There are many reasons you may be suffering from facial and jaw pain, ranging from sinus infections, decaying teeth, wisdom teeth, or even simple headaches. However, over ten million people in the United States alone are currently suffering from TMJ dysfunction. Are you?
What is TMJ? TMJ is an acronym for Temporomandibular Joint, which in simpler terms is the jaw joint. This is the joint that attaches your jaw to your skull, allowing for normal chewing and use of your mouth, including talking and making facial expressions. Use of your TMJ is something that is taken for granted, making TMJ dysfunction even more disruptive. Anyone, male or female, can be affected by TMJ problems; however, most patients seeking treatment tend to be women in their childbearing years. The causes for TMJ problems are varied and not always known. TMJ dysfunction can be a form of arthritis or a dental procedure gone awry. Genetics may be to blame, while autoimmune diseases may also be the cause.
Symptoms of TMJ Dysfunction No matter the cause of your TMJ dysfunction, the number one symptom is pain. The pain caused by TMJ problems can often be dull and aching. Some jaw joint pain can be normal from time to time and should not be cause for concern. However if you experience pain that lasts more than a few weeks, this can be TMJ dysfunction, which is best diagnosed by your physician. Other symptoms to consider are chronic headaches, neck, shoulder or back pain, facial pain, worn, chipping or cracked teeth, your jaw "locking" if attempting to be opened, and even numbness in your fingers and arms. These are just a few examples of how TMJ symptoms may manifest. If you are experiencing any of these discomforts, it may be related to TMJ dysfunction. Many cosmetic dentists are experienced in assessing TMJ Disorder and can best advise and provide treatment.
Treatment of TMJ Disorder Through a series of diagnostic tests, your dental specialist can help determine the cause of your TMJ discomfort, leading to the proper treatment. Often treatment can be achieved through a neuromuscular approach that does not involve surgery or braces. With advanced studies and latest technology, dentists are able to assess your particular needs in regards to your disorder. Treatment can sometimes be as simple as corrective bite treatment with an orthotic that extends your teeth, alleviating your symptoms. Sometimes a more permanent solution may be needed, such as full mouth reconstruction. Treatments vary case by case, and these are only two examples of what a specialist can do to help. Having a dentist that is experienced and able to best advise you is key to your recovery.