TMJ may be caused by stress and unreleased nervous energy. Grinding your teeth, which may also be a stress induced behavior, also puts you at increased risk for a TMJ disorder. TMJ disorders are more common in women than men. Over ten million people in the United States suffer from TMJ related disorders.

There are several different treatments for TMJ disorders. Stress management is an essential part of treatment and it involves learning techniques for relaxing and reducing stress. Here are three different exercises that can help TMJ sufferers with their pain. Please remember to check with your doctor or dentist before implementing any new jaw exercises or stretches to your daily routine.

Deep Breathing

One way to reduce your stress level is through deep breathing. It is one of the best ways to lower stress in the body. Reduced stress levels can help alleviate TMJ pain. One simple exercise involves a short ten minute breathing session. This exercise can be done from a sitting position or you may lie on your back. Close your eyes. Place one hand on your stomach and one hand over your chest. Breathe in and out through your nose. Watch your hands as you breathe in and out. The hand over your belly should rise and fall with every breath. Breathing with your belly indicates that you are breathing deeply. Continue this exercise for ten minutes or until your breath is regulated and you feel relaxed.

Jaw Stretches

You may not realize it, but during times of stress or anxiety, your jaw is likely tensed and clenched. It is essential to perform jaw stretches and exercises to relax your tension and also to strengthen the jaw.

In terms of stretches, slowly open your mouth wide like you are yawning and then slowly close it. Then stretch the jaw side to side. Without using your hands, move your jaw to the left as far as possible. Then make a fist with your right hand and slightly nudge your jaw as far left as it comfortably goes. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Repeat up to four times. Then switch to the right side. This will help to loosen the muscles and alleviate TMJ muscle pain. You can do these stretching exercises anywhere and at any time.

Jaw Exercises

A simple jaw exercise involves resistance training. Place your thumb underneath the bottom of your chin. Try opening your mouth slowly as you while providing light pressure with your thumb. Your jaw should be pushing against your thumb. Hold your mouth open for about five seconds while maintaining the light pressure with your thumb. Then slowly close your mouth. Repeat this exercise up to ten times to strengthen your jaw. This exercise can be done anywhere and at any time.

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