Pain in the joints and muscles is common as we grow older. The ligaments and tendons do not support our knees, elbows and ankles as they once did when we were younger. In addition, inflammation caused by overuse or age related disease increases our risk of chronic joint pain. Ankle Joint pain can be cause mobility issues at home and work.
One common ailment that can strike in the middle of the night is called gout. Without notice, you can awake with sharp pains in your big toe, finger or other joints like ankles and knees. Although the pain may last for several days and go away, the condition can re-surface at any time in the future.
Over 2 million people in the U.S. suffer from gout and most often afflicts men more than women. Gout usually develops in men after 30 and women after they have gone through menopause. Men are more likely to suffer from gout if they are overweight and have issues with high blood pressure.
Gout is in the family of arthritis based diseases. The body tries to compensate from crystal deposits in the joints which cause inflammation and intense pain in the ankles, knees and other areas. If you suffer from gout or other pain in your extremities, diet may be one factor that can help you stay fit and less prone to this type of condition.
In summary, your ankle joint pain can be more of an issue than you thought. A healthy lifestyle and diet could be a major factor in reducing the risk of chronic joint pain. Exercise is also a factor in strengthening your joints and muscles, reducing high blood pressure to combat age related diseases like gout. Low impact exercise can be used in the beginning and as your joints become more limber and stronger, more physical activities can be pursued.