyperuricemia).

To treat the symptoms of gout your doctor will usually prescribe drugs to take care of the inflammation and pain. With particularly severe symptoms in the ankle you may get these by injection into the ankle. But although these drugs can help many people, they do have some horrible side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, stomach ulcers and bleeding, etc.

Luckily, there are many natural gout remedies, that can reduce inflammation and pain without the side effects and costs of drugs. For gout symptoms in the ankle, you can try the following home remedy...

You can relieve gout symptoms in your ankle by applying a series of hot / cold compresses. This can help to dissolve the uric acid crystals in your ankle. Apply a hot compress around your ankle for 3 minutes. Then immediately change to a cold compress for 30 seconds duration.

Repeat this for no more than 20 minutes and always end the session on a cold compress. Wait at least an hour before repeating the process.

Although this process can help to relieve the gout symptoms in your ankle, this is only good during an attack. But you need to actually prevent gout attacks from occurring in the first place, because recurring gout can leave you with permanently damaged joints and even kidney problems.

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Truth or Myth?

1. Arthritis affects only elderly people.

2. Arthritis is only minor aches and pains.

3. Arthritis can never be treated.


1. Myth. Arthritis affects any age.

2. Myth. Arthritis can be permanently debilitating.

3. Myth. The FDA recently approved several new treatments for arthritis.

If you suffer from arthritis, you probably knew those are myths! In fact, there are over 100 conditions of arthritis crippling millions of Americans. So, how do people get arthritis? This condition is caused by an inflammation of the lining of joints. This can lead to joint and muscoloskeletal pain and eventual even loss of some mobility. The cause of arthritis is still unknown to doctors.

Before you go wallow in the depths of despair, spend your hard-earned money on pricey pain relievers, or live one more day with the debilitating pain, look in your kitchen cupboards first! Even though there is no known cure yet, your arthritis can be treated with simple changes that you can make such as:

1. Eating a variety of healthy foods.

2. Maintaining an ideal weight.

3. Avoiding too much high fat, sugar, sodium, and cholesterol foods.

4. Eating foods high in fiber.

5. Limiting alcohol consumption.

Deep fried, high sodium, sugary, and oily foods are bad enough for anybody, but did you know these foods could actually increase or trigger your arthritis pain? Here's a list of healthier choices of foods that can actually decrease and ease the pain of arthritis:




Chile peppers



Fresh green and yellow vegetables









Red Grapes



Most of these foods can be found at your favorite grocery store and at a reasonable low price, and some of these foods can be found in your kitchen already! Not only are these foods delicious, they contain unique properties that can ease your arthritis pain.

Don't care to bite into grapefruit, anchovies, or garlic themselves? Here's a healthy menu that will tantalize your taste buds and will ease your arthritis pain:


Quesadilla with Melon Salsa


Anchovies: Striped Bass in Horseradish Crust in Anchovy Broth with Parsnip Puree


Garlic: Garlic Herb-Crusted Prime Rib Roast

Be creative! You're the chef in your kitchen. Create healthy and new recipes all while easing the pain of your arthritis.

Truth or Myth?

1. You don't have to suffer from arthritis.

2. You can take control of your life.

3. You can ease arthritis through the healthy choices you make each day.


1. Truth. By eating healthier foods, you can ease your arthritis pain.

2. Truth. Only you have the power to change your life.

3. Truth. By exchanging harmful and unhealthy foods, you can ease the pain of arthritis.

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There exists a disorder that is mistakenly recognized to be gout. The disorder symptoms are so similar to gout that it's sometimes called pseudo gout. It is officially recognized as Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition Disease or CPPD. CPPD or Pseudo gout is essentially a rheumatologic condition. It is one which presents itself when calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals accumulate in the tissues around the affected joints.

Gout is essentially caused by uric acid crystal build up in the articular cartilage of joints and tendons tissues. As a disorder, patients are susceptible to painful attacks, which essentially consist of sudden, unforeseen spasms of severe pain within a particular impacted joint of the body. Some instances of it are acknowledged when uric acid crystals grow large enough in size to actually cause the skin to burst through, resulting in an excretion of a whitish-chalk-like compound. Skin level of sensitivity is yet another symptom, with many patients suffering from an enormous amount of pain over something such as a very slender sheet being utilized in covering the affected area. Low grade fever is another symptom of gout and attacks.

Pseudo gout generally signifies the noticeable acute synovitis, exhibiting swollen joints, a classic indication of gout. Since the symptoms show up like gout, it is sometimes wrongly recognized as gout.

The Pseudo gout treatment methods focused on preventing the accumulation of more crystals, because the deposition of crystals cannot be reversed. Pseudo gout treatment are just like the real treatment provided for a gout patient that is coping with his or her pain.

Whenever a joint is mixed up in the matter, pseudo gout treatment might include joint aspiration and intra-articular corticosteroid injections. Medicines such as colchicines and/or NSAIDs are usually used as alternative treatments. If several joints are affected, the treatment may include injections into the joint, working on the most seriously impacted joint. In some case oral systemic treatment are used to treat the pain.

We hope at this point you understand what gout is and what pseudo gout is, because the two are simply different conditions. Best is to visit your doctor and let the doctor determine which one you have.

A gout diet low in purines is a great way to prevent gout and sometimes pseudo gout as well. The foods you consume need to be those that are low in purines which contribute to the production of uric acid in the body.

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Cold laser therapy, also known as low level laser therapy or LLLT, is an alternative, non-surgical method of treatment that has existed since the late 1960s. Cold laser therapy was being utilized in Europe and Asia for decades before the FDA finally cleared the first cold laser in the United States in 2001. Since that time there have been hundreds of clinical studies that support the efficacy of cold laser therapy for knee pain relief. It is a great option for those searching for alternatives to conventional methods that might have failed them in the past.

Which Types of Knee Conditions Does Cold Laser Therapy Help Relieve?

A cold laser is a non-surgical treatment tool used by a licensed physician to help relieve knee pain caused from a knee injury, degeneration, arthritis knee pain, baker's cysts, meniscus tears, bursitis of the knee, tendonitis of the knee, chondromalacia patella, and failed knee surgery. Individuals who suffer from chronic knee pain can benefit tremendously from treatments. The therapy is unique in that it enables patients to experience knee pain relief without knee surgery, medications or knee injections. Unlike pain medications and knee injections cold laser therapy treatments are considered non-invasive,do not cause any harmful side effects, and are completely painless.

What Other Conditions Are Treated With Laser Therapy?

In addition to relieving knee pain and inflammation the treatment can be used by physicians for treating a myriad of other musculoskeletal conditions. The treatments have also proven to be effective for neck pain, shoulder pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain and arthritis pain. Researchers are also investigating the possibilities of cold lasers being used to heal broken bones more quickly, to help regenerate the nerves in injured spinal cords and to help regenerate new skin in burn victims.

How Does The Treatment Work?

Cold laser therapy treatments work by using highly focused, specific wavelengths of light to target the area of injury. The light penetrates deeply into the tissue in the form of non-thermal light photons. This light helps stimulate and excite damaged and injured cells' mitochondria. The mitochondria is considered the 'powerhouse' of the cell. By exciting the mitochondria the metabolic rate of the cell improves thereby healing and repairing the tissue at a faster rate. In addition, to relieving knee pain, treatments have also been shown to improve tissue growth, cell communication, and cell nutrition. As a result of cellular excitation, lasers also accelerate lymphatic activity which ultimately helps reduce edema or swelling in and around the knee joint. Additionally, the therapy aids in achieving an increase in blood flow and in the formation of new capillaries in and around the knee joint.

How Many Knee Treatments Does it Take to Experience Relief?

The exact number of treatments depends on the duration and severity of the pain. In addition, an examination, an x-ray or MRI evaluation of the knee joint must be performed and taken into account in order to help determine an accurate treatment plan. The good news is that the effects are cumulative and improve with each treatment. It usually takes a series of 10 to 30 treatments for knee pain sufferers to get the most beneficial results; however, in many acute cases the relief can be immediate. Moreover, it is important to continue the treatments until the doctor has indicated that the therapy is complete.

Contraindications to Therapy...

While the FDA has classified cold lasers as "non-significant risk" devices, the treatments are not appropriate for individuals who are pregnant, or who observe the presence of potentially cancerous skin lesions near the site of the knee injury. This knee treatment is also contraindicated for individuals who take medications that result in photosensitivity.

The Most Important Step...Choosing The Right Knee Pain Relief Doctor...

Finally, choosing the right doctor that specializes in cold laser therapy for knee pain is as important as the treatment itself. Any health care professional with a license can own a cold laser, but in order to get the best results find a doctor who only treats the knee joint and who has devoted their practice to using this type of therapy. If you choose wisely, you will have a greater chance of achieving knee pain relief and ultimately avoiding knee surgery.

All rights reserved Copyright 穢 2011 Dr.Schnee,D.C.,PA

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Cold laser therapy may seem like a treatment that one would read about in a science fiction novel. Just in the past decade, however, it has become a recognized and often times preferred treatment for osteoarthritis knee pain sufferers who want to avoid invasive procedures.

Cold lasers are handheld, non-surgical devices that are used in a clinical setting. They work by emitting specific wavelengths of light thereby stimulating activity in the tissue on a cellular level. Once the metabolic rate of the cell is increased it initiates a number of beneficial biochemical events. The most obvious benefit is a reduction in both pain and inflammation. For example, a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled study reported in Photomedicine and Laser Surgery found that laser therapy significantly relieved osteoarthritis knee pain and swelling in patients. The study also found that range of motion increased in the knee joint, and there was less sensitivity and tenderness around the knee joint.

Recently, an abstract entitled Low-Level Laser Therapy and Its Effects On The Quality of Life for Patients Suffering From Osteoarthritis Knee Pain in the Medial Compartment: A Detailed Analysis By Questionnaire found that 79.8% of patients diagnosed with moderate to severe arthritis in the medial aspect of the knee joint (inside part- where the knees touch) who were treated with cold laser therapy reported feeling moderately to a great deal better and their quality of life improved after completing just five weeks of care.

Besides helping reduce pain and inflammation in and around the knee joint, research indicates that cold laser therapy may help an arthritic knee by doing the following:

Fibroblasts production increases: Fibroblasts are needed to make cartilage.

Interleukin-1 is suppressed: Interleukin-1 is a protein that when released plays a direct role in destroying cartilage, it promotes the release of more enzymes that cause cartilage destruction, and it inhibits type II collagen from being produced (so that cartilage cannot be rebuilt or replaced). There are high levels of this protein in an osteoarthritic knee so cold laser therapy inhibits the release of this protein allowing cartilage to be maintained.

Growth factors are released: Treatments release growth factors which play a vital role in healthy knees because they stimulate cartilage cell production or chondrocytes. Moreover, the release of growth factors inhibits the release of interleukin-1.

Tensile strength of the tissue improves: Cold laser treatment is believed to improve the inter and intra molecular hydrogen bonding of the tissue thereby improving the strength of the cartilage so that it doesn't wear down or get injured as easily.

In conclusion, for individuals diagnosed with osteoarthritis knee pain, and need relief from their knee pain, but would prefer a non-invasive procedure should consider finding a doctor who specializes in cold laser therapy for knee pain.

穢AKS 2011 All rights reserved

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If you have Osteoarthritis, by now you've probably taken your fair share of over the counter meds - Advil, Aleeve, Ibuprofen... There is a limit to it all however - how often can you keep popping pills, and how many exactly can you pop before you eventually tear a hole in the lining of your stomach?

You might want to try another approach instead - the nutritional health supplement approach. One of the best nutritional supplements available today for arthritis pain relief is Flex Protex, which is safe, all natural, and side effect free.

Flex Protex is a health supplement based on a variety of all natural herbs and compounds present in nature to help relieve inflammation and rebuild damaged joint cartilage.

One of the key ingredients present in flexprotex is glucosamine, an amino sugar found naturally in the exoskeletons of shellfish, or obtained by the fermentation of foods such as corn or wheat. This monosachride is popularly used for the treatment of osteoarthritis as it is one of the main components of joint cartilage and is thought to help rebuild joint cartilage and thus aiding in the treatment of arthritis inflicted damage.

Also present in flexprotex are Cox 2 inhibitors. Cox 2 inhibitors inhibit the chemical reactions caused by Cox 2, an enzyme responsible for initiating inflammation - or in the case of arthritis, inflammation of the joints which in turn leads to pain upon the performance of physical activities. The Cox 2 inhibitors present in flexprotex actually function as an alternative form of NSAIDs (Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs - such as Advil), accredited with supplying the same anti inflammatory pain reducing action, but without all the negative side effects.

Flex Protex is packed with over 120 different antioxidants, responsible for counter acting the damage caused to your body by the presence of free radicals. Free radicals are responsible for attacking your body, causing damage to various parts including your muscles, tendons and ligaments, which in turn leads to inflammation and the searing pains that you experience. So by drastically increasing your daily intake of antioxidants with Flex Protex , you can thereby prevent the occurrence of inflammation and help prevent arthritis pains.

In addition to the abundance of the all natural inflammatory fighting agents glucosamine, cox 2 inhibitors and antioxidants, Flex Protex also contains the naturally found herbs Boswelia and Ashwagandh. Boswelia and Ashwagandh are two of the herbs brought down in the ancient medical texts of Ayurvedic medicine for the all natural treatment of arthritis. These two powerful herbs have proven abilities to relieve the pain of inflammation caused by arthritis as we know from centuries of practice of Ayurvedic medicine's ancient healing methods.

Why wait for the next time you experience shooting pains or are diagnosed with a stomach ulcer (thanks to an overdose of NSAID's)? Give the nutritional supplement approach a try.

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Ice Treatment
Ice is an important and natural treatment with many advantages. It is an effective painkiller which can be applied to the injured area, giving instant relief. Ice also prevents excess swelling or inflammation developing. This helps to restore full mobility faster and prevents scar tissue formation, helping an injury to heal up to 75% quicker.

How injury causes inflammation
Ligaments, muscles and tendons have elastic properties due to a protein called collagen. If they are over-stretched (such as a sprain during exercise, or because of an accident), the collagen and local blood vessels tear. Blood and fluid then escapes into the spaces among the injured fibres, resulting in a build-up of fluid. The body releases histamine to help bring nutrients to repair the tissues, which makes the blood vessels dilate even further. Unfortunately, this creates an excess inflammation or swelling as the fluid around the injury stagnates. Because the blood circulation is hampered, toxins are released due to lack of oxygen. This results in pain and (often) further muscle spasm and scar tissue soon starts to form. The excess inflammation must be cleared from the site of injury before the toxins can be removed and nutrients can return, allowing the healing process to begin properly. (Inflammation may be visible on the surface of the skin as a swollen bruised area, but will not show if it is deep inside the body.)

How Ice Treatment (Cryotherapy) works on an injury
As soon as inflammation starts, ice treatment can be highly effective. By decreasing the flow of fluid into the injured tissues, it allows the blood to circulate, which helps to remove the toxins. Fresh oxygen is able to reach the injury and the release of chemicals that cause pain and inflammation slows down. Nutrients reach the torn fibres and help to repair the area. Reducing the swelling and internal bleeding prevents the development of excess scar tissue that can cause permanent muscle, ligament or joint restrictions. Ice acts as a painkiller by reducing the ability of the nerve endings to conduct impulses and by reducing toxic build-up. Cooling the deep tissue also reduces muscle spasm and helps restore mobility in the joints.

Indications for Ice Treatment
Ice is indicated for acute injuries where inflammation occurs such as Bursitis, Tendonitis, Myositis, or Neuritis and can be excellent following a heat burn. In the treatment of acute lower back pain and other joint strains, applying ice can be vital to help reduce the deep swelling that occurs at the site of injury and to help reduce the discomfort that may occur following adjustment, manipulation or deep massage.

How to use Ice
Ice is applied directly to the swollen or painful area. Wrap a towel (preferably damp) around the ice pack to avoid direct ice to skin contact, as ice burns can occur. Keep all untreated parts of the body covered and warm. If you are cold-sensitive, wrap the ice in a dry towel. A fully wet towel is more effective but vary the dampness to suit. A few ice cubes can simply be used but a gel pack is pliable when frozen, giving better surface contact and is simple to refreeze. Occasionally an ice cube may be massaged directly onto a small area of pain, using a constant circular motion as the water can insulate the skin and prevent burning but please use this method with caution.

Duration and frequency of cold pack application
How often and for how long cold packs should be used varies, so please ask your chiropractor, but generally they can be used from five to twenty minutes at a time allowing an hour between applications. Superficial areas such as hands, feet and elbows will require less time than deeper areas such as the lower back which would require a full 20 minutes. Cold therapy should be stopped once the skin feels numb. Hourly applications are most effective immediately following an injury, reducing in frequency as the inflammation and pain subsides. Ice is best used in the first 48 hours after an injury and may be required for longer periods.

When not to use ice treatment
Ice should be used cautiously with circulatory conditions such as Raynaud's phenomenon, diabetes or heart problems. Do not use over a fracture site or if there is an inability to respond or feel cold. A few people are also hypersensitive or even allergic to cold. If you have any doubt about using ice please ask your Chiropractor or Doctor prior to use. Anti-inflammatory and painkilling drugs can also help to reduce the swelling. Care needs to be taken when using painkillers, as these can mask the pain and too much activity can then aggravate the condition.

Remember PRICE!

Prevention Acute injuries treated correctly and immediately always heal faster.
Rest Stop if you have strained yourself!
Ice As indicated by your chiropractor or health care practitioner.
Compression After ice it may help to minimise the swelling with a bandage
Elevation Raise the injured part to help limit blood flow and prevent the use of associated muscles.

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Ginger root is more than just a tasty cooking herb, it is also excellent for pain relief.

You may already know about some of the ways ginger root helps in healing. For example, used fresh it is an excellent choice for relieving nausea. You will also see it in formulas for helping with indigestion, cough and early stage cold symptoms.

But one of the best uses for ginger root is in relieving pain. Its uses for pain relief cover many different kinds of pain. Here are some of the documented uses for it:

  • Abdominal cramps from diverticulosis or Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • Alleviating exercise-induced muscle pain

  • Reducing joint pain from osteoarthritis & rheumatoid arthritis

  • Alleviating migraine headaches

  • Toothache relief

  • Reducing menstrual pain

One study showed the power of ginger for reducing pain. The Journal of Pain published the results of this study in April 2010. Participants in this study were people who exercised regularly. The 74 subjects received either ginger or a placebo for 11 days. Some of those receiving ginger got unheated ginger and some go heat-treated ginger.

After the 11 days, they did a set of 18 arm 'curls' with a heavy weight. These exercises caused minor muscle injury to the arm. Over the next three days, subjects underwent tests for arm function, inflammation and pain.

Results showed that people taking ginger had 25% less pain than the placebo group. The reduction was the same for both heat-treated and unheated ginger. That means if you exercise and get sore muscles, ginger will help reduce the soreness. Notably, it does this without the side effects of NSAID drugs.

If this natural herbal pain remedy works for so many types of pain, how, exactly does it do this?

Recent research shows that ginger reduces the COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes. This is similar to how non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs work. However, unlike NSAIDs, ginger also counteracts some of the side effects seen in NSAID use. It does this by lowering production of Leukotriene B4. This means ginger has fewer side effects than drugs.

Ginger also decreases the action of a number of genes that add to the inflammatory response. That means it reduces chronic pain at a deeper level. This is probably part of why ginger helps reduce joint pain.

In addition, for people who still feel the need for anti-inflammatory drugs there is an extra bonus. At least one study shows that ginger protects the stomach from the toxic effects of NSAIDs.

You can find ginger in capsules, liquid tinctures and pill form. Ginger is also available fresh in the produce section of most grocery stores.

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Arthritis is a, somewhat, general term referring to the inflammation in the joints. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, where the cartilage in the joints starts to deteriorate and bones start rubbing against each other directly. It feels as bad as it sounds, not very pleasant.

Besides pain, arthritis often causes deformities within the joints, limiting the range of motion and movement itself. It can be quite challenging, regardless of the location, and especially difficult when it affects hands.

The hands are so specific because they are made up of many smaller joints that work together and allow movements. So, if any of those joints "malfunctions" it will disrupt the entire hand and make those precise movements, such as threading the needle, nearly impossible.


So what causes arthritis in the hands? Well, the simplest reason would be wear and tear, combined with age, but I can't just leave you with that. To answer this question, we must look more into the joints themselves and identify the "troublemakers".

First, we need to analyze cartilage. Its main role is to absorb shock and act as a cushion between bones of the joint. Over time it deteriorates, "forcing" bones to rub on each other, causing pain, swelling and deformity.

Second "bad boy" is lubrication. As we get older and less active, joints are less lubricated. This results in faster cartilage deterioration and causes troubles.

Common symptoms of arthritis in the hand joints (or any other joint for that matter) are pain, swelling, elevated temperature, occasional cysts and even changes on surrounding joints.

How To Treat It?

So, the question is what can you do? Luckily, there is plenty you can do but the effects will vary depending on several factors:

- Your age
- The progress of arthritis
- Number of joints affected etc.

This is why you must visit your doctor as soon as possible. Many people refuse to go see a doctor for numerous reasons, most often because they don't want to admit to themselves something is wrong with them. They believe that if they are not diagnosed they are not sick. Big mistake! Instead of messing around and living in denial, you could be using that time to help yourself. What will you choose?

I hope you went for the second choice because we are going to discuss some common ways of treatment for arthritis.

People first reach for medication, and I can understand that. If you are in pain and you want it to go away, medication is a reasonable choice. But you need to know that medication is only addressing the symptoms of the disease, not root cause!

Medication will not renew your cartilage and cure you eventually. This may not be what you wanted to hear, but I must be honest, this is a serious matter. Medication treatment might include injections, so if you are not squeamish, they are a good way to go.

Other forms of treatment include exercises, hot and/or cold treatment, rest and physical therapy.
Whatever you do, please consult with your doctor first, he/she will know best what to do since he/she can access your situation and tailor the treatment process specifically to your needs.

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Physical, occupational, nutritional therapies are the non-pharmacological ways to combat the disease. Analgesia or pain killers, anti-inflammatory drugs and disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs like azathioprine, gold salts, leflunomide, minocycline etc are being prescribed these days to control the progression of the disease. The disorder can also be tackled the natural way and through home based remedies.

The patient should carry out the treatment by balancing the commercial medicines along with natural remedies. This is to be done in order to escape to some extent the harmful side effects of toxins in the commercial medicines. Here are some natural ways to treat rheumatoid arthritis.

1. Light stretching exercise to mobilize affected joints is essential. Mobilization will reduce stiffness at the joint. If the joints attacked by rheumatoid arthritis are left idle and inactive, the problem of stiffness will only worsen. Heavy impact exercises like jumping, running, skiing etc are to be avoided.

2. Food items rich in Omega3 fatty acids, Gamma-linolenic acid should be consumed by rheumatoid arthritis patients. Cold water fishes like salmon, sardines, anchovies etc are rich in omega3 acids. Even fish oil capsules available in market can serve the purpose. Sea food diet thus is highly recommended as a cure for rheumatoid. Borage oil, black currant seed oil, primrose oil are rich sources of gamma-linolenic acids. Raw vegetable juices like that of celery, carrot, and beet can prove beneficial in reducing pain and inflammation.

3. Magnesium and copper supplements can prove beneficial.

4. Cupping therapy, a remarkable form of alternative treatment in Chinese medicine, proves to be an effective natural way of treating rheumatoid arthritis. The therapy reduces pain, inflammation, boosts up blood circulation and helps in getting rid of inflammation causing toxins.

5. Orthotic devices like braces, splints can be worn for acquiring easy mobility. They help in giving support to ailing joints.

6. Turmeric, dry ginger, boswellia, guggul are beneficial herbs that can treat the problem of pain and inflammation due to rheumatoid.

7. Green tea extracts may also bring some relief.

8. Ointments like Ben Gay and capsaicin creams may be rubbed on the ailing joints to get pain relief.

9. Smoking and consumption of caffeine are to be strictly avoided.

Rumatone Gold Capsules and Massage Oil are unique proprietary blend of natural ingredients to ease pain and stiffness due to rheumatoid arthritis. These supplements taken in a regular and disciplined way greatly help in relieving rheumatoid arthritis pain. As these supplements are made of plant-based herbal ingredients, they are safer and natural way to treat the problem.

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Joint pains are not something that sufferers have the luxury to take lightly. It can become so severe, in fact, to a point that the sufferer finds it difficult to do even the simplest of movements.

Most sufferers of joint pains and arthritis often turn to natural arthritis pain relief when conventional pain relief methods have failed. More and more patients are trying out natural arthritis pain relief methods with success, which is one reason why other sufferers are encouraged to try the natural route as well.

Natural herbs and supplements also offer fewer side effects compared to conventional drugs, although more clinical studies are still needed to be done to assess the short-term and long-term effects of these remedies, since most remedies are not yet approved by the FDA.

The most popular natural arthritis pain relief products out there include primrose oil, devil's claw, capsicum, and soya. Patients are also often encouraged to include foods with anti-inflammatory properties in their diets to reduce the inflammation which is the main cause of joint pain. Foods like vegetables, beans, fruits, as well as natural oils like walnut and canola are examples.

Nowadays, there are several natural arthritis supplements on the market that contains these natural herbs and ingredients making it easy and convenient for sufferers to consume these. Most of them are pill form although some are also available in liquid form as well.

Apart from supplementation, another form of natural arthritis pain relief is rest, relaxation and natural arthritic exercises, which are designed specifically for people with arthritis.

These exercises include range of motion, strengthening, and endurance exercises. Most arthritic patients may not be able to perform endurance exercises, which is why a visit to the doctor or a physical therapist is important before starting any form of exercise regimen.

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Protecting your joints from the normal wear & tear of everyday living is something most of us don't even think about... That is, until we start to feel a little stiffness in our knees, wrist, shoulder, etc., etc...

All of a sudden we have all these aches & pains to deal with on a daily basis, that seemingly came out of nowhere. "Oh, it's just age." And with that simple sentence, we just chalk it up to the 'normal aging process, and accept the fact that there is no relief for our joint pain.

And it's completely unnecessary, too...

Treating joint pain, even avoiding it all together has never been easier. And yet still, most people in our culture will experience some kind of arthritic condition and resign themselves to 'living with the pain' for the rest of their lives.

In the past, this kind of attitude (behavior) might have been acceptable due to the lack of access to genuine remedies, that actually relieve pain, by addressing the real problems and not just treating the symptoms by masking the pain.

Today we have access to the very best information on joint pain relief, without the use of harmful prescription drugs or expensive, dangerous surgeries (which usually do more harm than good). Now, we understand that protecting our joints from the normal effects of aging, or relieving sore, aching joints is not as difficult as we once thought...

With the latest advances in the use of 'glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate' (natural substances found in and around the cells of cartilage. Glucosamine is an amino sugar that the body produces and distributes in cartilage and other connective tissue, and chondroitin sulfate is a complex carbohydrate that helps cartilage retain water).

Add that to some MSM, which is used to help maintain the lubrication of the joints, flexibility to the tissues & even rejuvenation of the hair, nails & skin. Now toss in some pain relieving, anti-inflammatory herbs like ginger & willow bark, a little vitamin C... And you have a support system for your joints that Superman, himself, would be jealous of.

These are not "new" treatments for painful joints, either. They are only recently being rediscovered, as proven remedies for your aging joints. Used for both, long & short term joint pain relief and the reduction of inflammation. Tapping into the use of natural options, when it comes to protecting your joints could be the wisest move you ever make...

Remember physical activity is not supposed to be painful, at any age! And by adding some of these natural options to shield our joints, we no longer have to live a life full of aches & pains.

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While more Americans are seeking traditional homeopathic and natural treatment for arthritis, gout, and many other muscle and joint aches and pains, the simplest and most economical home remedies for pain may be adding a few top foods to eat to the American diet. Here is a short list of anti inflammatory foods for health.

#1 - Fish Fish, especially a cold water fish like salmon, trout, or tuna, is loaded with anti inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids. Many studies confirm adding fish (or fish oil) to one's diet will lower inflammation.

Choose your fish carefully There is much debate over wild fish versus farm-raised. Wild fish are usually higher in nutrients and lower in fat than farm-raised, because of their diet and the exercise they get swimming. Farm-raised fish, on the average, have about 20% less protein and 20% more fat than wild caught. Wild fish eat a diet of small fish, shrimp and red krill, which is where the abundance of omega-3 EFAs in their flesh originates. They are also free-range, and get abundant exercise, reducing their fat-content.

Farm raised fish are fed fishmeal pellets, usually made of ground, processed and compressed mackerel, anchovies, sardines, and other small fish, which does not contain the high concentrations of omega-3s that wild food sources do. In order to mimic the deep red color that wild fish have, especially salmon, most farm-raised fish are fed a dye along with their meal. Because fish farms are small, over-crowded net enclosures or pens, the fish are fed antibiotics to combat diseases, parasites, and infections.

There have also been reports of high mercury content, both in wild and farmed fish: the wild fish from living in contaminated waters, and the farmed fish from mercury contamination in their feed. Mercury in fish mostly accumulates in the skin, so do not eat the skin when eating any fish.

#2 - Extra Virgin Olive Oil Olive oil is a superb source of oleic acid; an anti-inflammatory oil. Olive oil also improves insulin function thereby lowering blood sugar. Because of its low smoke point, olive oil is not good for deep-frying, but is perfect for healthier cooking options, such as saut矇 and braising. Cook with olive oil instead of oils or shortening that are high in unhealthy trans-fats.

#3 - Nuts Almonds, walnuts, cashews, and many other nuts are high in oleic acid, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, protein, and other healthy phytochemicals. Because some nuts are high in fat, be sure to eat them in moderation.

#4 - Grapes Researchers report that grapes are high in flavonoids, which they believe have anti-inflammatory properties. According to Medical news today "Now, researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine have shown that powdered grapes appear to reduce pain and inflammation in a rat model of arthritis, where rats' knees are inflamed using a chemical injection." Perhaps drinking wine, as the Europeans know, can lower inflammation as well.

#5 - Cherries Cherries, especially tart cherries, are a rich source of antioxidants. Specifically, they contain large amounts of anthocyanins, one of the most powerful anti oxidants, which give the cherries their rich, red color. A study conducted by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists and their university colleagues suggests that cherries may reduce painful arthritic inflammation, as well as reducing the risk of other inflammatory conditions such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.

#6 -Green Tea Green tea, which is an unfermented tea, contains flavonoids called "catechins". Catechins are powerful antioxidants which are destroyed during the processing and fermenting process that other teas go through. Green tea contains about 27% catechins, as opposed to oolong (partially fermented) which contains 23%, and black tea (fermented) which contains about 4%. Animal studies have shown that green tea significantly reduced the severity of arthritis. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), green tea affects arthritis by causing changes in arthritis-related immune responses.

If you discover you have headaches after consuming teas, you may have an allergy, as many people discover. As always, listen to your body and observe what works.

#7 - Leafy Greens Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach and kale, are packed with fiber, anti-oxidants, and Omega 3s. Look for organically grown produce, or be sure to wash thoroughly to remove the chemicals and pesticides that tend to accumulate on the leaves.

#8 - Broccoli A compound, 3,3'-diindolylmethane (DIM), found in broccoli and its kissing cousins, cauliflower and brussel sprouts, has been shown to fight inflammation and help boost the immune system. These super-veggies also contain sulforane, a phytonutrient that helps liver function and increases your body's natural detoxification ability. Eat them raw (frozen varieties of vegetables lose a lot of nutritional value) or steam them to preserve the beneficial nutrients, which can be broken down by cooking methods such as boiling or frying.

#9 - Apples Apples and red onions both contain quercetin, a chemical that research has shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, along with other antioxidants. The majority of the quercetin is in their skins, it's what gives them their rich red coloring, so don't peel apples before you eat them. Rinse all fresh fruits and vegetables well before eating to help eliminate pesticides and fertilizers.

#10 - Water The more fresh, clean water you drink, the better. Your body is made up of more than 70% water, and continuous replenishment helps to keep toxins flushed from your system, including joints, muscles, and blood.

In recent years, with the increased popularity of bottled water, there has been heated debate over tap water versus bottled water. In order to decide which is better for you, you should know what the differences are.

There is a bewildering array of choices in bottled water available on the market today, from spring water, mineral water, well water, to sparkling water. While some of them come from natural springs and other pristine sources, over 25% of the bottled water sold actually comes from municipal sources.

Yup, you may be drinking tap water!

Clever packaging messages have corralled the herd mentality of an easy-going, optimistic public!

It's been treated, filtered and purified, then bottled and sold to you at a thousand-fold increase in price. There are no current regulations that force the bottler to state where the water comes from, so that pristine mountain glacier melt that you thought you were drinking might have actually just come from a tap in Alaska or New Jersey.

Bottled water is no healthier than tap water. In fact, current research suggests that it may be more harmful. BPA's, chemicals in the plastic of the bottles themselves, can actually escape into the water you are drinking. (BPAs are known to cause neurological problems, among other things.)

In addition to the dangers of the chemicals in the bottles, there are other environmental footprints to consider. Fossil fuels, with their associated pollution and greenhouse gasses, are used to produce the plastic bottles. Shipping water bottles far and wide uses up more fossil fuels, as well as causing carbon pollution of our air and water ways. While most plastic water bottles are recyclable, over 75% of them end up in landfills, or littering beaches, lakes, and the sides of the road.

Look at your tap water

Municipal water sources are rigorously treated and tested by the EPA. EPA regulations of contaminants are very strict, while the FDA regulations for bottled water are much looser. Tap water also contains fluoride, to help protect our teeth from decay. Most importantly, tap water is extremely wallet friendly! Twenty ounces of water from the kitchen faucet costs pennies, but twenty ounces of bottled water costs over $1.

If the taste of the bottled water is what keeps you buying it, consider adding a filter to your tap water at home. There are many filters available in a huge range of prices, from simple pitchers that filter water for around $20, all the way up to complex systems for your entire house that cost thousands of dollars. Just be sure to check that it doesn't filter out the fluoride that your teeth need. If you like the convenience of the portable bottle, consider investing in an inexpensive reusable bottle made of a safer, more durable plastic, such as that used to transport water on a bicycle, or even a glass or metal thermos. Your environment and your pocketbook will appreciate the effort.

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Toothache can be debilitating. Believe me it is really something that you will be ready to give everything for! Even the strongest and the bravest will crave for a toothache relief the instant a toothache surfaces into existence. Even the dentist's chair will seem like heaven if there is hope of toothache relief. 

Why do toothaches occur? Odontalgia or toothaches occur because the nerve at the root of the tooth is irritated. Why do the nerves get irritated? The nerves are irritated because there are problems in the tooth or jaw. Cavities, gum disease, emergence of wisdom tooth, a cracked tooth, infected dental pulp, jaw disease or exposed tooth root can irritate the nerves and send pain signals to the brain. Toothache can also be a symptom of heart problems such as angina or myocardial infraction. The pain is then a referred pain. Dry socket that occurs after tooth extraction can also cause pain. The toothache can therefore, range from mild to severe. Toothache relief will be brought about by tackling the root cause of the problem. 

Before providing permanent toothache relief, the dentist must understand and identify the root cause of the pain. He will begin with a preliminary physical examination of the teeth. He will record the medical history and eliminate the possibility of the toothache being a symptomatic physical response to any other medical condition. Some dental problems like barodontalgia (toothache due to change in barometric pressure) or atypical Odontalgia (pain that shifts from tooth to tooth) are not treated and no relief is provided. The former will disappear when the barometric pressure is removed and the reason for the latter is unclear and is often reported by middle aged women. The toothache relief, if any, provided will be symptomatic pain relief. 

A very common cause of toothache is the irritation of the tooth pulp or pulpitis. This can be reversible or irreversible. Toothache relief for irreversible pulpitis lies in root canal treatment or tooth extraction. 

For those who cannot reach a dentist immediately, toothache treatment can be provided by over the counter pain medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. These drugs should be used for relief with caution and exactly as instructed on the package containing the medication. The patient should avoid very hot or very cold foods. Some toothache relief can also be provided by making the patient bite on a cotton ball soaked in oil of cloves. Oil of cloves can also be obtained from most drug stores. 

Toothaches related to jaw problems or temporomandibular joint pain, the patient can be provided toothache remedies as above and an immediate appointment with the dentist is warranted for determining the root cause of the problem. 

Toothache medications that may be prescribed by your dentist may include pain killers, antibiotics and anti inflammatory drugs. The dentist needs to first contain any infection that may have affected the gums before he can perform tooth extraction or root canal treatments for toothache relief. While the pain will be alleviated immediately with pain killers the complete treatment will be spread over 5-10 days and several sittings at the dental clinic. You can pursue your normal activity during the course of the treatment for toothache relief. 

It follows that you need to learn and practice good dental hygiene thereafter, if you want a permanent toothache relief. Ask your dentist the right questions about your teeth before you sign off with the toothache relief you sought from him.

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A Peruvian born Oklahoma City physician specializing in internal medicine and rheumatology has created a pain relief gel formula of all-natural ingredients that can give relief to joint pain, muscle discomfort and improve mobility. The doctor states that when looking for an alternative to oral pain medication precaution should be used. Oral medication be it OTC or prescription, can cause harm with prolong use from addiction to stomach or liver damage. Most pain gels contain Menthol. As an active ingredient you should look to see if the product is FDA Compliant. Other ingredients that offer safe and beneficial relief are Aloe Vera and MSM. Look to see if the pain relief gel consists of various medicinal herbs and is manufactured with a strict adherence to the German Commission E-Monographs. The commission was established in the 1970's to evaluate and report on the safety and effectiveness of over 300 herbs. One of the most reliable medical herbs is Arnica. It is recognized worldwide as an anti-rheumatic and pain reliever.

Pain relief gels with Menthol and Arnica can help joint pain in the hands, knees, elbows and shoulders. Some pain gels have also been found helpful in relieving discomfort to sore muscles, tendons and ailments related to fibromyalgia, Restless Legg Syndrome, and Myofascial pain just to name a few. 繚 Pain relief in minutes

There are many pain relief gel products available. However, many of them are presented as a topical analgesic and only offer temporary relief on the most top layer of your tissue. The two different types either contain capsaicin or Menthol. Capsaicin based analgesics offer a warm to hot feeling on the skin. Many orthopedic doctors do not recommend using heat for inflammation and pain relief. The other is menthol based which gives a soothing cool relieving feeling. Pain relief gels that are formulated with medicinal herbs to aid in the pain relieving and delivery of the gel into the tissue are the best. These gels are more costly but the end results can be noticed over other national name brand analgesics. Pain gels with medicinal herbs can give you relief much faster than most joint supplements and safer than over the counter pain relievers that can cause stomach and liver problems with prolonged use.

Look for pain relief gels that have the following:

1. FDA Compliant - Menthol is the active ingredient and manufactured to FDA compliancy

2. Soothing cool relief with no capsaicin or salicylates (aspirin)

3. No animal products or animal testing

4. No dangerous parabens

5. No artificial dyes

6. No greasy residue

7. Made in the U.S.A.

Stop living with pain and start living your life to its fullest. For most pain gels using daily, you can enjoy the activities that were given up due to pain.

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You use your knees every time you walk, run, or move your lower body at all. Knee pain, therefore, dramatically affects the daily life of sufferers, who must use their knees throughout the day. Knee pain is the second only to back pain among American adult pain sufferers. Knee trouble is most often caused by osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint condition in which the cartilage that surrounds the two bones that comprise the knee joint wears away, sometimes causing painful joint-on-joint contact.

There are many treatment options for knee pain. Under the care of a doctor, sufferers can select the most appropriate course of treatment to provide optimum knee pain relief. Over-the-counter and prescription medications including acetaminophen (Tylenol) and aspirin reduce pain, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) including ibuprofen, can reduce inflammation as well as knee joint pain. At-home remedies like ice packs and capsaicin, found in cayenne pepper, often have a similar effect.

Natural supplements like chondroitin and glucosamine have become popular alternatives to traditional medicines in recent years because they present fewer risks of side effects. Both are naturally occurring substances in the body. The former aids in building joint cartilage, while the latter fights against degeneration of cartilage. Studies have proven their effectiveness in alleviating osteoarthritic joint pain, but have yet to demonstrate that these supplements actually reverse the effects of cartilage degeneration that have already taken place.

Modifying knee activity with physical aids such as padding, crutches, and splints, and even simple rest take the pressure off of the knee and provide temporary knee pain relief while the joint recovers from injury. Conversely, specific exercises, stretching, and low-impact aerobic activities such as biking, walking and swimming increase joint strength and flexibility, promoting healing and reducing the risk of further injury.

For severe knee injuries that have not responded to the aforementioned treatments, surgery remains an option. There are several common knee surgeries, which range from exploratory arthroscopic surgery, which orthopedic physicians use to diagnose the exact source of knee pain so that they can determine which behaviors and activities need to be modified, all the way to a total knee replacement. Whichever course of treatment a patient decides upon, it is important to work alongside a physician to ensure proper care.

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It's true that what you eat affects your entire body. Way back, a lot of doctors dismissed diet as having any part in the progression of arthritis. Today, however, massive research has proven this theory wrong. If you are looking for the best approach to painful arthritis, then consider natural, holistic means. Ayurveda, practiced for more than 5 centuries, focuses on attaining and maintaining a healthy balance in body, mind, and spirit. Ayurvedic therapy suggests that there are chemicals and substances in certain foods that can either increase or reduce inflammation.

Although the list of foods to avoid for those suffering from arthritis pain seems endless, take heart. The list of healthy, natural, delicious and life-giving foods is even longer! Just think, making a few, simple and right choices everyday can improve the quality of your life drastically.

Below are some of the most highly recommended foods that help manage painful arthritis by fighting inflammation:

1. Apricots - are loaded with beta-carotene and fiber, and fresh apricots have an abundant supply of vitamins and A and C. Like most fruits, these delicious treats not only help reduce inflammation but also help prevent muscular degeneration, which leads to impaired vision. Be careful about eating dried fruit, especially apricots, as they have much more sugar than the fresh variety. You may soak dried fruit in boiling water to dissolve residual sugar and then letting it reconstitute overnight.

2. Strawberries - are especially rich in anti-inflammatory properties, with phenols that decrease the activity of the COX enzyme, a job usually left for aspirin or ibrupofen, which can also cause intestinal bleeding. The small seeds on the outside that give the fruit its characteristic look also add to its high fiber content. Raspberries have several antioxidant flavanoids that can counteract bacteria and fungi, including candida, which can lead to vaginal infections and irritable bowel syndrome.

3. Carrots - are not only high in vitamin A but are also loaded with beta-carotene, which helps fight inflammation. A fat-soluble antioxidant, beta-carotene, along with other cartenoids such as lutein and lycopene (found in tomatoes and watermelon) may also lower levels of deleterious C-reactive protein. Consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in cartenoids and other nutrients does fight inflammation.

Eating a balanced and nutritious diet rich in whole foods will do wonders to support the body so it can heal itself naturally. You can manage painful arthritis by simply following some simple dietary advice.

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