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Degenerative Disc Disease, or DDD, is highly correlated with age factor. As we mature and grow older the tough and rubbery discs between our vertebrae dry up and lose their cushioning height. To illustrate, I would compare a spinal disc to Homer Simpsons favorite sofa cushion (the sofa cushion in front of the TV). As years passed by, Homers weight would shatter the sofa ultimately and wear out the fabric. While the outcome for Homer was perpetual butt-relief, the result of Degenerative Disc Disease for the typical 3-D person sadly, is anything but comfort.

Luckily Degenerative Disc Disease sounds a lot worse than it actually is. It is the degenerative that really affects my well being. Well, disease is not an encouraging word either. But the truth is, everyone gets DDD as they age, and usually it is not painful. It is an inherent stage of getting older. However, it is when the spinal disc shrinks to the point of vertebrae hitting bone on bone, that nerves are affected and back pain begins. For the two commonly known DDD back pain, these are classified as Cervical (neck) and Lumbar (lower back).

Both types of degeneration yield further back problems such as herniated discs, arthritis or sciatica (pain in the legs) or spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal chord). It is amazing how a small problem in the spine can cause joint and bone inflammation in the fingers and toes. Has anyone ever compared the peripheral nervous system to the Internet? Like the Internet, the nervous system is all over: It conveys body-wide messages, but watch out, it can also instigate body-wide aches.

Spinal Decompression To The Rescue!

Spinal Decompression helps treat all types of DDD because the lifting of the vertebrae allows for the spinal disc to repair itself. Then pressure is taken off the nerves. Especially in cases of spinal stenosis or sciatica, where surgery is invasive and therefore risky, Spinal Decompression is a conservative, yet affective method of treatment.

With the option of Spinal Decompression, I feel at ease. But my pressing concern given all the information available, is there a doable way which can ensure a healthy condition for my spinal discs?

Unfortunately, this time eating right and exercising regularly just wont cut it. The root of DDD back pain comes from a loss of collagen (protein) and water in the spinal discs. The shortfall of fluid occurs when the number of Proteoglycan Molecules in the discs decreases. So, when Drs. Mark Ewin and Robert Inman from the University of Toronto, Toronto Western Hospital discovered in 2006 that the Notochord Cell (which releases CTGF, which is a connective tissue) regulates production of Proteoglycan, they were upbeat that their research results would serve as a groundwork for future regeneration of disc cartilage for patients suffering from DDD back pain. One impediment: the only Notochord cells found in humans are in their embryos, and for now this study is steering clear of stem cells!

But thank goodness there is at least progressive research going on that might one day help preserve the spines discs. Good thing for Spinal Decompression in the meantime though! I feel somewhat relieved that no one is alone for having a fear of back pain. So: research studies are underway, the spinal decompression machine is pulling: Some efforts are underway geared towards addressing our back problems.

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Understand the causes of thumb joint pain and discover the proper methods to attend to the injury. The opposing thumb is a valuable asset that should not be taken for granted. The thumb sets human beings apart from most of other species on earth. It enables us to grab things and manipulate tools. Therefore, we should pay due attention to any recurring pain on our thumbs and other fingers. Do not neglect the problem and let it deteriorate till you lose your grip.

Thumb join pain can be categorised into three types; pain as a result of strain or injury, arthritis and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. An injured thumb shows black and blue discoloration. You may feel pain when you move your thumb side to side. Another common cause for thumb and other fingers pain is prolonged usage of smartphones or tablets. Apply ice wrapped in a towel or submerge the thumb in cold water to ease the pain and swell. Rest the thumb so that to speed up the healing. If the pain is persistent and excruciating, go to see a doctor to seek medical treatment.

Arthritis is a common cause of thumb joint pain due to old age or calcium deficiency which leads to the weakening of the bones. The thumb joint under stress is called carpometacarpal joint or basal joint. Basal joint arthritis is also known as osteoarthritis. The cartilage that protects and cushions the thumb joint is worn out, thus causing pain during movement of the hand. Consult a doctor to get a suitable splint that supports the thumb and to better control its movement. The doctor may prescribe medication or cortisone injection to control and reduce joint inflammation. Corrective surgery may be suggested as a solution to reduce the nagging thumb joint pain.

Thumb Joint Pain Due To Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a severe problem to the thumb joint pain. It is brought on by nerve damage. Most people with this syndrome use their hands in repetitive motions which compress the nerves in the wrists which are situated between the carpal bones and the transverse ligament. The pain may originate from the wrist and slowly work it way up the thumb. The symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome include; numbness in your forearm and hand, increase numbness which cause heighten pain when you use your hand and stiffness in your finger when you wake up in the morning. It can be treated with therapy and protective splint or surgery can be carried out to repair the ligament.

Early detection of the cause of the painful fingers is crucial and seeking help from a doctor is critical to nib the problem in the butt. Although you need to rest the painful hand to help with its healing, prolonged inactivity can aggravate the pain because lack of movement may cause the swollen joint to turn stiff. Try to keep your thumb active even you are experiencing thumb joint pain.

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Rib pain can have many possible causes, and therefore it's sometimes difficult to get an accurate diagnosis quickly. First, let's take a look at some of the obvious ones: rib pain causes from injuries.

Fractured (Broken) or Cracked Ribs - These are usually pretty easy to diagnose because the pain is severe and sharp. Many people say a fractured rib produces some of the worst pain there is. When you have a fractured or broken rib, you usually know how you got it: perhaps a blow to the body during athletic competition, an auto accident, or a fall. Painful breathing is a typical symptom. The injured area is likely to be extremely sensitive, and any movement involving the arms or torso will cause discomfort.

Cartilage Injury - Cartilage is the soft material connecting your breastbone to your ribs. It allows your ribcage to be flexible and somewhat shock-absorbent. When this cartilage is damaged, it will feel like a rib injury. Cartilage damage in your chest will cause pain when you're breathing, laughing or coughing.

Soft Tissue Damage - Soft tissues like muscles, tendons and ligaments are spread around the rib cage. These can be injured or damaged by a sharp blow, or even by trying to lift or push something that's too heavy. The result is rib pain which may make breathing or moving uncomfortable.

Bone and Joint Conditions

Joint inflammation - When joints near the ribs become inflamed, the pain can feel like it's happening in your ribcage. Joint inflammation becomes fairly common in middle age and beyond due to the two following conditions.

Osteoarthritis - Cartilage connecting the ribs to the breastbone and backbone wears out with age. The resulting inflammation causes pain.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - When you have this disease, your body's immune system attacks itself. When this happens in joints and connections around the ribs, it causes pain in the ribs.

Rib Pain Caused by Lung Conditions and Diseases

There are a number of diseases related to the lungs that cause ribcage pain. These include:

Pleurisy - The lining between the lungs and the ribcage is known as the pleura. When it becomes infected, the inflammation causes pain in the ribs. When you have a bad case of pleurisy, just breathing in and out can be very uncomfortable.

Pneumonia - Rib pain is typical when you have pneumonia. Coughing, laughing, breathing, sneezing can all be painful.

Tuberculosis - Painful ribs is one of the many symptoms of tuberculosis, along with coughing, fever and fatigue.

Ribcage Pain and Lung Diseases

Several types of cancer can cause pain in the ribs or ribcage area. The most common of these include lung cancer and multiple myeloma.

Rib pain is a symptom in approximately 80 percent of multiple myeloma cases. Many lung cancer patients also experience various kinds of rib pain, sometimes including the area of the upper back.

Rib pain is often a symptom in several lung diseases related smoking or extended exposure to pollutants. Mesothelioma and asbestosis lead the list in this category.

Asbestosis is a non-cancerous buildup of scar tissue located in the lower half of the lungs. It results from long term exposure to asbestos.

Mesothelioma is also often caused by prolonged asbestos exposure, which damages the pleural lining of the lungs and sometimes the pericardial lining of the heart.

Various Other Causes of Rib Pain

The following causes for pain in the ribs fit into the "miscellaneous" category:

Gallbladder problems like gallstones or a gallbladder attack

Nerve issues (especially caused by damage to the spinal column)

Shingles, which often starts with acute pain in the ribcage area of the torso before erupting into an extremely uncomfortable rash

Abuse of steroids

Stress and anxiety that causes deep breathing that sometimes over extends or strains the muscles around the ribcage.

Chest pain from angina is also a possibility. Angina is a classic symptom of heart disease.

Final Thought

Obviously, there are dozens of diseases, disorders and conditions that can cause rib pain. While some are very minor and resolve on their own with time, some can be very serious. If your rib pain lasts for more than a few days, or seems to be growing in severity, it would be a good idea to discuss your symptoms with your doctor.

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When examining the particulars connected to the fifth chakra, the throat, zone of communication and expression, imbalances or diseases that manifest can produce a myriad of symptoms: Sore throat, thyroid imbalance TMJ (Temporomandibular joint disorder of the jaw bones), weak voice, hearing loss, repeat colds, shyness, feeling dis-empowered, overly emotional, uncommunicative, egoic you speak...but others look as though you are an alien!

Some suggestions to help clear away the energetic traffic jam may include: Singing, Humming Chanting Screaming-Yes. A good scream can do wonders in terms of releasement. Trust me, I've done it a few times to shed what I needed to release,

For those who are familiar with The Law of Attraction, we can also apply this concept to imbalances in the throat chakra; what we send out is returned to us. The Universe is quite explicit in guiding us to live our truth. I recently read a quote that states "Living your truth is as much about knowing who you are as what you stand for".

From a Reiki practitioner's perspective, clients who seek out Reiki as a means of restoring balance to their physical vessel, typically express feelings of overwhelment, frustration or anger. In assessing and observing, we find it may be a reflection of feeling as though they aren't being heard. Or, perhaps they are not speaking their truth.

While the practitioner focuses on all seven chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown), extra attention may be placed on the throat chakra to allow the congested energy to come towards the surface and melt or burn away, further completing the client's healing process.

Channeling Universal Love & Healing Energy can assist in releasing congestion in our communication zone. A byproduct of this healing can surface as a cough, scratchy throat, excess phlegm, metallic or "funky" taste in the mouth. While they may seem annoying to the client, I reinforce that it's a positive step in their healing journey. This allows life force energy to move in a more natural rhythm. It also allows the client to speak clearly, concisely and with defined intention.

I once worked with a client was an airline attendant. She was cute as a button. During our session, I observed congestion to her throat chakra. Through the discussion process, she shared that one of her co-workers had been making sarcastic comments towards her. Frustrated, she would stay silent and not engage in a banter of words. When she returned for a follow up session a few weeks later, I asked how things were going with this person. Her eyes widened and she explained that when she returned to work, the co worker made yet another sarcastic comment. My client firmly told her that her comments were unwarranted and basically put her in her place! From that moment forward, there was no more comments from the peanut gallery!

Now, while each case is unique, Reiki clearly was instrumental in this situation. My client was able to release the frustration, anger and self critical feelings regarding herself and her coworker in a healthy, positive way. Reiki allowed her to feel confident in communicating her thoughts and intentions.

Furthermore, we are seeing more people opening up to their Spiriutal gifts. In the early stages, uncertainty of how to step into their Light can cause im-balances to their throat chakra. Again, the bond between client and Reiki practitioner can provide loving assistance in working through these feelings.

At the end of the day, Spirit reminds us how much our truth shapes our experiences. A valuable lesson for everyone.

And So It Is...

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The Dog's Body

A dog's skeleton provides its agility and endurance. The strong front legs bear more than 60% of the animal's weight, yet still permit flexibility and nimbleness. The hind legs, attached to massive muscles, enable powerful acceleration and help to maintain running speed.

The canine skeletal system is a marvel of bones, cartilage and ligaments. It protects the internal organs and provides a full range of motion. The muscles furnish the power to propel the dog into action, but without healthy bones, joints and connective tissue, the muscles cannot do their job.

Joints, the skeletal hinges, give the skeleton flexibility for walking, trotting, running and moving the head and neck to increase field of vision. The joints are lubricated for smooth action by synovial fluid and are stabilizied by tendons and ligaments. When the joints are damaged by injury or disease; arthritis (joint inflammation) can invade the joint.

Causes of Joint Pain: Canine Osteoarthritis and Dysplasia

Dogs of all sizes and breeds may suffer from arthritis. Generally, bigger dogs and larger, more active breeds tend to be more susceptible to arthritis but no specific breed is immune to joint issues. Additionally, it is important to research what sort of ailments a specific breed may be prone to when it becomes clear your dog is experiencing a problem. Certain breeds have tendencies to develop joint pain in specific areas. Dysplasia, for example is common in Labrador Retrievers and Rottweilers.

Joint deterioration is a very slow process and excruciating pain does not develop overnight. Rather, the animal will tend to become more and more lethargic over an extended period of time as the dysplasia and/or arthritis worsen. Most veterinarians will look closely at the dog's gait or walking style. The joints in the legs and and hips are usually the first to go and many times a diagnosis can be made within the dog's first few steps. X-rays may be required to get a good idea of what the doing is going through. In more severe cases the dog may actually favor the particular area of their body that is hurting and make an effort not to put any weight on a certain leg or foot. In these cases it is important to consult a professional for a diagnosis, as what seems like arthritis may be a different, more serious problem.

Treating Joint Pain

Rehabilitation/Physical Therapy

Believe it or not, many businesses are now incorporating physical therapy for dogs in their service offerings. Just as physical therapy in people has continued to gain popularity, more and more people are turning to physical therapists to help their dogs work through problems. Many times, a dog may have a flawed walking style or may need a little extra coaxing to lose excess weight that may cause problems down the road. Having an obese dog is a fast track to joint issues. Many of the concepts that apply to humans and the development of arthritis carry over to the health of our animals. It's difficult to guesstimate how expensive these types of services can be as it really depends on the specific issues the animal is dealing with and what will be prescribed (ultrasound, treadmill, swimming, etc).


In some cases, surgery may be the best option to help restore the dog's lifestyle to its original state. There are a wide range of surgical procedures a Veterinarian may prescribe, ranging from minor arthroscopic work to entire hip replacements. It's not surprising that surgery is by far the most expensive option for handling hip and joint pain. In some cases, it is deemed the only option and there is little choice to be made. The costs of surgery range widely based on the size and breed of the dog as well as the severity and cause of their pain. Surgery used to be much more common treatment, today more and more people are seeking out alternatives.


NSAIDs stands for "nonsteroidal anti-inflamatory drugs." Just as with people, NSAIDs can provide much needed relief for dogs suffering from pain. The drugs help the animal to deal with pain as well as reduce inflammation and stiffness to thwart some of the pain from becoming an issue in the first place. While NSAIDs can be effective, they can also have some very serious side effects including vomiting, diarrhea and in some cases, death. Some of the newer NSAIDs are considered safer but still have potentially harmful side effects. Here is a good article from About.com that outlines many of the side effects and popular NSAIDs that are commonly prescribed: About.com. Additionally, here is a site that talks specifically about Rimadyl, perhaps the most popular NSAID: Rimadyl Article

Supplements Containing Glucosamine and Chondroitin


While it is already present in the body, glucosamine is typically sourced from shellfish, including chitin and lobster.

Widely renowned for its uses as a joint supplement in humans for years, glucosamine is making waves in the veterinary world. Today, glucosamine is still unregulated in the pet care industry but has been recognized by many professionals as helpful in the care of hips and joints. Glucosamine is the most commonly used chondroprotective supplement for the treatment of osteoarthritis and glucosamine HCL is the most effective. An amino sugar is incorporated into the joint cartliage where the cartilage cells rapidly take up the glucosamine and helps stimulate the synthesis of joint fluid and the production of glucosaminoglycans in cartilage. Glucosamine is very effective in minimizing inflammation as well as helping cartilage to resist damage and deterioration. However, unlike NSAIDs, glucosamine has absolutely no negative side effects. Most pets supplements that contain glucosamine often commonly contain chondroitin as well.


Chondroitin exists in many forms. Most forms of chondroitin are sourced from bovine trachea, birds, and sharks. Many sources consider chondroitin sourced from shark to be the highest quality form available. Additionally, the use of chondroitin from bovine trachea bars any chance of Mad Cow Disease from being present in the supplement. Mad Cow is not as much of a concern these days, but is certainly considered by pet supplement manufacturers when formulating new products. Along with glucosamine, chondroitin is a natural anti-inflammatory compound. Chondroitin is the major glycosaminoglycan found in cartilage. It helps slow down the enzymes that are destructive to the joint. Since chondroitin production decreases with age, supplements with this compound may be especially helpful for older pets with arthritis.

Today many supplements are produced for pets with both glucosamine and chondroitin. Most of these supplements can be found at your local store or online

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It may sound like a cliché but our feet, and in particular the arches of our feet, really are the structural foundations of our body. Fallen arches is a term used to describe complete flattening out of the arch. When the arch flattens out the foot loses much of its biomechanical functioning. In addition the biomechanics of the knee, hip and low back are adversely affected when the arch of the foot loses its structural integrity.

The arch of the foot maintains it structural integrity with the help of the muscles, tendon and ligaments. The proper functioning of the arch depends on the proper functioning of all three of these elements. You actually want the arch to flatten out during walking or running so that the foot can act as a shock absorber. However at the end of the step you need the arch to re-lock and turn the foot back into a firm lever arm for push-off. Excess body weight, excessive running, walking or even standing can lead to stretching of the ligaments, tendons and muscles that keep the arch locked. This can eventually lead to complete flattening of the arch.

When the arch collapses the foot is unable to act as a firm lever arm to push-off and propel you forward during walking or running. As a result the muscles of the lower leg have to work much harder in order to propel you forward. This causes pain and fatigue of the lower leg, pain in the foot and pain on the front of the leg. In addition the plantar fascia on the bottom of the foot gets overly stretched and strained leading to the painful condition know as plantar fasciitis.

The foot and lower leg are not the only areas where fallen arches can cause problems. When the arch collapses the rest of the body has to compensate. As a result the other joints become unbalanced and do not function properly. For example, the proper functioning of the knee depends upon the body weight being evenly distributed over the entire joint. When the knee has to compensate for a flattened arch, the outside of the knee is forced to take more of the load than the inside. This overloads the cartilage on that side of the knee, causes pain on that side of the knee and increases the risk for developing arthritis. In addition the muscles, ligaments and tendons on the other side of the knee are stretched and strained which can cause pain and knee instability (for more information see knee pain). We could make similar analysis for the joints of the hip and low back but the point I am trying to make is that the biomechanics of the foot is important for the proper functioning of the rest of the body. Although the explanation of the problem can be somewhat complicated the solution to this problem is relatively simple. A properly designed arch support or custom foot orthotic will hold the correct shape of the arch. This in turn allows the foot to work as a firm lever arm. An arch support will align the joints of the ankle, which in turn balances out the knee, hip and low back. A simple arch support can solve a lot of problems without medications, surgery. Yet it is amazing how many people walk around everyday in pain when the solution is so simple. This simple solution is an arch support.

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If you have TMJ you would know that it can be a painful and disturbing condition. You would therefore naturally want to find a way to eliminate TMJ and tooth grinding. It may not however be as simple as going to the dentist. What is a good solution for your TMJ problem?

Grinding and TMJ

TMJ pain should not be your sole reason for eliminating the condition. Teeth grinding is one way to make your TMJ pain and discomfort worse. Frequent grinding can put a lot of pressure on your jaws and muscles. This is the main reason why you should eliminate TMJ and tooth grinding together. Aside from preventing TMJ pain, getting rid of your grinding habit can also protect you from getting worn or damaged teeth.

There are many causes of teeth grinding and the various methods of treatment depend on these various causes. Grinding may be caused by stress, a bad bite and bad teeth. Some people also unconsciously grind their teeth while they are asleep at night. You have to know and understand the unique cause of your grinding habit to be able to effectively eliminate TMJ and tooth grinding.

Doctors and Treatments

As mentioned, the particular cause or reason behind your TMJ problem may influence how you can eliminate TMJ and tooth grinding. The kind of treatment however will also depend on the kind of specialist that you approach. If you have an existing dental problem that is the cause of your teeth grinding then you may have to approach a dentist or an orthodontic expert. They may prescribe the following solutions:

- Your specialist may require you to wear a special night guard that can help eliminate TMJ and tooth grinding. Sometimes, the guard may have to be worn in the morning too. The use of a guard however should depend on your condition. Some patients have experienced worsening conditions due to guards

- If you have a bad bite then your specialist may require dental therapy or restoration. You may also be fitted with special devices such as bridges and crowns

Other Methods

Your specialist may prescribe another form of treatment to help eliminate TMJ and tooth grinding if the condition is not caused by dental problems. The following are some examples of possible treatments:

- Stress management techniques can help eliminate TMJ and tooth grinding in people who have a TMJ condition because of stress. Stress management however encompasses a variety of techniques and methods. The ones that you choose to adopt will depend on your comfort level. You can choose to practice yoga and meditation or you can opt to undergo group or one on one counseling. Other related techniques include progressive relaxation, NLP and biofeedback.

- Sometimes the best way to eliminate mild conditions of TMJ is to simply allow your jaws to rest and watch the habits that may aggravate TMJ. You could for example avoid eating hard foods.

- Depending on your TMJ condition, you may benefit from gentle jaw exercises and massage.

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Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis, and is also known as degenerative joint disease. It can occur in nearly any joint in the body and is associated with a breakdown of cartilage in the joints. Most commonly, Osteoarthritis occurs in the hips, knees, and spine which are known as main weight bearing joints.

This disease causes the joints to lose elasticity and become stiff which makes them more susceptible to damage. The cartilage may wear away or deteriorate over time, which causes the ligaments and tendons to stretch and cause pain. As the condition worsens, the bones may rub together. Nearly 21 million Americans are affected by Osteoarthritis and the chance of developing the disease increases with age.

Symptoms of Osteoarthritis include: joint aching and soreness, pain after overuse, bony enlargements of smaller joints such as fingers, and joint fluid and swelling. Heredity, obesity, and injuries are some of the factors that contribute to Osteoarthritis. There are several treatment options such as oral medications and hot and cold compresses. Worse cases may be treated by physical therapy to help strengthen the muscles.

Surgery is a last resort if no other method provides relief. Obesity is a common factor in Osteoarthritis and can commonly be controlled with an appropriate diet and exercise. There are alternative treatments such as supplements of glucosamine and chondroiton, bioelectric therapy, and acupuncture. Knee supports, canes, and crutches may also be used to take pressure off of certain joints. If you feel you are at risk for Osteoarthritis, you should contact your doctor for a diagnosis and to see which treatment method is best for you.

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The word 'arthritis' is means 'inflammation of joints'. Usually it is a chronic disease process. In various forms arthritis affects the people but most frequent it affects in the form of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is also known as degenerative joint disease and usually it affects the older age group people. Rheumatoid arthritis is little bit serious disease. It also affects muscles, tendons and other tissues of the body apart from the joints of the wrists, fingers, hips, knees and feet.

Though, symptoms of arthritis are different for different types of arthritis. But some of its common symptoms are pain and stiffness in the joints, anemia, colitis and deformed hands and feet. Usually after doing some exercise, the pain in the joints increases. In rheumatoid arthritis the whole body is affected gradually.

There are different causes of arthritis. Some of its common causes are hormonal imbalance, physical and emotional stress, heredity and structural changes in the articular cartilage in the joints.

Arthritis can be treated in different ways to get an effective result. Many people go on changing their treatment plan as it suits them. But to find the best treatment for arthritis is a long process. The best goals of the treatment of arthritis are -

1. To decrease the symptoms of arthritis.
2. Maintain the function of joint.
3. To preserve mobility and range of motion.
4. Prevent or minimize the damage and deformities in the joint.
5. Slow progression of the disease.

Different treatments of arthritis

1. Treatment of arthritis through medication: It is considered to be the traditional treatment for arthritis. Doctors prescribe one or two medicines depending upon the severity of arthritis.

2. Injections into a joint: Several types of injections are there which can be given locally into the joint. For specific, painful joint local steroid injections can be used.

3. Natural treatments: Now days most of the people are interested in natural treatments rather than going for traditional medications or joint injections. There are several options for natural treatment. They are known as alternative treatments. Though they are very popular but not fully endorsed for its safety and effectiveness.

4. Complementary medicines: This type of treatment for arthritis is also very popular. It includes regular exercises, yoga, eating nutritious diet, intake of fruits and green vegetables etc.

5. Surgical options: Some people are left with no option rather than opting surgical option. This is considered to be the last resort treatment option.

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TMJ is a common affliction in our society. Those who suffer from TMJ know that it causes severe jaw pain and headaches. Many health care professionals believe that TMJ is caused by stress, though research has not come up with any definitive answers regarding this. Even though the true reason for TMJ is unknown, several self-help techniques are available to sufferers.

1) Take It Easy

You must give your body a chance to unwind and settle in comfortably if you want to combat TMJ. Give yourself some sit-down time to rest and for the pain to dissipate before trying to move around again. Such a suggestion is a critical one, given that our lifestyles tend to be quite hectic.

We lead such busy lives that quite often we do a lot of damage to our own bodies because we do not have the time to let the damage heal. Being overly stressed for long periods of time certainly can cause temporomandibular joint disorder. This is why it is so important to be in a relaxed state of mind to alleviate the symptoms.

2) Mind Your Diet

TMJ sufferers can benefit greatly by adjustments in the foods they eat. Many TMJ self-help authorities recommend flax seeds for alleviating the discomforts caused by TMJ. According to these experts, flax seeds contain large volumes of Omega 3 fatty acids that help in reducing the inflammation.

3) Give Your Jaw a Workout

Physically exercising your jaw is another important TMJ home remedy that should be considered. Such targeted movements help properly align the jaws of sufferers. In the majority of TMJ cases, the jaw moves off to one side when the mouth is opened.

A method for putting things back into proper alignment is to open the mouth in front of a mirror. Your nose and chin should be aligned with each other when your mouth opens and closes. Now, open and close your mouth by properly aligning your jaw. Repeat this exercise at least ten times, three times every day. Not only will this add strength to the weakened jaw muscles, but it will also help to rebuild the muscles properly, while maintaining a perfect alignment.

4) Avoid Small Physically Stressful Activities

So there are things that you can do to relieve your TMJ discomfort. You should also watch out for, and eliminate, bad habits such as cradling the telephone between your shoulder and cheek, clenching your teeth, and reclining your head on your hand. Further, most of us do not maintain a proper posture when it comes to sitting while working at a desk. It is important that you use a chair that is capable of supporting your back, neck and shoulder.

5) Using pain killers

To ease the pain in your jaw, neck or shoulder, there are a wide variety of pain killers. Anti-inflammatory pain killers are available of course, in the form or aspirin and ibuprofen and they can greatly aid in relieving pain.

Try these 5 tips before wasting money and time on a dentist and see if your TMJ problem improves.

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Pain and fragility of the TMJ (Temporo-Mandibular Joint) is one of the most painful of disorders that human beings can experience. It can severely impact one's physical and mental functionality in everyday life. There are several treatments available for TMJ. If you have been diagnosed with TMJ, in all likelihood its better to take treatment immediately.

While doctors have their own methods to treat TMJ, they often only treat the functional unit of the problem. The root cause often remains untreated, which can still cause pain and prolong the duration of the problem. However, there are natural TMJ relief tips which can clear the root causes and prevent a recurrence of the disease.

Before attempting to relieve yourself from TMJ, it is important to note that TMJ is often related to stress - physical and mental. A healthy lifestyle can reduce stress at home and workplace. This can work wonders for not only TMJ, but also migraines, pain in the lower-back and reducing hypertension. These natural TMJ relief tips are aimed at a holistic coverage of all factors that lead to TMJ pain.

1. Following jaw exercises - There are plenty of exercises for aiding jaw alignment, mobility and pain relief. They are taught by physiotherapists and chiropractors. You can also find them over the internet.

2. Throat and Tongue - The throat and tongue muscles are connected with the jaw. Hence keeping them stress free is important for natural TMJ relief. Simple exercises at home can help accomplish this.

3. Breathing exercises - A regulated deep-breathing can supply more oxygen to muscles and aid them to function better. This reduces fatigue in the muscles after a long day of work.

4. Massage - Getting a head massage from a trained professional can work wonders for TMJ pain, relaxing the muscles and neutralizing pain nodes along the face, the jaw, throat.

5. Minimize incoming stress - By reducing the factors that ultimately lead to pain, you are likely to prevent it. This requires change in eating habits, work environment, para-functional habits and lifestyle changes.

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Chronic head, face, or neck pain that won't go away could indeed be TMJ. Although there are other causes of this type of pain, it may be associated with a TMJ disorder if the chronic pain exists along with a number of other symptoms associated with TMJ.

Other symptoms of TMJ include:

1. Facial pain that feels like extreme electrical or shock like attacks.

2. In contrast, you may also have facial pain in the jaw area and near the ear that is dull and throbbing in nature as well.

3. Facial pain that is associated with a burning sensation.

4. Facial pain that is located on one side of the face only, or is accompanied by swelling on one side of the face.

5. Facial pain in the jaw area that is present upon awakening; the cause of this pain is due to nighttime tooth grinding and jaw clenching, and may be related to TMJ.

6. Facial pain that does not respond to antibiotics; this is often one sign that the facial pain is not a result of infection, sinusitis, or other respiratory illness.

7. Tooth ache pains that are not associated with any cavity, infection, gum disease, or any diagnosis by a traditional dentist.

8. Facial pain, pain in the ears or below or in front of the ears for which a doctor has not been able to find a cause.

9. Facial muscles that feel stiff, tired, or painful after speaking a lot, upon awakening, during the day, or when yawning.

10. Head pain at the side of the temples.

11. Head pain accompanied by a blocked or stuffed sensation in the ears, or ringing ears.

12. Head or facial pain accompanied by a burning mouth sensation.

13. Neck problems associated with throat pain, difficult swallowing, or sore throat.

14. In some cases tongue pain may accompany face pain as well.

If you have any of the above symptoms along with chronic head, face, and/or neck pain, it is a good idea for you to consult with your doctor in order to find an effective treatment plan. Of course you will need to consult with a doctor before determining a specific diagnosis for your condition, but if it is a TMJ disorder there are many treatment options available to help you find relief from the pain.

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Do you remember your great aunt hunching over the morning paper with a big magnifying glass in her hand? What was it like when you helped both of your parents as they recovered from cataracts surgery? Do you wonder if you'll end up just like your older brother, always passing the menu to one of the kids because you never remember to bring your reading glasses into the restaurant? You might think that it's inevitable that you'll inherit the family's "bad eyes" too and your sight will only get worse as you get older.

That's not necessarily the case. While genetics does play a role in your susceptibility to certain eye diseases, the health of the eyes themselves is largely determined by the way you take care of them and by your approach to your overall health. The food you eat, the amount of exercise you get, and the level of stress that you experience all influence the quality of your eyesight.

There seems to be a broadly held perception that eye disease is unavoidable. Though people will work hard to control their weight and cholesterol, they tend to have a "what will be will be" attitude about their eyes. The majority believe that if there is any hope of saving their sight at all, surgery is the only option. There are numerous peer-reviewed studies that show clearly that these eye conditions can respond to proper diet, lifestyle adaptations, and nutritional supplementation, and that people can preserve their vision.

Below is an outline of how proper nutrition can help you prevent and treat three common eye conditions that have come to be associated with aging. Here's a basic summary of a vision healthy diet and lifestyle: Focus on eating vegetables (especially leafy greens), whole grains, eggs, and lean meats. Drink plenty of fresh, filtered water. Avoid excess alcohol, caffeine, sugar, dairy, and toxic fats. Get a regular dose of exercise (at least 20 minutes of aerobic activity four times per week) and find a positive outlet for stress through practices like yoga or meditation.

1) Glaucoma - What is it? It is known as the "silent thief" because most people do not know they have the disease until it has progressed significantly and vision is severely compromised. If left untreated, glaucoma can result in tunnel vision, and, in the worst case, leave you completely blind. Because of the insidious nature of this disease it is essential that you make your annual visit to the doctor for a complete eye exam; the tests for glaucoma are simple and painless.

Who gets it? About one in fifty Americans over age forty has glaucoma, and it is sure to become even more common population ages. Both Hispanic and African Americans are at high risk for developing the disease - between 17 and 20 times more likely than their white counterparts. Those who are obese or suffer from arthritis or high blood pressure are also likely candidates.

What to do about it? Eat a diet high in vitamin C (citrus fruits, red peppers and tomatoes); omega-3 fatty acids (flax seed oil and cold water fish like salmon, mackerel); and magnesium (nuts, seeds, vegetables, seafood and soy products). It can be helpful to take any of the above as well as ginkgo biloba in the form of nutritional supplements. Also, drink plenty of water, but, instead of flooding the system with a few huge glasses now and then, drink 4 ounces every half hour for a total of 16 small glasses daily. This allows for maximum hydration and tissue cleansing and saves the kidneys from working overtime.

2) Macular Degeneration - What is it? This one is the heavy hitter, causing more cases of irreversible blindness more than any other disease. Central vision - essential to nearly all aspects of life as you know it - is affected when certain cells in the retina's macula begin to break down. There is no cure at this time, but natural remedies can be instrumental in slowing this disease's progress.

Who gets it? Women, smokers (the risk is elevated by 200-300%), those with uncontrolled high blood pressure, and people with digestive issues who cannot properly absorb nutrients from their food are most susceptible to macular degeneration.

What to do about it? The antioxidant power of the cartenoids lutein and zeaxanthin is key to the prevention and even the improvement of this debilitating disease. Load up on your leafy greens, including spinach, kale and collards. Also helpful to those concerned about macular degeneration: the antioxidants in bilberry (also available in blueberries and huckleberries); taurine (eggs, fish, and meats); and zinc (meats, oysters, and whole grains).

3) Cataracts - What are they? Free radicals are the natural byproduct of metabolism. They cause a phenomenon called oxidation - a process you are more likely to call "aging." Arteries harden, joints get creaky, and the eyes begin to cloud with cataracts as these free radicals accumulate over time.

Who gets them? Smokers, people with food allergies (especially wheat, dairy, and soy), diabetes patients, and those who drink more than seven drinks per week all run a higher risk of developing cataracts. That said, all sorts of people develop them: cataract removal is the most common surgical procedure covered by Medicare with 600,000 cases per year.

What to do about them? Glutathione is a compound found in the body that is composed of several amino acids; boost your levels with eggs, broccoli, avocados, garlic, onions, and cauliflower. Vitamin C is helpful in this case too, so all the more reason to add citrus fruits, tomatoes, and red peppers to your grocery cart.

The years will tick by, and, some signs of aging will be inescapable, but you can exert some control over whether eye disease is part of your experience. It's in your power to age gracefully, just like that nice bottle of red wine you set in your grocery cart beside all of those nice, eye health promoting foods.

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I'm no expert, simply someone who suffered with an injury to my rotator cuff and took a keen interest in it as a result. Understanding the injury was the first step to recovery. Having gone through this painful condition myself and made a full recovery it seemed sensible to write down my experience for others.

The rotator cuff is a band of four muscles that help to move and stabilise the shoulder joint. The shoulder is a ball and socket joint but unlike the hip joint the socket is made up of cartilage rather than bone and the ball of the joint isn't enclosed as it is in the hip joint but sits in a shallow socket, being held in place by the group of muscles that make up the rotator cuff.

This allows the shoulder to go through the wide range of movement that we enjoy but also leaves us open to one of the most common shoulder injuries which is rotator cuff syndrome.

Rotator Cuff Syndrome can effect any of these four muscles, either through general wear and tear as we get older or through a specific injury. In my case it was down to lifting badly and tearing one of the muscles. Because of the damage the tendons of the muscle can become inflamed. As these muscles run under and over the bones of the shoulder this inflammation can cause pain. This is known as shoulder impingement.

Always get a shoulder injury checked out by a doctor as it is important to rule out other problems before arriving at the diagnosis of rotator cuff syndrome.

The injury can take several months to repair and in some cases surgery is recommended to try to repair the damage, usually followed by physiotherapy. Steroid injections and treatment with anti inflammatory drugs can also help. In my case the steroids alleviated the symptoms short term but within about six weeks the pain had returned and I was offered surgery. It was whilst waiting for that surgery that I started to research the subject and discovered that physiotherapy is used in most shoulder injuries as part of the fix. So after a bit more research I started some shoulder specific exercises aimed at strengthening the rotator cuff, which in turn strengthen the whole shoulder joint.

I started with very small shoulder movements, being careful to avoid any pain as this was a sign of possible injury. As the weeks went on I was able to increase the exercises in terms of difficulty and time. After a couple of months I ended up pain free, with full movement and a shoulder that felt as good as new. I have since postponed the surgery to see how my shoulder holds up but three months on I am confident that the surgery will be cancelled.

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Is your dog trying to tell you something is wrong?

Do you recognize the signs of pain and illness in your dog? Like people, dogs suffer from many diseases and ailments that become increasingly painful such as Osteoarthritis, Hip Dysplasia, and Joint Trauma.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease resulting in progressive deterioration of the articular cartilage. It can be the result of trauma, infection, immune-mediated diseases, or from developmental malformations. Recognition of the disease can be lameness, swelling of the joints, and wasting away of the muscles.

Types of treatments used include medical, surgical procedures, diet and weight reduction to reduce strain, exercise on soft surfaces, and warm compresses to relieve joint pain.

Hip Dysplasia is the abnormal development of the thigh or hip joint. It is most common in large dogs and is characterized by joint laxity or joint looseness and can result in degenerative joint disease. It may be recognized by mild to severe lameness and is usually more noticeable after exercise.

Types of treatments used include medical and surgical procedures, diet or reduction of weight, limited exercise on soft surfaces, physical therapy to strengthen muscles.

Joint Trauma can result in ruptured cranial cruciate ligaments, conformational defects (more common in straight-legged dogs), and joint fractures including the shoulder, elbow, hip, and stifle. The joint often becomes inflamed and quite painful.

Types of treatment include pain reducing medications, surgery, weight reduction through diet, and controlled physical therapy.

Do you know what treatments are best for your dog? There are many differing opinions on treatments for dogs just as there are for humans. Whether you prefer to rely on standard medical advice or on holistic advice, be certain to consult with a reputable Veterinarian. If you prefer the holistic approach then consult with a holistic Veterinarian. Look for one who has first become a Veterinarian and then pursued the holistic aspects of medicine.

What can you do to help ease your dog's pain? Comfortable bedding, warm compresses, and moderate exercise will help. You can also make it easier for your dog to eat with adjustable elevated dog feeders that will ease any neck, shoulder, or back pain by allowing you to adjust the height of the bowls up or down reducing the degree of bending over to dine.

Adjustable raised dog feeders are also helpful to aged dogs experiencing neck and joint pain from years of use. It will adjust up as your puppy grows taller, aid with digestion, assist even small dogs who are ill or have an inhibited sense of balance.

No matter what breed of dog you have or are considering for your family, be certain you understand how to care for them properly, how to recognize if something is wrong, and where to find the best help when in need. Your local library can provide a wealth of information about specific breeds and illnesses, as well as information on caring for and training your dog.

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TMJ may be caused by stress and unreleased nervous energy. Grinding your teeth, which may also be a stress induced behavior, also puts you at increased risk for a TMJ disorder. TMJ disorders are more common in women than men. Over ten million people in the United States suffer from TMJ related disorders.

There are several different treatments for TMJ disorders. Stress management is an essential part of treatment and it involves learning techniques for relaxing and reducing stress. Here are three different exercises that can help TMJ sufferers with their pain. Please remember to check with your doctor or dentist before implementing any new jaw exercises or stretches to your daily routine.

Deep Breathing

One way to reduce your stress level is through deep breathing. It is one of the best ways to lower stress in the body. Reduced stress levels can help alleviate TMJ pain. One simple exercise involves a short ten minute breathing session. This exercise can be done from a sitting position or you may lie on your back. Close your eyes. Place one hand on your stomach and one hand over your chest. Breathe in and out through your nose. Watch your hands as you breathe in and out. The hand over your belly should rise and fall with every breath. Breathing with your belly indicates that you are breathing deeply. Continue this exercise for ten minutes or until your breath is regulated and you feel relaxed.

Jaw Stretches

You may not realize it, but during times of stress or anxiety, your jaw is likely tensed and clenched. It is essential to perform jaw stretches and exercises to relax your tension and also to strengthen the jaw.

In terms of stretches, slowly open your mouth wide like you are yawning and then slowly close it. Then stretch the jaw side to side. Without using your hands, move your jaw to the left as far as possible. Then make a fist with your right hand and slightly nudge your jaw as far left as it comfortably goes. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Repeat up to four times. Then switch to the right side. This will help to loosen the muscles and alleviate TMJ muscle pain. You can do these stretching exercises anywhere and at any time.

Jaw Exercises

A simple jaw exercise involves resistance training. Place your thumb underneath the bottom of your chin. Try opening your mouth slowly as you while providing light pressure with your thumb. Your jaw should be pushing against your thumb. Hold your mouth open for about five seconds while maintaining the light pressure with your thumb. Then slowly close your mouth. Repeat this exercise up to ten times to strengthen your jaw. This exercise can be done anywhere and at any time.

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TMJ is a disorder of Temporo mandibular joint or the place around the joint of the jaws. This region is very sensitive and gets destabilized by the slightest pressure or tension. This problem can cause severe pain or discomfort and hamper natural activities and can even make talking naturally a difficult task. This can lead to embarrassment and make one's social life dysfunctional. Not to mention the severe pain often associated with it.

Though there are no proven ways to completely and permanently stop TMJ, you can choose from among many procedures to considerably lessen the pain and discomforts. Some of these procedures involve crowns and caps fitted on your teeth while others involve natural procedures like exercises. Which procedure you choose to stop TMJ will depend on what the cause of your problem is.

The most important cause of this condition is usually stress. If that is the case then you should use some kind of stress relieving treatment. You can also try aversive conditioning, have someone wake you up every time you grind teeth. Massed negative practices can also be effective, try alternate clenching and relaxing of teeth, for 5 minutes each.

Your doctor can opt for treatments like putting guards on your teeth. Also useful are some medicines like botulinal toxin injections or you may be referred to a psychiatrist or a counselor.

Avoid or lessen the intake of alcohol, tea and coffee and any food containing chocolate. If you really want to go for natural solutions you might want to try TMJ exercises. These exercises can be very effective in producing a long lasting cure.

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Are you one of the approximately 10 million Americans with TMJ? Do you need to see a TMJ specialist? If you don't know, ask yourself the following questions:

1. Do you feel pain in your upper and/or lower jaw?
2. Do you get headaches frequently and often accompanied by facial pain?
3. Do you have ringing in your ears?
4. Do you hear a clicking or popping sound when you open or close your mouth?

If you answered yes to any of these, then you may well have a problem.

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint dysfunction, and it's a condition where the hinge joint that connects your skull with your jaw becomes irritated, painful, dislodged, or locked. These symptoms are typical of TMJ dysfunction, and if you suspect you may be suffering from this disorder, you need to find a TMJ specialist as soon as possible to get yourself treated.

Here are some things you can do to find effective treatment:

1. Keep a record of all your symptoms and issues so that you'll have information to discuss with your healthcare providers. Note when and where the pain occurs, what brings it on, and what makes it feel better. At the same time, try to learn more about the condition, its causes, its symptoms, and its treatment. The Internet is a great place to find a lot of information in articles and posts. You may even want to check message boards for other TMJ patients' comments to see what they've experienced and how your case is similar to or different from theirs.

2. Take the information you found, along with your symptom log, to your primary care doctor, who can examine you and make a preliminary diagnosis. As most primary care physicians are not TMJ specialists, your doctor will, if the situation warrants it, send you to someone who is. That someone will most likely be your dentist, and she can help directly in finding the reason behind the symptoms you're experiencing. She will give you a thorough mouth and jaw exam and review your history of symptoms. She may also use diagnostic tests, such as X-rays and CT (computerized tomography) scans to examine both the teeth and the soft tissue around them. If she determines the cause of your problems is TMJ, one of the first things she may try is to fashion an oral appliance to prevent teeth grinding and clenching. If that is not helpful, she may refer you to an orthodontist or other specialist, such as a maxillofacial surgeon to help. Sometimes it is necessary to treat a jaw imbalance through surgery, but usually this is considered only as a last resort. Make sure you understand why your dentist is referring you to someone else.

3. Now that you've seen your dentist and gotten an official diagnosis of TMJ, go get a second opinion, and a third, and maybe even a fourth. This is crucial! Not every person is the same, and not all people have the same type and severity of TMJ. You want to find a TMJ specialist who will treat YOU correctly, and you can only do this by asking others their opinion of what you have learned. And if you feel uneasy about a treatment option she offers, be sure to ask why she's recommending it for you; don't blindly accept a treatment without understanding all the implications of what that treatment means.

4. Once you and your specialist have settled on a potential treatment, pause for a moment and ask your health insurance company if they will cover it. Not all insurance companies cover TMJ treatment, so it's always a good idea to check ahead. If they will not cover it, find out how much the treatment would cost you, and decide if that is an acceptable amount. Don't let yourself get pressured into an untenable situation just because the specialist wants to do it.

5. It's also important, as you go through the process of dealing with your TMJ issues, to find support. It's always much better to have someone who knows what you're going through; that way you can talk over all the points and compare notes on opinions and procedures. There are TMJ support groups around, and you should consider reaching out to one. Not only will you make new friends and maybe get a lead on a good doctor, but you'll also get good advice and suggestions on how other patients with TMJ are coping.

The burden falls on you to decide which, if any of the proffered options, is right for treating your TMJ. Be proactive. Seek out a TMJ specialist that has your best interest in mind, as well as the best program possible. It is your body, after all. Take good care of it.

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If you suffer from back or joint pain, taking supplements may be preferable to drugs. Supplements that are naturally found in the body are less likely to have side effects like brain fog or sleepiness. They're also easier on your kidneys which have to process those drugs. Generally natural supplements are less expensive than drugs and, of course, available without a doctor's prescription.

There are several natural substances you can use to ease back and joint pain:


If you want relatively quick relief to muscle and joint pain, magnesium is the first supplement to try. Magnesium is necessary for numerous body functions. It is used to maintain normal muscle and nerve function, regulate heart rhythm, and support the immune system. Magnesium also regulates blood sugar levels and blood pressure. For many people, a normal diet may not be enough for optimum magnesium levels so it's wise to take a supplement. Also, medications such as diuretics and antibiotics may result in magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium is used in analgesics before surgery to help the patient's muscles relax. Take it right before going to bed, and it will help you have a good night's sleep. In the morning you'll awake with relaxed muscles. The only negative to magnesium is diarrhea can occur if you take more than the recommended dosage. This is a temporary effect, however, and will cease when you reduce the dosage. Magnesium is available in tablets, liquid, or powder. It is basically tasteless, so if you're averse to pills, the liquid or power can be mixed into smoothies or tea.

Glucosamine Chondroitin

Like magnesium, glucosamine is found naturally in healthy cartilage. Early medical trials show it may be helpful in treating osteoarthritis, especially in the knee. It also shows promise for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Often glucosamine is combined with chondroitin which, again, is also found in healthy cartilage. They work synergistically to rebuild cartilage. It is common to find glucosamine chondroitin combined with MSM or calcium. Taking it will not provide quick pain relief, but it will aid in rebuilding joint tissue over time. As far as side effects, there are rare reports of abdominal pain, loss of appetite or nausea.

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)

MSM is odorless and tasteless. It is related to DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide), an alternative treatment for arthritis. Like chondroitin, it is often combined with glucosamine. MSM is naturally found in cow's milk, meat, seafood, fruits, and vegetables. While there is no dietary requirement for MSM, it is available in capsules, tablets, creams and lotions. Clinical trials have indicated that MSM is effective for osteoarthritis, but many people suffering from rrheumatoid arthritis have claimed it was helpful.

Hyaluronic Acid (HA)

Hyaluronic acid is found throughout the body as a component of connective tissue. Its main function is to cushion and lubricate. HA helps to support healthy skin, eyesight and joint function. Joints deficient of HA don't move well and become stiff. Those taking the supplement report relatively quick relief to joint pain; however, it's main benefit will be felt over time as it aids strengthening of connective and joint tissue.

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TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint, which is the joint in the temple area where the lower jaw pivots against the skull. TMJ syndrome (also called TMD, for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) is a collection of symptoms all resulting from a defect in the way the jaw joint works.

Because there are some large nerves running through the temple area, across the face and head, and down the neck to the shoulders, pain can be felt in any of these areas, all from stress in the way your jaw joint operates.

Reasons why you might develop TMJ

· A blow to the head, which knocks the joint out of position.

· An inherited flaw in the structure or positioning of the jaws.

· Many years of teeth grinding, or gum-chewing. This can generate stress in the whole joint area and can wear down the cartilage pad, which buffers the jawbones; it's supposed to protect the upper and lower jawbones from rubbing directly against each other. When it's worn, or out of position, and the bones rub on each other, pain is generated.

· Misaligned teeth, which cause the lower jaw to meet the upper jaw in a tense position. This is called dental malocclusion, or a misaligned bite.

Common symptoms

You may be suffering from TMJ if you have:

· Severe headaches

· Earaches

· Ringing in the ears

· Worn teeth

· A clicking noise when opening or closing your jaw

· The jaw getting locked or stuck

· Swelling around the jaw joint

· Tenderness or pain around the jaw joint

· Pain in your neck or shoulders

· Tingling in the fingers

· Dizziness

These symptoms can emerge in different combinations for different people. They are not all located exactly in the jaw. Why not? That's because large nerves run from the spinal column to the head area, with many branches extending into the face, neck and shoulders. When swelling and inflammation compresses any of these nerve branches, pain is felt at that location. The swelling and inflammation originates with the jaw joint and its muscles, and can spread, affecting different nerve branches in different people.

The role of neuromuscular dentistry

A neuromuscular dentist is one trained in treating not just gums and teeth, but also the jaw joint and its components: muscles, nerves, ligaments and blood vessels. Dr. Joseph Henry is a neuromuscular dentist in Los Angeles. Often, by the time people arrive at his office for help with their painful symptoms, they have visited a series of doctors in a fruitless search for pain relief.

"Too many people think their TMJ symptoms are incurable, but that's not true," says Dr. Henry. "It's possible to eliminate all TMJ symptoms with the technology now used by neuromuscular dentists. When the symptoms have a dental cause, it's a dentist who can successfully treat them and relieve the pain."

TMJ treatment

Treatment begins with neuromuscular testing. The root of the problem is misalignment in the jaw joint - a misaligned bite. So your jaw movements and positions will be tested, recorded, and measured. If the jaw is closing such that the lower teeth are colliding with parts of the upper teeth, this too will be examined. The neuromuscular dentist will focus on the relationship between jaw movement and teeth position to discover what is preventing your jaw from being relaxed.

Once the dentist finds your natural relaxed jaw position, further treatment is then planned. It will be different for each person. It might involve a special tray to be worn for a few months, to teach your jaw muscles some new movements. It might require some repositioning of teeth, or reshaping.

You don't have to live with those painful symptoms. Modern dentistry is a far cry from what our grandparents knew. Dental technology these days has made dental procedures much faster and easier, it has created more ways to treat dental problems, and made everything increasingly pain-free.

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