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Dog Joint Pain Relief

Does Your Dog have These Symptoms?
Licking influenced Joints?
Slight rigidity On Rising Or Lying Down?
SomeWhat disinclined To Climb stairs?
Falls Behind On Walks?
Mild Swelling/Heat In The Joints?

Dog Joint Pain Relief. Your dog has a major problem that needs a serious solution. Dog Joint pain relief is a wonderful solution to get your suffering dog back on the way to a happy healthy way of life. Our pets can't speak for themselves, but you can tell when your family mate is hurting . Perhaps they are having a bit of a difficult time getting up after resting, or more disinclined to leap up into your lap or go outside for a walk. Once boisterous and full of energy, your pet may now seem to decelerate, have some difficulty walking, tire easily or seem less exuberant or even restless-and seeing them suffering discomfort makes you feel helpless, doesn't it? Dogs are a part of your family. Our pets suffer from the pain and swelling of arthritis just like we do-but you can help them with homeopathic ingredients which have historically been used to help treat the symptoms of joint discomfort.

Dogs of all weights and sizes can experience relief with ingredients historically used to help with the pain, swelling and rigidity associated with arthritis or joint discomfort with just three applications a day, 5 to fifteen drops in the mouth, depending on your pet's weight of this fantastic homeopathic all natural joint discomfort alleviation formula. The homeopathic liquid ingredients in this formula are designed to be soaked up quickly into the bloodstream through the mouth tissues-so you can be certain your pet gets the proper dose.

it's easy to administer-a few drops and you're done! And liquid ingredients go to work quickly... No forcing down pills and waiting for them to dissolve.This all-natural, plant-based homeopathic blend is meant to help relieve the symptoms your pet may be experiencing safely and without complications, so your family friend can resume activity with better mobility and more comfort. The utilization of homeopathic ingredients for particular conditions relies on'homeopathic provings' that are recorded in the Homeopathic Materia Medica.

Best of all, Homeopathic medicines are totally natural, non toxic and no side effects. All you've got to do is pay a small $6.95 shipping fee. Does any pharmaceutical company offer you a riskless trial that's completely safe for only a seven dollar shipping fee? I do not believe so. You have nada to lose, and only the health and well being of your dog to gain. Get Your Dog Joint Pain Relief Here Now!

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Often we have faced the problem of choosing effective natural remedies for arthritis and joint pains, and this search often led us to the question of what is the best treatment for arthritis? The nasty pills we take as a part of the diagnosis for arthritis tend to upset our stomach, put stress our kidneys and elicits other adverse outcomes that we might not be conscious of.

What Is The Best Treatment For Arthritis?

How often have we pondered upon this simple question but never found any medicine for 100% cure and safe application? To avail to such a cure we must be aware of its ingredients and that it should always be natural and scientifically proven to cure arthritis.

5 Natural Herbs To Cure Arthritis:

1. Belladonna

Belladonna has been used as an anesthetic for surgery from long before the middle ages. It is a very powerful ingredient to cure joint pain. It is regularly used in cough syrups because of its pain reducing properties. It helps reduce throat pain arising from coughs and has also been known to alleviate the symptoms of inflammation in intestines and during menstrual cycles. Nowadays, it is also being used as a treatment for Parkinson's disease.

2. Ignatia

This ingredient has been known to decrease nervous tension. Due to stress, our muscle joints tend to tighten up and eventually become sore. This in turn gives rise to arthritis. The use of Ignatia relaxes body muscles which causes an increased flow of blood throughout. This increases the mobility in the joints as well as muscles. Hence, the joint pain is very effectively reduced.

3. MSM

MSM comprises almost every joint related medication for the sole reason that it is very effective in its purpose. It distributes sulphur in all our connective tissues in the body. This sulphur forms health bonds in our cells due to its unique properties. These bonds in the joints help enhance faster and effective pain relief of arthritis.

4. Phosphorous

Phosphorous is a key part of the answer to the question that is always pondered about - what is the best treatment for arthritis? Phosphorous helps in the retrenchment and proper execution of the functions of kidneys. It also sustains regularity of our heartbeats. During joint pains, we often experience a burning sensation. This can be eliminated by the use of phosphorous since it helps in regulating the nerves which send the messages of pain to the brain and thus, helps reduce the burning sensation.

5. Rhus Tox

During major surgical treatments like removal of appendix or the tonsils, or certain procedures undergone at the dentist, Rhus Tox is often used to decreased the pain and help in faster recovery. It has been used since 200 years ago for the treatment of arthritis pain, sprains, osteoarthritis, cramps, stiffness of joints and even the restless leg syndrome.

Availability Of These Natural Ingredients:

These natural herbs can be found in some products available in today's market, if not found loose. But more importantly, it is the combination and dosage that counts. A well reputed Health Institute has discovered that a cream made from the natural ingredients as mentioned above is proven to be very effective at treating pain including arthritis. Even better, there are no side effects because of its natural ingredients.

Arthritis can be healthily cured if addressed properly. Care should be taken that the remedy used should contain these ingredients since they are proven in research to be the most effective without causing harm to the body. The answer to the question, what is the best treatment for arthritis, can be known very easily if we find the perfect cure.

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The market for joint pain relief is a big one. There are millions of people suffering from joint pain in one form or another on a daily basis. Our nation is also increasing in its numbers of senior citizens every day. With the baby boomer generation moving up in years and our life span increasing, it is inevitable that joint pain-and the relief of that pain-is a big business issue.

There have been some highly publicized recalls on some joint pain medications. One of the biggest recalls on a medication in recent history was for the medication Vioxx. After several years on the market, the maker of Vioxx pulled it from the shelves as it appeared to be contributing to heart attack and stroke issues. Some of the medications that work in a similar manner all have increased their warnings while other medications have since been removed from the market.

Communication with your doctor is always a must when it comes to medications and therapies for your body. It is vitally important that your doctor is aware of each and every medication or supplement that is being taken. Medications and supplements are not all processed through the body in the same way and do not all interact nicely. Your doctor can help ensure that you are not doing more damage to your body while seeking relief from joint pain. Self-medicating is really not a good idea and should be avoided!

There are always other ways to ease up joint pain, beyond medication. Hot and cold applied to joints can often help to relieve pain. Each and every body and situation is different, and it is often necessary to experiment a little to find what system works for you. A general guideline regarding hot or cold application to a joint is to avoid applying it for more than 20 minutes. Exercise can also help to relieve pain and stiffness. It is important to make sure that the exercise will provide relief and not exacerbate any underlying issue. Consult your doctor about these options.

There are also items like creams and supplements. Recently a product was released that contains cetylated fatty acids, also known as CFAs. The product is called Celadrin, and is available in both cream and supplement forms. Many people have already found it to help relieve pain quickly. With continued use, both the cream and supplement become more effective for most people.

After all the medication recalls, many people find more natural options to be more appealing. Items like Celadrin and the other joint supplements on the market generally have little to no side effects. Again, this area is becoming big business. Of course, the increase in attention and money flowing into this section of the market is helping to put these supplements in the limelight. Researchers and studies are showing that even chronic joint pain sufferers are feeling better after giving these more natural selections a chance. By combining a few options, real relief can be attained!

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Arthritis causes pain and inflammation in the joints, pain relief is necessary for maintaining the movement of joints before arthritis makes them completely immovable. Apart from this, the continuous pain can push the patient in a state of depression where he might even give up the will to fight the condition which can reduce the effects of the treatment.

Doctors usually prescribe medicines those can be categorized in to three NSAID, narcotic pain relievers and steroids. These medicines do provide immense relief from pain and even inflammation to the patient but along with this these are also susceptible for causing serious side effects. Though till today NSAID are considered safe but their complete effects on the body are yet to be known. In some arthritic conditions taking these medicines for pain relief can become compulsory.

Many people are switching to alternate medication for arthritic pain relief to avoid side effects of the drugs. There are many herbs which have been used since ancient times for arthritic pain relief and new herbs have been discovered too recently. Nettle leaves are natural counterparts of NSAID for anti-inflammation apart from this it has a natural substance called boron which is a helpful nutrient for arthritis patients. Cinnamon bark is a Chinese herb and very popular for its effects on arthritic pain relief, it improves blood flow and functioning of kidney and spleen. This herb is equally effective in relieving rheumatoid arthritis pain. Few other effective herbs for arthritis pain relief are alfalfa, angelica, licorice, ginseng, burdock, devil's claw, hawthorn, oregano, prickly ash, rosemary, turmeric, wild yarn etc.

Cayenne cream is popularly used as alternate treatment for arthritis pain as cayenne peppers have capsaicin which can inhibit the signals of pain flashing to the brain. However some people may not find it effective immediately and some may need more time, at least a week's time is recommended before making a decision. Consumption of vitamin E and vitamin B as supplement help the body in relieving arthritis pain. Chondroitin can draw blood to the cartilages, fish oil has natural anti-inflammatory properties and ginger has rich anti-oxidants which can help in relieving arthritis pain and inflammation. Glucosamine sulfate is a natural supplement which helps the body in rebuilding cartilages and is known to have very few side effects.

Some pain relieving methods are also helpful like hot water bath which can improve blood flow for some relief from pain. Hot and cold packs at the painful and inflamed joints can also relieve the pain and inflammation however in case of acutely inflamed joints only cold packs shall be applied. Hydrotherapy has exercises to be done in water to improve the movement of the joint for arthritis pain relief. Traction, massage and manipulation are included in mobilization therapies which promote joint movement for arthritis pain relief. TENS, relaxation therapy and acupuncture are also effective treatments for arthritis pain relief and reducing inflammation of joints. These therapies focus on improving the range of motion, strengthening the joint and improving endurance. These therapies shall be taken according to medical expert's advice as all the therapies are not suitable for every arthritic condition.

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When pain relief for dogs is necessary for mild to moderate arthritic pain, aspirin is a possible choice. One of the good things about aspirin is that is is not addictive, and its effectiveness does not diminish over time. When it is taken in low dosages it relieves pain, and in higher dosages it acts as an anti-inflammatory.

However, there are a few draw backs that pet owners need to be made aware of. The first draw back is that joint inflammation responds slowly to aspirin, and it should not be taken with any other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, without supervision from a veterinarian.

Pet owners also need to be made aware there are side effects of aspirin. One side effect is that it can irritate the stomach and aggravate gastrointestinal problems, and could cause peptic ulcers. It also puts stress on the kidneys. The best choices are coated or buffered aspirin, as this offsets the effects. If your dog has intestinal bleeding, anemia could develop. If this occurs a diet rich in iron could be necessary.

Cats however, are different than dogs and should not be given aspirin unless absolutely necessary. Aspirin could actually be fatal for cats if taken at the dog level.

When using aspirin for pain relief for dogs, it should always be given with food to avoid upsetting the stomach. If your dog has a sensitive stomach, a buffered aspirin is highly recommended, as it contains an antacid to neutralize gastric acid in the stomach, which lessens the chance of ulceration.

Another option is aspirin with the enteric-coating. This passes through the stomach before dissolving and it absorbed later as it moves through the small intestine. Some doctors believe that enteric-coated aspirin is not absorbed well, however, there is no medical proof to back the theory up. One thing they have agreed upon though, is that it takes longer to reach the bloodstream and therefore is not recommended for quick pain relief.

As you can see, aspirin is an option for pain relief in dogs. However, you should not give your pet aspirin or any other medication without first consulting with your veterinarian. Some medications could be dangerous and life threatening to your pet, especially if given the wrong dosage. Never give your pet an human/adult dosage, as dosage varies between humans and animals.

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As you age, chronic pain can occur seemingly overnight. People seek ways to combat the pain through various remedies that assist in natural joint pain relief solutions like acupuncture or magnetic relief therapy to help them continue an active lifestyle.

If you are among the millions of aging women across the country, you are dealing with daily health issues with chronic joint pain being at the top of the list. Physical activity or sports related injuries can cause stiffness and lack of mobility in knees, wrists and ankles. Arthritis based diseases target the tissue and cartilage that cushions your knee, wrist and other joints causing inflammation and ongoing soreness.

There are a few simple home remedies you can try to help in reliving you joint pain naturally:

1. Applying ice packs is a common practice in trying to reduce inflammation in and around the afflicted area. Application should be made several times a day for 10-15 minutes at a time.

2. Ginger extract has been used in eastern cultures for hundreds of years and thought to have properties that reduce inflammation and resulting joint pain. There are studies that are still out on the scientific properties of ginger as an anti-inflammatory, but there is some evidence that ginger may show some promise.

3. Tumeric is an additional plant based treatment that originates from the east to assist in reducing arthritis pain and inflammation. A 2006 study suggested that Tumeric may be more suitable as a preventive measure rather than a treatment of joint issues.

4. Devil's Claw is a herb found in South African cultures used as a joint pain therapy. Early indications from a small group of studies have yielded some positive results but additional research and analysis is needed.

5. Although topical treatments like creams and gels are not considered all natural, an ingredient found in most of them contain capsaicin, a natural element found in hot peppers. In several studies, Capsaicin provided significant relief to painful joints to test subjects. Creams that contain this ingredient were found to have desirable results when used over a 4 week period.

In summary, there are many reputed herbs, and remedies that target pain and inflammation that exist in many cultures. Prudent research and care should be exercised to minimize risk related to allergic reactions that could jeopardize your health in other areas. Seeking a physician's opinion is recommended before any natural joint pain relief is considered.

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Arthritis knee pain does not discriminate. It can strike anyone, anywhere and at any age. The awful pain and discomfort caused by arthritis is hard to describe to someone who hasn't experienced it: The stiffness, the burning, the inflammation and swelling, the constant creaking and popping, the pain when you stand and walk - Words are not enough to describe these symptoms. Most sufferers are led to think that this is a condition that they must learn to live with, manage, cope with and adjust to. This is not true. Arthritis knee pain can be dramatically reduced - without medication or surgery.

What Causes Arthritis Knee pain?

In one word - Inflammation. Osteoarthritis of the knee is a wear-and-tear condition that occurs when the cartilage in your knee deteriorates with use and age. The breakdown of cartilage causes the bones under it to rub together. The result is inflammation, swelling and pain. If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis of the knee- inflammation is caused by the body attacking its own joints.

2 Simple Steps to Stop Arthritis Knee Pain

All forms of arthritis knee pain have one thing in common - Inflammation. To achieve fast and dramatic knee pain relief - you must fight and reduce the inflammation in your knee. As always, the best way to achieve this goal is through natural methods - without addictive medication or surgery.

Step 1 - Stay Active!

Keeping active and losing weight (only if you are overweight of course) are the best ways to prevent and fight arthritis knee pain. We all know that losing weight is not so simple and doesn't happen over night, so let's focus on physical activity that can be started today and even right now.

If you have knee arthritis, the more you walk the more the knee will hurt. In time, running, playing golf or tennis and eventually even walking - may become impossible. But - cutting down on activities will not slow down arthritis and will actually worsen your knee pain in the long term. You must stay as active as your pain will comfortably allow. Take a walk every day, as much as you can bear. This will reduce the stiffness and strengthen the muscles around your knee - allowing them to properly support the knee joint. Stop only when you feel the pain is too much and only then. Do this every day and you will feel the results in a few days.

Step 2 - Fight the Inflammation!

There are natural ways to eliminates arthritic knee pain by reducing joint and cartilage inflammation. The most recommended one a combination of enzymes and herbs that fight the inflammation effectively and fast.

Enzymes - Proteolytic enzymes are created in your body. These enzymes fight the inflammation and repair damage caused by overuse of your joints and aging. They also clean your blood, break down scar tissue and even fight viruses and bacteria. When you pass the age of 25, your body produces dramatically less amount of these enzymes.

Herbs - Boswelia and Bromelain are herbs that have been clinically proven be highly effective in reducing inflammation and pain.

A combination of these enzymes and herbs are a powerful natural treatment so stop arthritis knee pain.

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Natural joint pain relief remedies and therapies have been proven to readily eradicate any agony brought on by oversensitive irritated and swollen joints, without any reason to resort to synthetic medicinal drugs. In any case differing of the more effective natural remedies are already, in actual fact, the basis of the evolution of the much more readily identified medicinal options that happen to be at present popular.

Some of the better known forms of natural joint pain relief therapies compose massaging joints, soaking joints in warm water, and exercising in order to preserve joint mobility and flexibility, as well as, ingesting foodstuffs that help fight off inflammation. All manner of other dietary adaptations that will aid in natural joint pain, or Arthralgia, respite consist of such things as drinking lots of normal water, eating fresh fruit and vegetables, avoiding refined sugars, and getting rid of caffeine in addition to adding green juices to ones eating habits.

The root causes of Arthralgia can be put down to many different problems. One such concern is how heavy you are, as a person's weight could be quite a significant issue with joint pain. The more excess poundage one happens to be carrying, the more compression is applied to ones joints. Excessive bodyweight also increases the prospect with regard to contracting osteoarthritis in the knee joints, as well as quite possibly in the hips and hands. Also joint aches and pains could be pointers coupled with major issues related to serious diseases such as arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis, tendonitis, rheumatoid arthritis and even bacterial infections.

Seeing that the pain arising out of troublesome joint complaints may be induced by any one of a number of difficulties, as stated above, there isn't just one remedy, one quick fix, that'll solve everyone's pain problems. Arthralgia medication choices, unhappily, may not be as sophisticated subjectively as many of us may reasonably desire them to be, which may very well be for the reason that fundamental joint pain causes aren't yet fully comprehended.

Prescription medication basically aims to proffer pain management, with the goal of moderating inflammation in addition to postponing disease progression in addition to joint damage. It is by and large recognized that alternative remedies and therapies typically make full use of natural therapeutic modalities without the danger of the potential pernicious side-effects of present-day pharmacologically derived medications.

It is universally accepted that joint pain relief really ought to be viewed from many aspects, conditional upon the cause for the particular suffering. Thus the initial and most critical aspect of treatment is unalterably to get a qualified medical diagnosis. The care of joint and muscle pain should then focus on working with the root causes of the problem.

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Costochondritis is a medical condition in which there is severe or moderate type of pain which is localised to the chest and usually seen on the rib joints. The pain is aggravated by movement and deep breathing. Costochondritis is usually caused due to repeated, minor trauma or unaccustomed heavy activity. The affected costo-chondral joints are tender to touch and pressure. Anti-inflammatory treatment and pain killers, local application of ointments, adequate rest, graded physical activity, and avoidance of heavy activity form the conservative management of this condition.

Even under normal circumstances, minor trauma to the ribs causes pain which usually lasts for about four to six weeks in spite of taking conventional treatment. Costochondritis, which is inflammation of the joints of the ribs, is usually quite refractory to treatment and this experience can be frustrating both to the affected individual as well as to the treating physician. This condition responds completely to treatment only if the causative factors are examined well and efforts are made to address these issues in a comprehensive manner.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment for costochondritis is aimed at giving anti-inflammatory medicines to treat the basic disorder, control pain and tenderness, and also strengthen the costo-chondral joints, so as to avoid recurrence of this situation. Treatment is given in different stages, with control of pain and inflammation forming the first stage. This can be done with oral medication and supplemented by local application of medicines in the form of ointments, pastes, and medicated oils. Local application is usually followed by steam fomentation using herbal decoctions. The application of anti-inflammatory herbal pastes also provides long-term relief from pain and tenderness.

Once pain, swelling and tenderness are brought under control, some medicines with an anti-inflammatory action are continued in a low dose and in addition to these medications, herbal medicines are added which provide a strengthening action to these small joints as well as the ribs and muscles connecting the ribs. This strengthening action provides long-term relief from pain and also helps the affected individual to avoid a recurrence of this situation, as well as develop more tolerance for unaccustomed activity and occupational seating postures.

Some affected individuals do not respond satisfactorily even with the above mentioned treatments. In these situations, it is important to look for other factors which prevent a complete therapeutic response. Stress, depression, generalized weakness and long-term fatigue are some of the factors responsible for this situation. The specific cause needs to be identified and treated with specific medicines. In addition, medicines may also be required to treat depression, stress, and weakness. Herbal medicines which have an immunomodulatory action and which provide long-term strength and vitality to the body are especially useful in this condition.

Such individuals need to develop a daily schedule of regular exercise, relaxation techniques, eat healthy food regularly at prescribed times, and obtain adequate rest and sleep. Meditation, Yogasanas and breathing techniques like Pranayam may also help to achieve control from pain, or reduce sensitivity to pain. Non-irritating and strengthening medicated oils can also be applied on the tender costo-chondral joints on a long term basis, so as to provide complete relief from costochondritis.

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The Deep Penetrating Light Therapy System (DPL Therapy System)by LED Technologies, is both a skin care and joint, muscle pain relief device. It provides both benefits of photo rejuvenation for your skin as well as pain treatment, all from the comfort of your own home.

This FDA cleared and approved device for skin rejuvenation and pain management is made of two removable LED panels, both equipped with visible red lights (20 diodes total) and invisible infrared lights (154 diodes total). It also comes with a Velcro strap so you can attach it to any part of your body.

Red light therapy is now regularly used to treat skin problems, mainly aging but also acne. It penetrates at about 8 to 10mm deep inside the skin and helps healing scars, cuts, wounds. It triggers a natural body repair process, stimulating collagen and elastin production. This will smooths your skin by progressively, filling your fine lines and wrinkles with collagen.

Studies have shown LED technology used in DPL Therapy System is a painless and risk free skin care treatment.

Infrared light therapy penetrates deeper in the body, 30 to 40mm deep. It is thus effective to reach joints, bones and muscles. It has been proven to reduce joint aches, sprains, back pain or muscle spasms. In recent studies, this easy to use, safe and effective treatment showed it can reduce chronic back pain by 50% over a period of 6 weeks.

LED light therapy is a very effective technology, which has been researched for over 40 years providing powerful therapeutic benefits. The DPL Therapy System is recommended and used for its many benefits, below are few of these.

Benefits in skin care:

  • diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

  • stimulates production of collagen

  • increases blood circulation

  • decreases pore size

  • prevents acne

Pain management uses for

  • Pain relief for many body parts: back, neck, shoulder, wrist, leg, ankle pain

  • Tennis elbow, golfers elbow

  • Muscle spasms and knots

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Arthritis

  • Ligament tears

These are just several problems DPL Therapy System can be employed for, but there are of course many more. The Deep Penetrating Light Therapy System is the first home device that has been promoted as a double action device (skin care and pain relief) and is still almost the only one on the market to effectively treat these two concerns. Most of LED light therapy devices are made for skin care only.

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Arthritis pain relief cream comes in many different forms and is among the most popular treatments on the market today, yet it is also one of the least effective ways to address arthritis symptoms. For safe, thorough and complete treatment of the pain, swelling and stiffness associated with rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, natural products containing anti-inflammatories, antioxidants and other similar ingredients offer the best and most reliable solution.

Arthritis is the result of inflammation of the joints and the degeneration of the protective layer of cartilage which surrounds them. As the cartilage wears away, the bones of the joints rub against each other, causing the bones to become malformed and resulting in extreme pain. As many sufferers experience chronic pain, they often reach for arthritis cream to soothe and relieve their symptoms. While creams and gels may provide some relief, because they are applied locally and are generally not very strong, this relief is usually only temporary.

Topical arthritis medications come in several forms, including creams, gels and patches. While some arthritis pain relief cream treats the problem by replacing it with a hot or cold sensation, others contain a small amount of salicylates, the pain reliever found in aspirin. Still others include a pain reliever call capsaicin, which is found in chili pepper seeds. Though capsaicin can be effective, it really only works on joints close to the surface such as the fingers and elbows because it is not deeply absorbed.

Creams Only Provide Temporary Pain Relief

While arthritis cream and other topical pain relievers can be effective, they can not treat the underlying cause of arthritis pain and therefore offer no long-term solution. Treatments made from natural ingredients such as glucosamine, chondroitin, manganese, turmeric and ginger extract have proven to target the inflammation, loss of cartilage and malformation of the bones which cause arthritis pain. This makes these products among the most effective on the market for providing long term results.

Along with providing only temporary relief, arthritis pain relief cream can also cause skin irritations and other side effects. Creams which contain salicylates may be particularly harmful to individuals who are allergic to aspirin or those who are taking blood thinners. Aside from irritating side effects, most creams and gels also produce both a stinging sensation and a strong medicinal odor which can be unpleasant.

The latest development in arthritis natural treatment, comprehensive remedies containing a carefully balanced combination of natural ingredients including antioxidants maximize healing effects as never before. By helping to free the body of harmful free radicals, these substances promote healing from the inside out, enabling the body to repair itself. Used in combination with a healthy diet and proper exercise, these products provide the most reliable and complete method for relieving arthritis pain and offer a safer, gentler, and more reliable alternative to arthritis cream and gel.

Talk To Your Doctor About Treatment Options

Though these products offer an exciting option for arthritis treatment, you should never consider using any of them without first consulting your doctor. Even mild arthritis pain relief cream should not be used without first determining that it is safe for you. Each product works differently for each person, so what works for one may not work for the next. Together, you and your doctor will be able to choose the best course of treatment for you.

If arthritis pain is slowing you down, don't be fooled by the promise of topical treatments. They may ease your pain for the time being, but lasting relief will only be achieved when you treat the cause instead of just relieving the symptoms. So talk to your doctor today about the natural products that are available for arthritis treatment and get pain relief that is more than just skin deep.

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Upper back pain is not normally the result of a spinal disorder, but it is more likely to be caused by muscular irritation or joint dysfunction. It is not as common as the lower back pain, but it is even more troublesome and uncomfortable for the sufferers. Upper backache can also be the result of a prolonged wrong posture and in this case we are talking about a severe and stabbing pain.

Muscle injury is another main reason for upper backache and since we use the upper back muscles and the shoulder muscles in almost everything we do, this produces an incredible discomfort. People whose jobs involve repetitive physical movements are predisposed to upper back pain. When upper backache or backache is caused by a joint problem, then manual manipulation is recommended in order to fix the joint. Physical exercise and massage are also helpful both in coping with the pain and in the recovery process.

There are cases in which you must make a doctor's appointment as soon as possible because upper back pain might be provoked by a life threatening medical condition like heart diseases. If the pain radiates from the upper back to your chest and if you don't seem to find any reason for it, then it is high time you are seen by a doctor. It also matters if you had someone in your family with a history of cardiovascular problems.

Upper back pain can be very upsetting and many people decide to deal with it using natural remedies. Massage is great even if it is alone, but if it is done using essential oils its positive effects are enhanced. Lavender oil is great in all pains and upper backache makes no exception. Peppermint, marjoram and basil oils are also indicated for massaging the aching upper back. They rapidly penetrate the body tissue and sustain faster muscle healing. They also reduce the muscle soreness that sometimes accompanies back pain.

The hot and cold therapy is also having good results so try applying either ice pack or hot compresses. Ice packs are recommended in case of an inflammation that is causing the pain, while hot compresses help in reducing the tighten muscles and in relaxing them.

Keep in mind that physical activity is very important so don't let your upper back pain aggravate because of inactivity. Also avoid physical exercises that might injure your back and only go for safe ones that are improving, not worsening your condition.

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Gout pain relief is available not only through conventional western medicine, but also through alternative medicines such as the ancient form of ayurvedic medicine. In ayurvedic medicine, gout is referred to as vatrakta.

Vatrakta is indicated biochemically of:

- An augmentation in the concentration level of serum urate.
- Recurrent acute pain attacks within the joints, which may become persistent and chronic in nature.
- Occurrence of monosodium urate mono hydrate crystals within the fluid spaces inside the joints at the time of an acute attack.

Ayurvedic gout pain relief is not a generalized form of treatment and is therefore not the same for everyone. The recommended treatments vary from person to patient depending on the physical and psychological health and status of the individual. However, there are certain single and compound formulations that are used for gout pain relief as well as to minimize other symptoms of the condition. Some of the more commonly used formulations are:

- Guduchi
- Manjisth
- Punarnava
- Yashtimadhu
- Mahamanjishthadi kwath
- Shilajitwadi vati
- Panchitkta churna

Diet is very important to Ayurvedic gout pain relief methods, as everything that will increase the production of uric acid is to be eliminated from the diet. Foods that are considered to be purine-rich should therefore be avoided as they encourage uric acid production, these commonly include:

- Yeasts
- Legumes (peas, dried beans, lentils, etc)
- Beer and other beverages containing alcohol
- Oil-packed sardines, anchovies, roes from fish, herring
- Organ meats (kidneys, liver, sweetbreads, etc)
- Meat extracts (gravies, consommés, etc)

Foods that are often recommended during Ayurvedic gout pain relief treatments may include the following:

- Dark skinned berries such as cherries as they contain substances that act within the body to reduce levels of uric acid as well as minimize inflammation.

- To eat tofu in place of meats.

- Foods high in certain fatty acids (such as omega 3), for example, olive oil, flax oil, and certain nuts. These fatty acids contain important anti-inflammatory properties that help to ease inflammation in the joints.

Another level of gout pain relief in the ayurvedic style can include panchakarma, which can involve either a form of massage using medicated oils or snehana therapies, which have shown very beneficial results when treating gout.

If you are considering ayurvedic treatments for gout pain relief, you should first make sure to speak to your doctor or another trained health professional in order to assess your unique health needs and determine whether ayurvedic medicine is the right choice for you.

You may find that there are also other treatments available for gout pain relief that may work better or in conjunction with ayurvedic methods. These may include techniques such as uric acid manipulation through the pH level of the body. The only way that you will be able to make this decision is by speaking to your health practitioner and learning about the various techniques and treatments for gout sufferers before coming to a decision on the best approach for your individual situation.

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For pain relief, a person might be given many recommendations. Some physicians will suggest him to go for painkillers while others might tell him to get physiotherapy.

Electro therapy is one of the ways used for pain relief. It makes use of small electric stimuli to reduce chronic and acute pain. Using electricity to treat pain has been around for more than 100 years. Its safe and non-invasive nature is making it a preferred choice of many acupuncturists.

These medical devices can be used on a standalone basis or with other therapies such as painkillers or massage. Many people were able to reduce their consumption of prescription drugs after getting these sessions.

Below are some electro stimulation devices which people use to reduce pain:

Back Pain TENS Belt

This device makes use of principles of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS). Small electric stimuli are generated by the belt, which stimulate nerve endings through the skin. They block pain signals from reaching the brain. The use of belt reduces discomfort and pain.

Electric stimuli also enhance production of endorphins which are body's natural painkillers. You might have a tingling sensation on your back where the electrodes come in contact with your skin.

Electro acupuncture TENS

This makes use of TENS principles too in which electric stimuli block pain signals from reaching the central nervous system.

In traditional Chinese acupuncture, needles are inserted over specific points on our body to re-balance the normal energy flow in body. This electronic device helps you locate acupoints on your body.

You can then choose between the various programs available such as kneading, tapping and massaging, each having varying intensity levels. It is useful for toothache, joint pain, shoulder and neck pain and upper abdominal pain.

Interferential device

An interferential device can be used for patients with deep pain. It uses two separate frequencies which work together to create a deep penetrating pulse. It faces less resistance in penetrating the skin than TENS. The frequencies interfere with pain signals at the spinal cord level and hence you feel less pain.

They are used in pre and post-op orthopedic surgeries, joint injury syndrome and muscle spasms.

Acutron Microlight

This revolutionary technology, which is used by acupuncturists and healers, makes use of Microcurrent to relieve pain. Different settings and intensity can be set according to patients' needs. It can be used for Sub acute and chronic pain relief for large regions of the body, such as the knees, hips, shoulders and lower back.

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I got rid of my arthritis and arthritis pain naturally by drastically changing my diet. I stopped eating the standard American diet (SAD.)

Arthritis sufferers today are continually seeking relief from their arthritis pain.

Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease of the joint cartilage and bone, often thought to result from "wear and tear" on a joint, although there are other causes of arthritis such as congenital defects, trauma and metabolic disorders. Unlike some other types of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis is not systemic - it does not spread through the entire body. The pain in arthritis can be moderate to severe.

Damaged joints cause pain and sufferers are constantly looking for ways to relieve the pain. Cartilage contains chondrocytes, water, proteoglycans and collagen; chondrocytes are the basic cartilage cells and are necessary for balance and function. The ability to make repairs to cartilage becomes limited as cartilage cells age.

One possible cause of arthritis is the inflammatory response due to the over-reaction of the immune system to an injury or other assault in the body, like an infection. Although osteoarthritis generally accompanies aging, osteoarthritic cartilage is chemically different from normal aged cartilage. As chondrocytes (the cells that make up cartilage) age, they lose their ability to make repairs and produce more cartilage; this process may play an important role in the development and progression of osteoarthritis.

Nutrition experts say it takes a combination of supplements, that no one supplement can relieve arthritis pain, build cartilage, etc. One natural approach is to consume foods that are known to help relieve arthritis pain or prevent arthritis. One natural treatment method involves avoiding all inflammatory foods.

If you're not already doing so, make a big effort to watch your diet. Try avoiding the eight most allergic foods, wheat being the most allergenic; they are wheat, corn, eggs, milk, peanuts, fish, shellfish and some nuts, not all. Natural treatment for arthritis is usually a better choice because it's non-invasive to the body.

Some foods and beverages to avoid that are inflammatory are: caffeine, salt, sugar, meat, dairy products, additives, soft drinks, white flour, white rice, alcoholic beverages, fast food, processed vegetable oils, refined, packaged and processed food. Gluten may be a culprit in arthritic diseases including fibromyalgia; avoid wheat, barley, rye, spelt, triticale, kamut and oats (although not a gluten grain it gets contaminated at the wheat mills).

The first step in managing your arthritis is to change your diet; I think all experts would agree on this. With natural treatments there will be fewer, if any, side effects or adverse reactions.

Whatever you do, keep moving; don't sit when you can stand, don't stand when you can walk. Exercise is good for joints affected by osteoarthritis. Keep a bedside basket of arthritic aids for arthritic hands (Thera-putty, hand grips, Taiji chime balls, etc.) to be used at bedtime or while watching television. A good exercise routine is the key to beating arthritis and arthritis pain.

Use Taiji health balls, with the chimes, to strengthen the finger joints: hold two balls, move in a clockwise circle with your fingers to rotate them, then try counterclockwise and do throughout the day. To be on the safe side always seek your doctor's advice before starting or changing your exercise program. Fight arthritis through proper exercise!

If you're going to go the conventional treatment route and take medications, ask your pharmacist for drug inserts so you can read up on the drugs and understand any side effects or adverse reactions, before taking them. At the very least, understand what the side effects and adverse reactions are for any drug you take. If you're planning to take any of the non-prescription NSAIDS for arthritis, make sure you understand what bad effects they can have on the stomach, liver and/or kidneys and discuss this with your doctor.

Changing your diet to predominately fruits, raw veggies, nuts, and seeds like I did, can turn your arthritis pain around almost overnight. More and more doctors are investigating the benefits of alternative therapies and most don't object to patients trying them. One should not only search for relief of arthritis pain but work on preventing it.

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Thumb CMC arthritis is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. The "opposable thumb" that has allowed us to develop fine motor coordination is made possible by the CMC joint, located at the base of the thumb. Also known as the basal joint, it's the most important joint in your hand, allowing you to pinch, manipulate objects, and to grasp items of various sizes. When this joint is painful, tasks that seem so simple, such as writing, turning keys, or buttoning, can become burdensome.

The thumb CMC joint gets most of its stability from ligaments, rather than the bony structure of the joint. These ligaments can stretch after years of use, eventually leading to instability, causing the cartilage of these bones to wear. A form of osteoarthritis, it's a progressive condition caused by wear and tear that can progress to bone on bone pain in the later stages.

In daily life, this joint takes an enormous amount of strain since it's used whenever we hold anything in our hand. It often begins to show signs of wear when a person is in their late 40s to early 50s. Both women and men are affected by thumb CMC arthritis, but it's more common in women since they are more likely to have ligament laxity.

There are several options to treat the pain that occurs with thumb CMC arthritis:

1. Splinting: The purpose of wearing a splint is to provide support to the thumb CMC joint, taking some of the strain off of the joint. A good splint will position the thumb so you can easily touch the tip of your thumb to your index finger. Custom splints can be molded directly to your hand by a local hand or occupational therapist. Premade splints come in a variety of options. Generally, splints can be worn during activities that involve thumb use, and can also be worn at night to keep the thumb in a good resting position.

2. Therapy: A local hand or occupational therapist can teach you ways to decrease your pain, techniques to protect your joints, and exercises to prevent stiffness.

3. Cortisone Injections: Your orthopedic surgeon may recommend a cortisone injection to decrease your pain. It's a steroid that is injected directly into the joint to decrease inflammation. Pain relief can vary from person to person. Some report total relief of symptoms while others don't. Talk to your doctor to learn more.

4. Surgery: People decide to have a joint replacement surgery when pain has progressed to the point that it limits function in daily activities. With this procedure, a bone in your wrist (or at least a portion of it) is removed. A strip of muscle or tendon is taken from your forearm and placed in the open space. There are several different versions of this surgery so if you have questions, talk to your doctor.

Despite which option you choose, pay attention when you experience thumb pain. Try to limit or avoid activities that require pinching whenever possible. Many adaptive devices have been developed to decrease the pinch force used for activities. Using a pencil grip on your pen or a key adapter on your keys can make your life easier and less painful. Remember that the earlier you seek treatment, the more proactive you can be to prevent it from progressing!

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If you are looking for herbal pain relief for arthritis, you may end up settling for traditional pain medications because herbal remedies can be confusing to use. You hear people all the time saying that herbs is the way to go if you want to get to the root cause of your problem. This may be well and good but with so many natural remedies for pain relief on the market, how can you decide what is really effective for arthritis pain.

First of all you must know that herbs do not work like traditional medications. Most prescription and over- the-counter medications mask illnesses. They never get to the root cause of any illness except for antibiotics which is another subject and I don't have time to get into it here.

Herbs on the other hand, in the right combination, will get to the root cause of the problem and work to heal you from the inside out. However, it does take awhile for herbs to work and most don't work immediately. If you are really suffering from arthritis pain, you really need to take this into consideration because you may not get quick pain relief.

So what are some of the herbal pain relievers that really work for arthritis. One herb, white willow bark, is a natural pain reliever. It is actually what inspired the making of aspirin a synthetic version of white willow bark. Unlike aspirin, white willow bark does not have the gastric side effects that are common with taking aspirin. This herb is also good for reducing inflammation in the joints.

Turmeric is another herb that can provide herbal pain relief for arthritis. There are literally thousands of testimonial about the benefits of turmeric in relieving joint pain. This herb is commonly used as a spice in east Asia and Hungarian dishes. It is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is best to buy it in bulk and start out with 1/8 tsp daily and then gradually work you way up to 1 tsp in a month or two to help relieve arthritis pain.

Finally, cayenne pepper with its active ingredient capsaicin is effective for easing pain caused by arthritis. Capsaicin can be used topically as a cream, ointment or ingested as a capsule. It also reduces inflammation, improves circulation, and lowers blood sugars. The recommended dose to relief arthritis pain is to take two capsules three to four times a day.

They are many others herbal remedies that are recommended for arthritis like glucosamine that help rebuild cartilage so you can use glucosamine in conjunction with tumeric, white willow bark, or cayenne pepper. Herbal pain relief for arthritis may not happen overnight but these three herbs work if you are consistent in their use.

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A Few Tips To Get Upper Back Pain Relief At Home

Upper back and neck constitute the most important parts of our body. This area consists of many joints that work in congruence with the neck joints. This kind of pain is mostly caused by muscle imbalances and trauma and is usually accompanied by shoulder or neck pain. An unexpected injury or improper posture can also lead to pain in the upper back region. People who work on computer for longer hours or sit without a back support are known to suffer from the back pain. Although this pain can be very painful, it is important to note that it takes a lot of time for the pain condition to worsen. In order to avoid severe back pain, try to change your posture quite often and avoid awkward positions.

Causes of Upper Back Pain

This pain primarily occurs due to any or both of the following reasons:

- Joint Dysfunction
- Myofascial Pain (Muscular Irritation)

The ribs of the human body are attached to the spine with two joints. Any dysfunction in the joints can cause joint dysfunction leading to pain in upper area. This type of pain can be treated with manual manipulation. In order to get permanent relief, the patient is advised to perform a few home exercises to strengthen the spine and the shoulders. Aerobic conditioning can also help in easing the pain. Doctors also advise their patients to use a few medications to reduce inflammation caused by the dysfunction. Myofascial pain or the muscular irritation results due to repetitive movements and lack of strength in the back muscles. Car accidents, strains and sport injuries are common causes of this type of back pain. This type of pain is treated with acupuncture, physical therapy and massage.

Symptoms and Home Treatment

If your back hurts while you make any movement, you should consult your doctor right away. People with heart disease and osteoporosis or a serious back injury are also recommended to get medical help immediately. However, if you have back pain due to improper posture or strain, you can take a few steps at home to get upper back relief. First of all pay attention to your posture. A poor posture is the most common cause of strain. A healthy posture is the one in which your stomach is in, chest is out and hips are tucked under. Never hold the phone between your head and shoulder. Use your hands to hold the phone or buy a headset. Gently massage the affected area. This would ease the pain and help you get rid of upper back pain. Women with larger breasts should wear sports bra. This would help in getting upper back pain relief.

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Synflex Vs Painkillers That Cause Pain, natural pain relief and Synflex.

So your arthritis is kicking up again and as a dutiful sufferer you beeline to the medicine cabinet and take a painkiller. After an hour you don't feel much relief. Or maybe you don't feel any pain at all. But either way,did you just guarantee more pain in your future? Have you insured yourself of a future of long term agony and debilitation that you would not have had otherwise, just by the act of taking painkillers?

Get ready for an unpleasant surprise! The most likely answer is yes! Even if the painkiller seems to be working, even if your arthritis pain is gone, all you have really done is guarantee yourself more pain and more suffering in the future by taking those painkillers today!

But, how could you and millions of arthritic sufferers who are using painkillers be harming yourselves with them? Even those taken by doctor's prescription and with their approval? Well lets see, answer these vital questions...

Have you treated your arthritis pain with any painkillers within the last 7 days?

Do you now have, or have you ever gotten a prescription for your arthritis pain?

Are you concerned that you may be taking these drugs for the rest of your life?
Do you wonder if a nutritional supplement like Synflex be better for you?

A yes answer to any of the above questions entitles you to know that you can cure arthritis through natural, and nutritional means and thus eliminate your arthritis pain naturally, and never need arthritis painkilling drugs again!

Painkillers That Cause Pain

Now I do believe pharmaceuticals and especially pharmaceutical painkillers do hold irreplaceable positions in medicine chests. I myself have taken plenty of pain killers to counter pain from strains and sprains and the like. The trouble arises when people take arthritis pain killers for any great length of time.

To begin with, it is important to know that actually curing the arthritic condition would require rebuilding and restoring the cartilage and, or restoring the muscles around the arthritic joint. Sufferers usually take some form of drug to reduce inflammation and wipe out pain. But, the real problem is generated when the joint is in pain and you can't feel it, enabling you to even forget about your condition. You could take a painkiller and then spend the next few hours feeling mobile and great but in the process, you're killing the overstressed joint without even knowing it. And thus the unaware arthritic patient severely damages the joint and the remaining cartilage, and feels great while doing it!

So is death a fair exchange for pain relief?

Let's say you were mowing the lawn and you're wearing your full head phones with your ipod , you're enjoying your music, it's loud to cover the mower hum. And the mower is handling fine. Then comes the fatal engine shudder, and the blue-grey puff of smoke. You whip off your big headphones just in time to hear an awful metallic shearing sound. And then you're wishing that your college course load had included a course in small motor repair as you hand over your mower to the repair guy smiling dollar signs at you. Your wallet shivers at that smile. He asks, didn't it sound like the motor was in distress for awhile just before it blew? Why didn't you shut it off back then? Of course you heard nothing but your music. So you were unaware of your mower's cries for help right up until it died. This is the same as taking painkillers to treat your arthritis pain. The painkillers mask the main symptoms and help you forget about the problem, even ignore it. Guaranteeing you will soon have to deal with a bigger problem.

Painkillers could also cause intestinal bleeding and even worse problems that could kill you. Over 2000 suffers died in this way last year. So is death a fair exchange for pain relief?

Enticing Your Body To Heal

On the whole, scientists are astonished by the amazing functions of human physiology. And arthritic specialists and research scientists are just as astonished. Because under the proper circumstances the body can actually cure chronic illnesses, including arthritis.

It absolutely must be noted that primitive tribes, totally free of the western type diet, are totally free of arthritis and many other modern ailments. That is until one generation have been exposed to the western diet and living conditions. Then all the typical western aliments and illnesses begin to appear with increasing frequency until they equal levels in other western cultures.

Curing Arthritis Forever And Naturally

Here are some tips that will allow you to begin to feel some positive results in the next couple weeks.

5 Points To Address For Treatment

1. Target your sugar consumption! Arthritis has been associated with high levels of sucrose (refined sugar). Begin to cut yourself off of sweets and replace them with healthy alternatives like your favorite fruits or smoothies.

2. Stop drinking from cans immediately. Yes that includes all your favorite canned drinks. Canned or processed foods contain preservatives and other food additives that government agencies say are fine. But when these same ingredients are added to the diets of former primitives, they begin to get sick with all our chronic dieseases. Draw your own conclusions. Start this week with a water flush which could be tough but is achievable. For the caffeine kick in the morning eat an apple. Their are many varieties. Again, it's tough but it's achievable.

3. Inhale for Health! Most folks bodies are failing for lack of oxygen. You need to give your joints more oxygen to beat pain. Learn some deep breathing exercises you can do as you go about your daily routine.

4. Exercise! Yeah, you may hate to hear that word. But you must initiate a weight training program to gain more muscle mass. More muscle mass will take stress off of your body and joints. Plus you'll enjoy the added benefits of looking good and feeling better too.

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As far back as around 400 B.C., Hippocrates - the Greek physician commonly referred to as the "father of medicine", used bee venom to treat joint pain and swelling, in fact bee venom therapy has been around for thousands of years.

Reference's to the treatment can be found in ancient Egypt and Greek medical writings.

Also known as apitherapy, the technique is more widely used in Eastern Europe, Asia and South America. Today many people still find the stings of honeybees helpful when addressing conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and osteoarthritis.

Honeybee venom contains many active substances one of which is 'Mellitin', an anti-inflammatory agent which is known to be more than one hundred times stronger than cortisone.

These substances stimulate the body's release of the hormone cortisol as well as neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin, all of which can help relieve the pain, stiffness and swelling of arthritis.

Caution.... Allergic Reactions

Yes it does sound like a quick fix for your arthritis pain, however, unfortunately bee stings are noted for triggering an allergic reactions called 'Anaphylaxis' or  Anaphylaxis shock.

Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening type of allergic reaction, so caution should be shown if you are considering this course of treatment.

Is Bee Venom A Proven Technique?

Although bee venom therapy is largely an unproven technique, a small number of U.S physicians have reported good results using the substance to treat arthritic conditions.

Treatments of honeybee venom therapy, or 'Apitherapy' supposedly started after bee-keepers, who were stung many times, noticed their arthritis pains were relieved. Some practitioners still use live bee stings to deliver the venom.

Bee stings are by no means a cure-all & there's no way of knowing if they will work for you, without trying, which could be dangerous without the appropriate medical supervision. And to cap it all, we shouldn't forget bee stings are not pleasant.

If you do decide you would like to try bee stings, speak with your doctor.  It's important that you be prepared for a severe allergic reaction by having a bee sting allergy kit on hand - even if you've never reacted negatively to bee stings in the past. Although the side effects of bee-venom therapy usually are mild, an allergic reaction to a sting could potentially be deadly.

Is  Apitherapy a Viable Option For My Arthritis?

It's true that bee stings may help your arthritis, but in my opinion should probably be avoided, due to the risk involved. The good news is Less barbaric natural methods exist and could prove far more user friendly and even more effective in relieving all kinds of arthritis pain and inflammation

Written by Mark John

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