Bad teeth don't just make you look awkward-they may seriously ruin your whole life! Bad teeth smell bad, look pathetic, and become loose, infected and eventually fall out, leaving you-yes, you guessed it-toothless. In addition, bad teeth can cost you days of agonizing pain that pulsates from the sick teeth with a force that feels like your head is going to explode.

Your cheeks might also become swollen, your gums might bleed...OK, you get the point: bad teeth are no fun and should be fixed.

But if you're still not persuaded to make an appointment with your dentist, continue reading to learn about three ways bad teeth can ruin your life.

Let's talk about your social life...

Chances are, the discussion about your social life will be very short because you simply do not have one. As soon as you open your mouth to talk or make a friendly smile, people instinctively start to move away from you. While this might be a good thing on those days when you would like to be left alone, it can ruin your social life in the long run. Perhaps you should take the time to balance out the pros and cons of seeing one of your local cosmetic dentists, as this might lead to a revelation that you are long overdue for an appointment.

How about your professional life?

Bad teeth affect your whole life, not just your social interactions. Perhaps you've noticed that you're consistently being overlooked for a promotion, or that you're always assigned projects that don't require any team leading or public speaking whatsoever. Maybe these are coincidences. But all the people who do get promoted seem to have perfectly even pearly whites that make their smiles look almost irresistible. Even if you won't do it for simple aesthetic reasons, perhaps the prospect of being professionally recognized might make you get a simple teeth whitening treatment or even cover the Invisalign braces cost.

The bottom line: Your health

If you're still on the fence about seeing a dentist, how about doing it for the sake of your health? Wouldn't you like to get rid of recurring teeth and gum infections, fix bleeding gums, strengthen your teeth, stop clenching and grinding in your sleep? All of these uncomfortable symptoms might be signs of a disease that can be treated without the dreaded dental drill but with a simple orthodontic device. A case in point is temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). This condition can cause years of discomfort and pain in the jaw-neck region. However, a custom TMJ treatment, such as a nighttime teeth device, can help you get rid of your symptoms and get on with your life.

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