Bad teeth don't just make you look awkward-they may seriously ruin your whole life! Bad teeth smell bad, look pathetic, and become loose, infected and eventually fall out, leaving you-yes, you guessed it-toothless. In addition, bad teeth can cost you days of agonizing pain that pulsates from the sick teeth with a force that feels like your head is going to explode.

Your cheeks might also become swollen, your gums might bleed...OK, you get the point: bad teeth are no fun and should be fixed.

But if you're still not persuaded to make an appointment with your dentist, continue reading to learn about three ways bad teeth can ruin your life.

Let's talk about your social life...

Chances are, the discussion about your social life will be very short because you simply do not have one. As soon as you open your mouth to talk or make a friendly smile, people instinctively start to move away from you. While this might be a good thing on those days when you would like to be left alone, it can ruin your social life in the long run. Perhaps you should take the time to balance out the pros and cons of seeing one of your local cosmetic dentists, as this might lead to a revelation that you are long overdue for an appointment.

How about your professional life?

Bad teeth affect your whole life, not just your social interactions. Perhaps you've noticed that you're consistently being overlooked for a promotion, or that you're always assigned projects that don't require any team leading or public speaking whatsoever. Maybe these are coincidences. But all the people who do get promoted seem to have perfectly even pearly whites that make their smiles look almost irresistible. Even if you won't do it for simple aesthetic reasons, perhaps the prospect of being professionally recognized might make you get a simple teeth whitening treatment or even cover the Invisalign braces cost.

The bottom line: Your health

If you're still on the fence about seeing a dentist, how about doing it for the sake of your health? Wouldn't you like to get rid of recurring teeth and gum infections, fix bleeding gums, strengthen your teeth, stop clenching and grinding in your sleep? All of these uncomfortable symptoms might be signs of a disease that can be treated without the dreaded dental drill but with a simple orthodontic device. A case in point is temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). This condition can cause years of discomfort and pain in the jaw-neck region. However, a custom TMJ treatment, such as a nighttime teeth device, can help you get rid of your symptoms and get on with your life.

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Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis among many types of arthritis. This is a degenerative joint disease which usually occurs in the weight bearing joints such as spine, hip, knee, and hands. It results from structural changes in the cartilage of the joints which is the padding or natural shock observer of the joint.

The major symptoms are pain in joints especially after their continuous usage, swelling, warmth, stiffness and deformation. The whole body may or may not be affected by osteoarthritis

Remedies: The symptoms can be relieved or decreased with the help of some medication and exercises or some natural home remedies.

1) Rest: - Rest is advised when there is acute inflammation
2) Dietary considerations: - Patients should avoid foods which are acidic. Fruits & vegetables are recommended.
3) Heat and Cold therapy:- Applying hot packs for 15-20 min. can reduce pain, and stiffness.
Putting cold packs is also helpful in reducing pain and swelling.
4) Sea bathing or salt baths:- The iodine present in the salt helps to regain and regenerate worn out tissues.
5) Exercise:- A little and proper exercise benefits the treatment of osteoarthritis. For this always consult a physical therapist. Exercises can be chosen to increase flexibility, giving strength to muscles as well as bones. Yoga and aerobics have also proved to be helpful in reducing inflammation.
6) Omega 3 fat: - Intake of nuts such as walnuts provides omega 3 fats to the body which helpful in correcting the wear & tear.
7) Oil massage: - Warm oil should be used to massage the stiff and painful joints. It improves the blood circulation and reduces inflammation and stiffness.
8) Foods: - Inclusion of food items such as sesame seeds, garlic, bananas, green gram, herbal tea of alfalfa, eggplants etc. are helpful.
9) Calcium: - Intake of calcium in form of easily absorbed calcium lactate gives beneficial results .

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Joints are a major body part that aids in mobility of a horse and owners need to constantly keep checking for joint related problems. Degenerative diseases and arthritis can hamper the abilities of even the best of performance horses. Of course mobility will also vary from one breed to another but no matter what breed of animal of you have, supplements are vital in order to maintain flexibility. Horse joint supplements can help keep your beloved animals healthy and performing at their optimum.

Various joint supplements work in different ways to keep equine joints healthy. The most popular supplements in this regard are Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate, Sodium Hyaluronate Acid, Methylsulfonylmethane or MSM, Shark Cartilage, Perna Mussel, Boswellia, Bromelain and Devils Claw. Some horse joint supplements also come as a variation of these ingredients or as a combination of various basic supplements. Each of these supplements, work in a unique way to take care of an underlying mobility issue or joint related deficiency.

Glucosamine, for instance, keeps the joints lubricated and stimulates glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) that help in formation of joint tissue and cartilage. Natural production of glucosamine in the body may be inhibited because of the constant pressure of riding discipline or even with age. When the natural glucosamine production is halted, the cartilage can no longer act as the shock absorber that it is supposed to act like for a joint and this lack causes pain and stiffness in joints. If this persists for long, the horses may suffer from various deformity and they lose their ability of smooth and flexible motion.

Other horse joint supplements work in a similar fashion to take care of joint ailments. Chondroitin Sulfate actually improves the functionality of Glucosamine while also taking care of bone healing and bone and cartilage nutrition. Hyaluronic acid itself is the simplest GAG (glycosaminoglycan) found in connective tissue. Proper nutrient delivery is impossible without this component. MSM is a form of organic sulphur and an important supplement for horses that go through intense training programs. MSM supports joint lubrications and aids in improvement of all kind of body tissue.

Cartilage extracts like shark and perna mussel also contain GAGs and they both carry glucosamine which aids in joint lubrication and proper nutrition of cartilage. Horses may sometimes need only pain supplements like Boswellia, Bromelain and Devils Claw because while these have no other major impact on horse joint, they do improve shock absorption and improve the viscosity of joint fluid. In addition to these common supplements, horse joint supplements come as a combination of one of two ingredients as an easy joint liquid or joint suppleness powder.

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Back pain afflicts ninety percent of Americans at some point. The vast majority of back pain, 90%, will resolve within six to twelve weeks regardless of the treatment. What about the other ten percent?

If the back pain is being generated from facet arthritis, also called facet syndrome, the back pain can become chronic and be extremely disabling to patients.. It can wax and wane or remain present like a pebble in a person's shoe. The main issue with arthritis is there is no treatment available which can reverse it. One can only hope to try and contain it with pain relief options that alleviate the symptoms, such as facet injections.

Facet joints allow for spinal movement and connect the bones of the spine, called vertebrae. The lumbar portion of the spine contains 5 vertebrae and is located in the low back.

Each is roughly the size of a thumbnail. Lumbar facet joints are named for the spinal vertebrae they connect and the side they are found on the spine. The right L4-5 joint, for example, joins the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae on the right side.

In the vast majority of cases, pain coming from the facet joint causes back pain and does not radiate into the legs.. Pain emanating from the lumbar facet joints results from injury to either the cartilage inside the joint or to the ligaments surrounding the facet joints.. This can result from degenerative arthritis or post traumatic injury. Pain emanating from an injured joint may range from simple muscle tension to more severe disabling pain. Depending on which of the facet joints is affected, back pain may radiate down to the one's buttocks from the affected joint.

Common tests like x-rays or MRI's may not show if a joint is the cause of your pain.

One of the treatment options for low back pain from facet arthritis is injections, also known as facet blocks. Pain doctors perform the blocks commonly for back pain from facet syndrome. Facet blocks can give pain relief for weeks to months, and are performed as an outpatient procedure..

Facet injections are done with appropriate numbing medication. The blocks can be both therapeutic and diagnostic for neck or back pain. A facet joint injection can denote whether the joints are the source of pain and can help alleviate the pain and inflammation.

Fluoroscopy, a real time x-ray, is typically utilized to ensure accurate needle placement into the facet joint and usually dye in then place to make sure the needle is in the appropriate joint.

Once the needle is appropriately placed, the doctor will inject numbing medicine typically along with a corticosteroid. The numbing medicine wears off within a day, and then the steroid medication begins to work in a few days. The pain may be alleviated for days, weeks, or even months, or it may not work at all. Depending on the location of pain, one or more injections may be administered. Pain relief that occurs after the injection highly suggests that the facet joint (s) injected were the cause of the pain.

Pain relief occurs in three to ten days as the steroid medication reduces inflammation. As many as three injections per year may be given per facet joint.

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Millions of women in America, and all over the world, as much as 5 to 10% of the female population, suffer endometriosis and hip joint pain can be one of the symptoms. So it is important to be aware of endometriosis signs and symptoms and the various treatment options that can help alleviate endometriosis hip joint pain.

While some women may have endometriosis and feel no different than their peers, most women with endometriosis suffer progressively worsening pain in line with their monthly periods.
The common symptoms of endometriosis are pelvic tenderness, heightened pre-menstrual syndrome, constipation, diarrhea, dysmenorrhea (pain before and during periods), painful urination, and pain during sexual intercourse, chronic fatigue and cramping among many others.
Hip pain or pain that radiates from the buttock and down the leg are common in women where endometriosis has effected the sciatic nerve. Also, endometriosis in the groin area can feel like hip pain.

On occasion endometrial adhesions can restrict the hip ligaments, causing pain and limping. Hip joint pain that worsens in a cyclical fashion in line with the menstrual cycle will usually be caused by endometriosis.

Endometriosis is characterized when endometrium cells, similar to the tissue that lines the womb or uterus, attaches itself to other organs found in the abdomen and around the hip joint. The reason behind this is still not entirely understood.

At first, it was hypothesized that endometriosis occurs due to a condition called retrograde menstruation, where menstrual blood flows backwards into the pelvic cavity instead of out of the body. This has largely been discounted however, as it has been found that most women experience retrograde menstruation without necessarily developing endometriosis.

More recent research has shown that the condition may possibly be an immune response towards the spreading of endometrial cells. Some studies have also discovered genetic links with regards to endometriosis. However all studies have been inconclusive regarding the actual cause of the disease. Further research is still being conducted to find its etiology.

Because the extent of endometriosis varies very widely among its sufferers, treatment options are also varied. The effectiveness and safety of these treatments should be subject to careful evaluation as a lot of them have side effects that you should be aware of.

Some sufferers may be given medical treatment, however these can cause premature menopause or can stop ovulation. Some women may just opt to relieve the hip and pelvic pain caused by endometriosis using pain killers either taking over-the-counter drugs or stronger prescription pain medicine.

Conservative surgery is also an option. This type of treatment aims to surgically destroy or remove endometriosis and return the effected organ systems to their original state as much as possible.

This is done in hope of relieving the hip joint paint associated with the condition as well as the infertility that can result from it. Most surgeries, especially those in the U.S., are done using a laparoscope, making the procedure minimally invasive.

Alternative treatments have also shown a lot of promise and anecdotally have been successful for a number of women. Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments like acupuncture and Chinese herbal treatments can provide relief. Also, acupressure and aromatherapy can be used to alleviate symptoms. Even you diet can make a big difference to your symptoms.

Keep reading to sign up to our free Endometriosis newsletter where you can discover more about the natural ways of treating endometriosis symptoms.

Endometriosis hip joint pain is not a laughing matter. If you experience some of the symptoms that you've learned about here, it's best to consult with your gynecologist to address the matter immediately. It is also wise to go to your doctor periodically to keep your reproductive health in check.

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Hip replacement surgery is no fun, especially the fifth time around. Let me explain. At first my husband had his right hip replaced. After surgery, he went to rehab for a couple of weeks and when he came home he was fairly self-sufficient. A year later he had the left hip replaced. Having been through surgery just a year prior he knew what to do to speed up his recovery. We were happy to have the surgeries behind us and glad we did them. My husband could walk without the terrible pain in his hips. We of course thought this was the end of hip surgeries.

Approximately 8 years later my husband called me from work because he had terrible chills and wanted me to bring him a sweater. By the time I got to him he was not making much sense so I took him directly to the emergency room of our local hospital. After several hours it was determined he had a serious staph infection ( not MRSA fortunately) in his left hip. The doctors still don't know what caused it. He needed to have the left prostheses removed and be on antibiotics for 6 weeks. This surgery left him without a hip joint and he was unable to move his left leg. Also, being 8 years older than when he had his first surgery, he was not quite as strong as he was back then. He could not get around as well by himself as the first time around. We needed additional gadgets to help with every day tasks.

Getting in and out of the car was an ordeal because he had to twist and bend to get onto the seat. At first we put a plastic bag on the seat to make it more slippery but it kept crumbling up and falling on the floor. I finally discovered a seat that swivels and a handy bar gadget to put in the car door frame to hold on to as an aid in getting into the car (both inexpensive). Getting in and out of the car became easier and less painful.

After three months we scheduled surgery to get a new hip joint. Unfortunately the infection came back, and he had to have surgery again to wash out the infection and wait four more months for surgery without a hip joint.

Finally he had surgery, but had to wear a brace for 3 months which again limited his mobility. During that time I embarked on a search for inexpensive products to help improve his mobility and give me a break. I also found some entertaining things to do to maintain our sanity during nine months of constant togetherness. Today, he is walking with the use of a walker and the brace will be removed next month. Meanwhile, the arthritis in my hands is causing me some issues, so I think I need to find some nifty little gadgets to help me out!

If you have found yourself in a situation whereby you need a little bit of help with mobility challenges, please visit my website where you will find unique, inexpensive gadgets to help get in and out of the car, help in the bedroom and bathroom and some fun things to do.

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Frequent working out, carrying heavy load and the early signs of aging are the common risk factors of arthritis. Overstretching, bending and straining the joints may have an impact on the bone structure of the body. As joints become inflamed, pain is felt usually in the hips, fingers, spine and knees.

Workers engaged in jobs involving physical strain like construction workers, assembly personnel, plumbers, carpenters, etc. are candidates for arthritis. When joints are overused without breaks in between strenuous activities, most likely the joints become injured. Because of this, you may be complaining of backaches, painful hips or stiffness in your fingers. Cases may vary whether these experiences are temporary or caused by fatigue. When they occur most of the time, it may be a sign of something serious. Probably, you have arthritis.

Arthritis is generally used to describe an inflamed joint. It has several types such as rheumatoid arthritis, gouty arthritis and infectious arthritis. The most common is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is popularly referred to as a degenerative joint disease or "wear-and-tear" arthritis affecting the cartilage of a joint. It may also be associated to complex active disease process accompanying the degeneration of joint use. Normally, the cartilage has a smooth layer covering but due to physical strain it wears away or degenerates, thus affecting the cartilage surface.

Defining osteoarthritis, we can say that it is a chronic joint disease which occurs when the joints begin to degenerate causing bone pains, decreased mobility and function. If you come from a family of arthritic people, you can inherit the disease when you age. Aging individuals usually have more brittle cartilage and repairing itself is gradual leading to the possibility of developing arthritis. Obesity is also a risk factor and joint damage may be partly attributed to the heavy body load that the joints support. Heavier patients have a tendency to have arthritis. Previous accidents or injuries can impact the joints and cause rough joint surface, particularly if you have suffered from a fracture.

If you are employed in highly demanding jobs like heavy construction or jobs requiring physical strength, you are assured of having early signs of osteoarthritis. These are a part of the hazards of the job. Although joining sport games is good for the health, when overdone, has detrimental effects to the body. Injuries that you may acquire from playing any sport can lead to arthritis. Joint infection, like septic joint, cases of gout and other medical conditions may somehow be associated to arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is present among older individuals; but it remains a mystery why others in their 40s or 50s remain healthy without any joint problems. One thing is for sure it is an inevitable part of the aging process, especially in women with more brittle bones, degenerated joints and decreased activities.

Since there are several types of arthritis, it is better to consult doctors to determine if what type you have so it can be remedied at once to reduce the possible pain that may be experienced.

Self-help books on osteoarthritis would suggest having a regimen of regular walking or simple exercises to lessen the joint pains and improve joint function. Having a good diet with fruits and vegetables would always be helpful. Using topical ointments may have temporary remedy on painful joints. Losing weight is another way of lessening the weight impact on the joints. If you have a good weight, you can move freely and enjoy more the activities that you do.

With right diet, exercise and an active lifestyle, you can also seek the help of supplements against osteoarthritis. The most complete bone and joint formula on the market today is Phosoplex. It helps reduce joint pains and stiffness with 100% natural and safe ingredients. If you would like to know more about how Phosoplex will help you, you can visit for details.

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Just like human beings, animals such as horses also encounter disorders of their bones and one of the very prevalent problems is joint disease. In this situation, the fluid in the joints that stops the two bones from having a contact is not present any more. As a result the two bones slide past each other, making friction and this friction is what makes arthritis extremely distressing. Another term for horse joint disease is degenerative joint disease (DJD) and you will see whether a horse has a high possibility of acquiring this joint problem by simply evaluating its conformation or body structure. Horses which may have conformational troubles are at greater risk of acquiring horse arthritis. This is mainly because that their weight isn't correctly allocated in their body so some joints experience more pressure when compared to others.

Age is also a factor when it comes to horse arthritis because as with humans, this disease is common in older people. As a horse ages, its metabolic activity and other biological processes change, leading to the slow production and repair of cells. When this happens, the bones and cartilages start to degenerate, making them prone to skeletal problems. During an older age, horses will probably be experiencing problems in mobility because of the swollen joint parts.

To assist you see whether the horse has skeletal disorders such as arthritis, look at its legs frequently specifically right after a task. Regular examinations are necessary in order to detect and treat the problem as early as possible. Monitor regardless of whether your own horse is applying an excessive amount of energy for its actions as this could mean that it's going through discomfort. You can suspect that your horse has arthritis but be sure to confirm it with a veterinarian as the difficulty of movement may be a symptom of another disease that is different from horse arthritis.

If your veterinarian confirms that your horse has arthritis, be sure to start the medication as soon as possible. Ask for the best medicine that will alleviate the pain and reduce the inflammation of the joints. You can also look for health supplements that can increase your horse's production of joint fluid to decrease the friction between the bones in the joint. Also, be sure to give your horse the right foods so that he will be supplied with all the necessary nutrients to help it cope with its disease. It's also wise to steer clear of supplying your horse hard job as this will simply create the illness even worse.

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Diabetes is an overwhelming disease. You'd think it only affects your major organs such as your heart, kidneys and eyes. But it damages the integrity of other parts of your poor body particularly your muscles, bones and joints. Over time, damage to your skeletal and muscle system and their surrounding connective tissues such as ligaments and tendons cause frailty, deformities and disability.

Nerve damage as a consequence of diabetic neuropathy with concomitant arterial disease and obesity contribute to the increased risk of different bone, muscle and joint disorders.

Here are some muscle, joint and bone complications of diabetes.

1. Charcot (shahr-KO) Joint
Have you felt a tingling sensation in your foot? There's even a total loss of sensation. The joint weakens because the nerve supplying it is damaged due to high levels of blood sugar. Charcot joint affects the feet most of the time. The joint becomes swollen, unstable and deformed.

This easily progresses into deformity and instability. When this happens, you'll need to have your joints supported using braces. Worse, it will limit your mobility and you'll need a cane or a walker to move about. However, when this is detected early, you don't need to end up disabled. To prevent this from happening, you should limit weight bearing activities and use orthotic devices such as braces to support the affected joint and its surrounding structures. Lose excess weight if you're heavy. Most importantly, be vigilant in controlling your blood glucose levels.

2. Cheiroarthropathy
Another diabetic complication affects the skin and the muscles of the hand termed diabetic hand syndrome or cheiroarthropathy. You'll experience the skin on your hands gradually thicken and look waxy. Then your fingers would contract and movement would be limited. You may feel that you can't extend your fingers and press your palms together flat.

Anti-inflammatory medications can help. Physical therapy such as stretching exercises can slow the progression of this complication. It is not clear what causes this diabetic complication. Since this is all too common among people with a long standing history of diabetes with uncontrolled blood sugar, it is imperative to control your blood glucose levels.

3. Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis results in bone weakness. The bones turn brittle and they easily fracture. Surprisingly, this bone disease is seen more among type 1 diabetics. Early symptoms are mild as to be discernible and over time the disorder results into a stooped posture when the spinal column is affected plus frequent bone fractures and loss of height.

Exercise is very important to prevent osteoporosis including a well balance diet rich in calcium and vitamin D. Soak up the sun for your vitamin D requirements. When the sun is shy you can get Vitamin D from supplements. Calcium can be taken as a supplement too. However, cardiovascular diseases are increased with calcium supplements. You can source out calcium from vegetables and low fat dairy.

4. Osteoarthritis
You might be surprised that osteoarthritis is a complication of diabetes too. The joint cartilage wears out and the joint is exposed to each other's bony surfaces. Then, you'll have swollen joints, pain and inflammation, stiffness and limitation of movement. It can affect any joint in the body. It was discovered that type 2 diabetics have a higher risk of osteoarthritis. But health experts say it can be traced more to obesity rather than the diabetes itself. Type 2 diabetes is associated with obesity. Obesity overloads the joints and damages its cartilages.

Prevent this condition by losing those excess pounds. Anti-inflammatory drugs, resting the affected joint, massage and acupuncture can help ease the pain.

5. Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis or DISH
This complication affects the tendons and ligaments, supporting structures of the skeletal and muscle systems. It is also called Forestier disease. The tendons and ligaments harden. Consequently, pain, stiffness and limitation of movement occur. The ligaments and tendons of the spine are commonly affected and will results into back or neck stiffness. This occurs among type 2 diabetics. It is thought that insulin or insulin-like growth factors of diabetics promote abnormal bone growth.
Pain relievers can ease the pain. If the stiffness is severe, surgery is needed to excise the excess bone that has grown.

5. Dupuytren Contracture
Are your fingers bent toward the palm? It looks like a claw. This happens when connective tissue in the palm of the hands and fingers thickens then scars. As it scars it contracts and pulls the fingers into a claw like position. Consequently, you won't be able to extend your fingers.

Treatment involves corticosteroid injections to reduce the inflammation. Surgery will cut off the contractures and is done when your fingers can't grasp objects.

6. Frozen Shoulder
Are your shoulder limited by pain and motion? You can't raise your hand above you head and if you do so, there's pain! Thankfully, it affects only one shoulder. The cause is usually unknown. But you're more at risk if you're diabetic.

If seen earlier, aggressive physical therapy can restore mobility plus pain and anti-inflammatory medications. If this doesn't work surgery will be done to cut off the ligaments to improve motion.

Muscle, skeletal and connecting tissues that surround the bones such as ligament and tendons are complications of diabetes. They may seem mild as compared with heart, eye and kidney complications but it results to weakness, frailty and disability; and lose your independence. It is always advised that once you're diagnosed with diabetes watch your blood glucose levels like a hawk. Manage your levels well through compliance with your oral or insulin medications, exercise, losing excess pounds and adapting healthy eating habits. Blood glucose testing helps you to manage your levels. Have your A1C test every 2 to 3 to know your average blood glucose level and see if diabetic management is working.

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Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) is a condition in which your bite becomes misaligned, causing many serious and often painful health problems. You will see the acronyms TMJ and TMD often used interchangeably, but they will also be used to distinguish the joint (TMJ) from the actual disorder of the joint (TMD).

One of the most painful and debilitating symptoms of TMD is migraine headache. Many physicians, even neurologists, have not received the dental training required to diagnose TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) problems and how they relate to your migraines. Neuromuscular dentistry is the branch of dentistry that helps people correct the jaw problems that have caused them pain for years, possibly even decades.

TMD causes migraines because the trigeminal nerve is one of the most powerful and complex nerves in the human body. This nerve is completely responsible for the temporomandibular joint and tooth functions and accounts for over 40% of the brain's processing. The trigeminal nerve has three branches, all affecting various parts of the face, head, shoulders and arms. The pain and muscle tightness associated with TMD can even affect your hands and fingers.

Pain related to TMD may be sharp and searing or dull and constant. Pain is typically over the joint immediately in front of the ear but can radiate elsewhere and cause spasms in the muscles attached to the bones of the skull, face and jaws. Some of the most notable symptoms of TMD are:

· Limited jaw movement

· Locking, clicking, and popping of the jaw

· Tingling or numbness in the fingers

· Difficulty swallowing

· Insomnia

· Headaches

· Stiff or tight jaw muscles

· Ear problems, including ringing and pressure

· Neck, shoulder, and back pain

Many times, patients see doctors for severe headache and are given medications to treat the pain of the headache; however, there is often no treatment provided for what is actually causing the headaches. Neuromuscular dentistry is the specialized area of dentistry that treats the cause, not just the symptoms, of the painful headaches associated with a misaligned jaw.

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