Eucalyptus oil comes from the Eucalyptus tree, which grows naturally in Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia and parts of the Philippines. With more than 700 species of Eucalyptus, many types are cultivated all over the world. Eucalyptus oil is steam distilled from the leaves of the tree, and is used in numerous types of products for many different purposes. It has a mint-like quality that makes it popular for candy, throat drops, toothpaste, and some cough medicines, especially those for pain relief. In addition to that, it has insect-repellent properties that make it a great natural option for outdoor use.


There are many, many different benefits of this oil. It works to help heal infections, including respiratory tract infections, staphylococcus, and streptococcus. It's very helpful for asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis and whooping cough. It also helps settle upset stomachs, helps reduce and prevent acne, treats fungal infections, stimulates the appetite, and is great for the liver, gallbladder, and to stimulate blood flow. One of the most important Eucalyptus oil benefits is pain relief, especially for individuals who suffer from arthritis, osteoarthritis, and joint pain.


One of the most important things found in Eucalyptus Oil is Cineole. This substance is antimicrobial, and works to kill (and guard against) bacteria like Candida, Staph, and Strep. Cineole may be what is responsible for helping Eucalyptus oil break up chest congestion and heal respiratory illnesses. The species Eucalyptus Polybractea (Blue Mallee Eucalyptus) is found only in Australia, and boasts the highest content of Cineole of any Eucalyptus species. The Eucalyptus oil from this species is particularly good with pain relief as well as soothing the symptoms of joint pain and arthritis.

Combining with Other Oils

Eucalyptus oil is often mixed with other types of oil to combine the medicinal qualities. When this happens, substances in Eucalyptus oil react with those other oils to boost pain-relieving qualities as well as joint stiffness, other arthritis symptoms, cold symptoms, and infections. It's most beneficial when mixed with Tea Tree oil, mint oils such as Spearmint or Peppermint and Vanilla. It's sometimes mixed with lemon for cough and cold solutions and for skin application, it can be mixed with Olive oil or another "carrier" oil to deliver the Eucalyptus oil to the underlying tissue.

When it comes to pain relief, arthritis relief and cough and cold relief, Eucalyptus oil benefits are many. The best thing about it is that it can be used as a natural treatment for those who don't want to rely on a prescription or harsh chemicals that may do more damage than good.

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Tibetan Goji berries have been around for many years. They have become known for having the most nutrients, of any fruit in the world. With their abundance of antioxidants, the health benefits of Goji berries seem endless. From preventing heart disease and diabetes, to improving your skin, Goji berries also help provide relief to arthritis sufferers.

Arthritis is one of most painful and debilitating diseases. Though, more common in the elderly, arthritis strikes people of all ages, including children. Arthritis is when your joints become inflamed, causing a lot of pain and discomfort. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis also known as degenerative joint disease. In osteoarthritis, the cartilage that serves as a cushion between the joints of the bones wears away causing bone against bone. Swelling usually occurs and this can be very painful. Osteoarthritis is usually due to aging, but can be caused by an injury, being overweight, and stressing the joints.

Studies have shown that antioxidants can help in the fight against the free radicals, responsible for the inflammation in arthritis. The free radical, superoxide anion, is the inflammation factor in arthritis, and our body produces the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) to help neutralize this free radical. In some cases of arthritis, the production of superoxide anion is greater than what the body can handle, and is unable to produce enough of the SOD enzyme to protect against the inflammation of the joints.

Foods with high levels of antioxidants are key to fighting free radicals, and eating Goji berries, known for the high levels of antioxidants, help produce the anti-inflammatory enzyme SOD therefore, reducing the inflammation and pain. SOD also plays major role in protecting the body against other diseases. This is most powerful natural free radical fighting antioxidant the body has.

Eating a natural healthy diet is beneficial to everybody. Including Goji berries in your daily diet will help your body maintain its natural defense against free radicals.

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If you suffer from Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, known as TMJ, you're no stranger to severe headaches and jaw pain. The condition remains a mystery to many doctors and dentists, and stress seems to be a primary factor in development of TMJ. While we don't know what exactly causes TMJ, there are many TMJ home remedies that can help.

The most important thing you can do to alleviate the discomfort of TMJ-related jaw pain is to go easy on yourself. Be kind to yourself, and find time to relax. Mediation and visualization techniques can be enormously helpful, not only with your TMJ discomfort, but with all aspects of your life.

Some foods are excellent TMJ home remedies as well. Try a little flax seed on your morning cereal. Some sufferers have relieve their TMJ pain entirely by this method. Flax seed probably works because it is high in Omega 3 fatty acids, which are known to reduce inflammation. Other foods that are high in Omega 3 fatty acids are salmon and english walnuts.

Physical therapy exercises are TMJ home remedies that you can do yourself. These exercises are designed to re-align your jaw. TMJ sufferers will find that when they open their mouths, the jaw moves to one side. Stand in front of a mirror and open your mouth. Notice the alignment of your jaw as you open, and focus on keeping your chin aligned with your nose. It may help to place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Continue opening and closing your mouth ten times, being careful to align your jaw properly. Repeat this exercise three to four times a day and you will begin to feel relief as you rebuild the weak muscles.

Through these behaviors, foods and exercises, you will soon be relieved of your TMJ pain.

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Canine hip dysplasia in dogs is a very common degenerative disease, having said that it does not always affect all dogs. However there can also be many misconceptions regarding this disease, some that are known and some that are not.

A young dog who has an abnormal development of the hip joint will suffer eventually from hip dysplasia, this does not necessarily mean that it will be bilateral, affect both the left and right side. It happens because of the laxity of the muscles, connective tissue and ligaments that would normally support the joint.

The majority of dysplastic dogs are born with normal hips, although in some due to genetic and other factors, the tissues surrounding the joint can develop abnormally as the puppy starts to grow. The changes that this causes are that the bones actually move instead of being held in place.

This will cause the joint capsule and ligament between the two bones to stretch; this adds further instability to the joint. Once this happens the surface of the two bones will lose contact with each other. The separation of these two bones within the joint is known as subluxation, the results of these problems, are what are associated with this disease.

A lot of dogs who suffer from this disease are primarily the large and giant breeds, although it can be found in medium sized breeds and very rarely in the smaller breeds. The breeds who have a higher incidence of hip dysplasia are, Golden Retrievers, Labrador, German shepherd, Saint Bernards, Great Danes and Rottweilers.

Treatment for hip dysplasia can vary between several surgical procedures, although this also depends on the age and severity of joint degeneration. A lot also depends on the dog's age and health before any surgery.

Triple Pelvic Osteotomy; (TPO) is normally a procedure that is used for young dogs under 10 months of age, these will have had radiographs which shows severe hip laxity, at this young age they will not have developed damage to the joints. This is major surgery and expensive but is very successful.

A total replacement of the hip is often advised for a dog that has degenerative joint disease due to chronic hip dysplasia. This type of surgery involves removing the existing joint and replacing it with prosthesis. The dog must be skeletally mature and weighing at least 20 pounds, there is no maximum size limit, if both hips have to be replaced then usually a three month rest period is advised between the surgeries.

Medically hip dysplasia and osteoarthritis has been improved over the years with the introduction of new supplements and drugs. Hip dysplasia is primarily an inherited disease therefore no products on the market can prevent the development. If you start by giving your dog a proper diet, exercise, supplements and pain relief, this may help to decrease the progression of the joint disease.

Weight management and exercise for your dog from an early age can help to prevent many diseases, although sometimes as mentioned hip dysplasia can be genetic. Those of you who are thinking of acquiring a puppy can always ask the breeder about hip dysplasia of the chosen breed.

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Lower back pain is most commonly from spinal nerve root L5 irritation followed by the S1 nerve root. Both nerve roots are strongly represented in the buttock muscle (gluteus maximus: predominant S1) and the inner thigh muscle (adductor magnus: the lower part L5, S1), hamstring muscles (L5 and S1), gluteus medius (predominant L5) and tensor fascia lata (predominant L5).
There are two parts tto the long hamstring muscles, the outer part (has one lateral muscle) and the inner part has (two medial) muscles. There is also another muscle known as the short hamstring muscle. The long hamstring muscles arise from the pelvic bone area known as the ischial tuberosity (this bone is under the buttock muscle and we place pressure on this bone when we sit). Thus the long hamstring muscles come from above the hip. They end (insert) on the leg bones. The short hamstring muscle arises from below the hip from the thigh bone. The long hamstring muscles receive their nerve supply through the sciatic nerve whereas the short hamstring muscle is supplied by the common peroneal nerve.

Whenever a muscle is tight, you must always consider the balance in strength between the muscles on opposite sides of the joint. In the case with the hamstrings, they act from behind to straighten the hip joint (extend) and bend the knee joint (flex). So the strength of the muscles in the front of the hip that bend the hip and thigh up (flex) and the muscles in the front of the knee that will straighten the knee (extend) are important to balance the action of the hamstrings.
Therefore, if the muscles that straighten the hip joint (extensors) are weak, the muscles that bend the hip and thigh upward (flexors) will be automatically stronger. This itself will make the hip extensors (gluteus maximus, adductor magnus) weaker since they will now be stretched beyond their optimal length.

Hamstring muscles do have an effect on straightening the hip, provided the knee is straight. However, when we are sitting down, the hamstring muscles do not have much effect on straightening the hip (extension). The action of the hamstrings will therefore be most prominent for bending the knee. The sitting position with knees bent thus puts the hamstring muscles to become short and tight behind the knee.

The sitting position also puts the rectus femoris and tensor fascia lata muscle at the front of the knee to be stretched across the knee. Since these muscles straighten the knee, they will be stretched beyond optimal length when the knee is in a bent position such as in sitting. This stretch effect is made worse since both these muscles are already shortened when the person sits since these two muscles are responsible for bending the hip also.

The setting for the tightness of the hamstrings at the knee thus stems from weakness of the lower back muscles and the muscles that surround the hip from behind (gluteus maximus, adductor magnus) and from the outer aspect (gluteus medius and tensor fascia lata).

Therefore tightness of the hamstring muscles cannot be accomplished just by stretching the hamstring muscles. Shortening contractions have to be performed to muscles constantly exposed to lengthening contractions. These include perform shortening contractions to the spinal muscles from neck to the base of the spine. At the hip, shortening contractions have to be performed to the gluteus maximus and adductor magnus muscles which have nerve related muscle weakness in the presence of constant exposure to lengthening contractions.

Shortening contractions have to be performed also for the tensor fascia lata and the rectus femoris muscles. Since these muscles have to be selectively activated, the treatment of choice is motor point stimulation using eToims Twitch Relief method.
© 2007 copyright hamstrings

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Temporomandibular joint disorder is better known as TMJ syndrome. Many people suffer from this affliction that can cause serious pain. This can actually turn into a chronic condition and many people will be treated each year for it.

Inflammation takes place in the temporomandibular joint, that's located between the mandible and the skull; in fact it actually connects the two. Signs that you may be suffering from TMJ are pain in your ear, headaches, hearing loss, and even locking of the jaw.

There are many more symptoms that may lead a dentist to believe you are suffering from TMJ. They are pain behind the eyes, feelings of numbness in arms and fingers, pain in your neck, back, or shoulders, and even dizziness.

As you can tell TMJ doesn't just affect your teeth but your whole body. That's why so many people are suffering and seeking out help as soon as they can.

So what are some ways that you get TMJ? Some people will not even realize it but they are moving their jaws everyday in a same way, its called bruxing. Trauma, maybe a car accident or something like that. Excessive chewing of gum or even biting your nails can cause TMJ. Also the teeth maybe misaligned, which will affect the way your mouth closes, and perhaps lead to grinding and TMJ.

Dentist can treat TMJ though and help to relieve that pain. You may get fitted for a guard that will help to reduce the bruxing you may be doing. These will most likely need to be worn at all times of the day, but especially when sleeping. The dentist can also help to fix the misalignment of the teeth that may have caused TMJ in the first place. A very hard problem to deal with, but getting help is only a call away.

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Degenerative osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease is the most common form of arthritis. Here we have accumulated osteoarthritis statistics compiled by various health agencies to help provide a better understanding of how disabling the condition can become and of the importance of early intervention through the use of nutritional supplementation, weight maintenance and regular exercise.

According to the osteoarthritis statistics compiled by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 46 million Americans report being told that they have degenerative osteoarthritis or other conditions affecting the health of the joints. Nearly 19 million adults are disabled because of degenerative osteoarthritis and more than half of all people over the age of 55 have it to some degree. Many think of it as an inevitable part of aging.

Degenerative osteoarthritis is the most common cause of disability in the United States. The American Arthritis foundation reports that 21 million Americans suffer from degenerative osteoarthritis. Higher figures compiled by the CDC include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, gout, fibromyalgia and other joint disorders.

In addition to osteoarthritis statistics, other figures are relevant. 15.4 million American adults are unable or find it very difficult to walk a quarter of a mile. This number is fairly close to the number of people who are disabled by degenerative osteoarthritis.

At one time, it was common for people to reduce their physical activity because of pain in the weight bearing joints (knees and hips), but most health care professionals now recommend that regular physical activity can reduce stiffness and pain. Avoiding high impact sports that put additional stress on the joints is still recommended.

64.7 million American adults are obese, according to figures compiled by the US Department of Health and Human Services. That's nearly one-third of the total population. Another 72 million are overweight. Being overweight or obese increases the risk of many chronic diseases, including degenerative osteoarthritis. Experts maintain that even a modest weight loss can reduce the pain and improve mobility, particularly in the knees and hips.

Researchers have compiled estimates concerning future rheumatoid and osteoarthritis statistics. The number of American adults who suffer from the all forms of degenerative osteoarthritis and other chronic conditions involving the joints is expected to increase to 67 million by the year 2030, because adults are living longer and the number of people in older age groups is growing.

Other osteoarthritis statistics concern cost of treatment, which is approximately $128 billion per year. This figure too may increase, if Americans do not begin to follow recommendations from the CDC and other health agencies. Lose weight, eat right and get regular exercise. In addition, increased intake of omega 3 fatty acids may prevent or reduce the degradation of the cartilage cushions found in degenerative osteoarthritis.

Research has shown that omega 3 fatty acids are natural anti-inflammatories and appear to block the processes that lead to thinning cartilage. If the research is correct, then maybe the osteoarthritis statistics will not increase after all. It may be possible that developing age-related degenerative osteoarthritis is not inevitable after all.

According to the University of Maryland's Medical website:

"Based on laboratory studies....many researchers suggest that diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids (and low in omega-6 fatty acids) may benefit people with other inflammatory disorders, including OA [Osteoarthritis]. In fact, several laboratory studies of cartilage-containing cells have found that omega-3 fatty acids decrease inflammation and reduce the activity of enzymes that break down cartilage. Patients also showed increased improvement when fish oil supplements were used...."

The website goes on to state:

"....New Zealand green lipped mussel ( Perna canaliculus ), another potential source of omega-3 fatty acids, has been shown to reduce joint stiffness and pain, increase grip strength, and enhance walking pace in a small group of people with osteoarthritis."

So if you suffer from degenerative osteoarthritis, you may want to start including a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids like fish oil and New Zealand green lipped mussel.

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Degenerative Disc Disease, or DDD, is highly correlated with age factor. As we mature and grow older the tough and rubbery discs between our vertebrae dry up and lose their cushioning height. To illustrate, I would compare a spinal disc to Homer Simpsons favorite sofa cushion (the sofa cushion in front of the TV). As years passed by, Homers weight would shatter the sofa ultimately and wear out the fabric. While the outcome for Homer was perpetual butt-relief, the result of Degenerative Disc Disease for the typical 3-D person sadly, is anything but comfort.

Luckily Degenerative Disc Disease sounds a lot worse than it actually is. It is the degenerative that really affects my well being. Well, disease is not an encouraging word either. But the truth is, everyone gets DDD as they age, and usually it is not painful. It is an inherent stage of getting older. However, it is when the spinal disc shrinks to the point of vertebrae hitting bone on bone, that nerves are affected and back pain begins. For the two commonly known DDD back pain, these are classified as Cervical (neck) and Lumbar (lower back).

Both types of degeneration yield further back problems such as herniated discs, arthritis or sciatica (pain in the legs) or spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal chord). It is amazing how a small problem in the spine can cause joint and bone inflammation in the fingers and toes. Has anyone ever compared the peripheral nervous system to the Internet? Like the Internet, the nervous system is all over: It conveys body-wide messages, but watch out, it can also instigate body-wide aches.

Spinal Decompression To The Rescue!

Spinal Decompression helps treat all types of DDD because the lifting of the vertebrae allows for the spinal disc to repair itself. Then pressure is taken off the nerves. Especially in cases of spinal stenosis or sciatica, where surgery is invasive and therefore risky, Spinal Decompression is a conservative, yet affective method of treatment.

With the option of Spinal Decompression, I feel at ease. But my pressing concern given all the information available, is there a doable way which can ensure a healthy condition for my spinal discs?

Unfortunately, this time eating right and exercising regularly just wont cut it. The root of DDD back pain comes from a loss of collagen (protein) and water in the spinal discs. The shortfall of fluid occurs when the number of Proteoglycan Molecules in the discs decreases. So, when Drs. Mark Ewin and Robert Inman from the University of Toronto, Toronto Western Hospital discovered in 2006 that the Notochord Cell (which releases CTGF, which is a connective tissue) regulates production of Proteoglycan, they were upbeat that their research results would serve as a groundwork for future regeneration of disc cartilage for patients suffering from DDD back pain. One impediment: the only Notochord cells found in humans are in their embryos, and for now this study is steering clear of stem cells!

But thank goodness there is at least progressive research going on that might one day help preserve the spines discs. Good thing for Spinal Decompression in the meantime though! I feel somewhat relieved that no one is alone for having a fear of back pain. So: research studies are underway, the spinal decompression machine is pulling: Some efforts are underway geared towards addressing our back problems.

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Understand the causes of thumb joint pain and discover the proper methods to attend to the injury. The opposing thumb is a valuable asset that should not be taken for granted. The thumb sets human beings apart from most of other species on earth. It enables us to grab things and manipulate tools. Therefore, we should pay due attention to any recurring pain on our thumbs and other fingers. Do not neglect the problem and let it deteriorate till you lose your grip.

Thumb join pain can be categorised into three types; pain as a result of strain or injury, arthritis and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. An injured thumb shows black and blue discoloration. You may feel pain when you move your thumb side to side. Another common cause for thumb and other fingers pain is prolonged usage of smartphones or tablets. Apply ice wrapped in a towel or submerge the thumb in cold water to ease the pain and swell. Rest the thumb so that to speed up the healing. If the pain is persistent and excruciating, go to see a doctor to seek medical treatment.

Arthritis is a common cause of thumb joint pain due to old age or calcium deficiency which leads to the weakening of the bones. The thumb joint under stress is called carpometacarpal joint or basal joint. Basal joint arthritis is also known as osteoarthritis. The cartilage that protects and cushions the thumb joint is worn out, thus causing pain during movement of the hand. Consult a doctor to get a suitable splint that supports the thumb and to better control its movement. The doctor may prescribe medication or cortisone injection to control and reduce joint inflammation. Corrective surgery may be suggested as a solution to reduce the nagging thumb joint pain.

Thumb Joint Pain Due To Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a severe problem to the thumb joint pain. It is brought on by nerve damage. Most people with this syndrome use their hands in repetitive motions which compress the nerves in the wrists which are situated between the carpal bones and the transverse ligament. The pain may originate from the wrist and slowly work it way up the thumb. The symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome include; numbness in your forearm and hand, increase numbness which cause heighten pain when you use your hand and stiffness in your finger when you wake up in the morning. It can be treated with therapy and protective splint or surgery can be carried out to repair the ligament.

Early detection of the cause of the painful fingers is crucial and seeking help from a doctor is critical to nib the problem in the butt. Although you need to rest the painful hand to help with its healing, prolonged inactivity can aggravate the pain because lack of movement may cause the swollen joint to turn stiff. Try to keep your thumb active even you are experiencing thumb joint pain.

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Rib pain can have many possible causes, and therefore it's sometimes difficult to get an accurate diagnosis quickly. First, let's take a look at some of the obvious ones: rib pain causes from injuries.

Fractured (Broken) or Cracked Ribs - These are usually pretty easy to diagnose because the pain is severe and sharp. Many people say a fractured rib produces some of the worst pain there is. When you have a fractured or broken rib, you usually know how you got it: perhaps a blow to the body during athletic competition, an auto accident, or a fall. Painful breathing is a typical symptom. The injured area is likely to be extremely sensitive, and any movement involving the arms or torso will cause discomfort.

Cartilage Injury - Cartilage is the soft material connecting your breastbone to your ribs. It allows your ribcage to be flexible and somewhat shock-absorbent. When this cartilage is damaged, it will feel like a rib injury. Cartilage damage in your chest will cause pain when you're breathing, laughing or coughing.

Soft Tissue Damage - Soft tissues like muscles, tendons and ligaments are spread around the rib cage. These can be injured or damaged by a sharp blow, or even by trying to lift or push something that's too heavy. The result is rib pain which may make breathing or moving uncomfortable.

Bone and Joint Conditions

Joint inflammation - When joints near the ribs become inflamed, the pain can feel like it's happening in your ribcage. Joint inflammation becomes fairly common in middle age and beyond due to the two following conditions.

Osteoarthritis - Cartilage connecting the ribs to the breastbone and backbone wears out with age. The resulting inflammation causes pain.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - When you have this disease, your body's immune system attacks itself. When this happens in joints and connections around the ribs, it causes pain in the ribs.

Rib Pain Caused by Lung Conditions and Diseases

There are a number of diseases related to the lungs that cause ribcage pain. These include:

Pleurisy - The lining between the lungs and the ribcage is known as the pleura. When it becomes infected, the inflammation causes pain in the ribs. When you have a bad case of pleurisy, just breathing in and out can be very uncomfortable.

Pneumonia - Rib pain is typical when you have pneumonia. Coughing, laughing, breathing, sneezing can all be painful.

Tuberculosis - Painful ribs is one of the many symptoms of tuberculosis, along with coughing, fever and fatigue.

Ribcage Pain and Lung Diseases

Several types of cancer can cause pain in the ribs or ribcage area. The most common of these include lung cancer and multiple myeloma.

Rib pain is a symptom in approximately 80 percent of multiple myeloma cases. Many lung cancer patients also experience various kinds of rib pain, sometimes including the area of the upper back.

Rib pain is often a symptom in several lung diseases related smoking or extended exposure to pollutants. Mesothelioma and asbestosis lead the list in this category.

Asbestosis is a non-cancerous buildup of scar tissue located in the lower half of the lungs. It results from long term exposure to asbestos.

Mesothelioma is also often caused by prolonged asbestos exposure, which damages the pleural lining of the lungs and sometimes the pericardial lining of the heart.

Various Other Causes of Rib Pain

The following causes for pain in the ribs fit into the "miscellaneous" category:

Gallbladder problems like gallstones or a gallbladder attack

Nerve issues (especially caused by damage to the spinal column)

Shingles, which often starts with acute pain in the ribcage area of the torso before erupting into an extremely uncomfortable rash

Abuse of steroids

Stress and anxiety that causes deep breathing that sometimes over extends or strains the muscles around the ribcage.

Chest pain from angina is also a possibility. Angina is a classic symptom of heart disease.

Final Thought

Obviously, there are dozens of diseases, disorders and conditions that can cause rib pain. While some are very minor and resolve on their own with time, some can be very serious. If your rib pain lasts for more than a few days, or seems to be growing in severity, it would be a good idea to discuss your symptoms with your doctor.

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